1. Matter for Consideration and Policy Context

1.1 To consider amendments to the 2003/04 Transportation Capital Programme as a result of recent changes.

2. recommendations

2.1 It is recommended that the amendments listed in Items 3.6 (a) – (c) be approved within the Capital Programme.

3. Background

3.1  The current 2003/04 Capital Programme was approved following the recommendations of 10 July 2003 TAG meeting. This is shown as Appendix A.

3.2  It is proposed to update members as to the progress of this programme in detail at 16 October 2003 TAG. However there have been some significant changes in certain scheme costs and additional funding such that members’ direction is needed to approve schemes against outstanding budgetary allocation. For new schemes to be completed within this current financial year, it is necessary to bring this matter as a point of urgency to this Group.

3.3  The areas of significant change are:

a)  Following successful bids to the Government, additional Supplementary Credit Approval (SCA) for:

Creekmoor Park and Ride - £331,000

Turlin Moor Footbridge - £175,000

announced earlier this month.

The £331,000 relates to expenditure undertaken last year. While technically under the rules of the single Capital Pot this can now be used by the Authority in any area of expenditure, it is proposed that this funding be retained within Transportation Services Capital Programme to facilitate some of the aspirations of the new Administration.

b)  Reduced scope of works for Creekmoor Park and Ride. Out of the original budget allocation of £535,000 for P & R + £50,000 for associated Town Centre bus stops, only £88,298 ( including £50,000 for Creekmoor Traffic Calming ) is now likely to be required to carry out the necessary works this year.

A detailed report on Park and Ride will be brought to the 16 October 2003 TAG.

c)  £105,000 for staff within Transportation Services to undertake the Client management of the Capital Programme not included within the original staff fee level. This role was identified within the recent review undertaken by the former Dorset County Surveyor Guy Spencer.

3.4  With the SCA of £175,000 having been provided by the Government, it is proposed to undertake the replacement of the Turlin Moor footbridge as a matter of urgency. It is proposed that the option of a slightly wider bridge (2.1m as opposed to the original 1.8m) on the existing foundations be adopted, with bollards at the appropriate spacing to prevent vehicular use.

3.5  The latest position on the Capital Programme is shown as Appendix B.

The net result is that changes can now be undertaken within the original approved Capital Programme to a value of £550,000. In bringing forward new schemes consideration has to be given as to the realistic chance of these being delivered within the appropriate timescale, i.e. by 31 March 2004, with the staff resources that are available.

3.6  Additional to the original programme it is proposed that the following major schemes now be introduced :

a) Carriageway Surfacing Programme - £180,000

Proposed thin wearing course carriageway surfacing programme achieving significant ride quality and noise reduction benefits.

b)  Safety Scheme – Improvements to Existing Signs and Lines - £180,000

Bulk renewal to signs and lines to enhance safety for road users. Programme to cover areas such as principal roads, stop/give way markings, school markings etc which are life expired.

c) Car Parks Equipment Replacement / Improvement - £190,000

(i)  Provision of note readers at main pay on foot machines in multi-storey car parks. This is in response to growing criticism of the current machines only accepting coins, which with charges of up to £7.30 per day is difficult to sustain in terms of service to the public.

(ii)  Essential lift repairs to Dolphin Shopping Centre MSCP. Works are required as a matter of priority to ensure lifts continue to be operated in a safe and reliable manner


Head of Transportation Services

Appendix A – Capital Programme approved at 10 July 2003 TAG

Appendix B – Current Capital Programme at September 2003

Background Papers Nil

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact

Steve Tite (01202) 262020

16 September 2003

Urgency Item