PCHS PTSA Board Membership meeting minutes for May 24, 2016

Attendees-Tricia Cernach, Grace Seidita, Beth Graff, Michelle Lombana, Barbara Kelly, Jennifer Simis, Teresa Morris, Karen Bisi, Sarah Martin, Alice McDaniel, Gail Gaetani, Michelle Gonzalez, and Kate Rees

Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by Karen Bisi at 7:11 PM

Approval of Meeting Minutes of March 14th, 2015: Motion for approval of March 14th, 2016 PTSA Board Meeting Minutes was made by Gail Gaetani. Barbara Kelly seconded the motion. The motion was passed unamiously.

Treasurer Report- Jennifer Simis

See attached report for budget. Budget is not finalized and there are a few checks still coming and going.

Staff Appreciation- Teresa Morris

Staff was served a hot lunch indoors catered by Carraba’s. Room was decorated with flowers that the teachers seemed to enjoy. There is still some money left in the budget.

VP Services- Michelle Lombana

No report

VP Communications- Gail Gaetani

Continuing to work on newsletter. Dr. Camille Hedrick needs to still look at it.

Membership- Barbara Kelly

Position still open for next year. Recommending we raise the minimum membership fee and we reduce the number of categorizes.

Audit Committee- Alice McDaniel

The audit will begin in July. We are looking for new people with younger kids.

Senior Activities- Sarah Martin

Senior Picnic will be after the awards assembly. Tijuana Flats will be catering it with parents bringing the drinks. We still need more donations of watermelons for a game that the seniors will play. Dr. Hedrick would like pop up tents on that day to help with the heat. Will create a Sign Up Genius to get parents to donate tents for the day. 149 graduation signs were sold for $10 each. We purchased them for $4.15 a piece for a profit of $585. We have $1300 remaining in the senior budget.

Business Rewards- Beth Graff

Received checks from Target totaling $1130.23 and $2,000. Target will end their donation program on May 14th. We will earn close to $10,000 this year.

Teacher Grants- Karen Bisi

We have $700 designated for teachers’ grants. Applications for grants include:

1.  Teachers in the PLT group request covering the pay for substitute teachers for a total of $546.

2.  Request by Laurie Williams to pay for glue sticks for $100.

3.  Request by Carley Renzo for a weighted vest for $100.

4.  Request by Lindsay Tiller, Suzanne Mehta, Steve Burham, and Joyce Contreras for access to a teaching website called Learnerator.com for $100.

5.  Request by Jennifer Travis for an ipod tripod, itunes credit, and some costumes for $100.

6.  Request by Vicki Sanderlin for glaze for art for $92.96

Motion was made by Sarah Martin with pending approval of Dr. Hedrick and receiving reimbursable receipts that grants #2-6 be approved if received by June 10th to PTSA treasurer. Motion was seconded by Karen Bisi and passed unamiously

New Business- Karen Bisi

The school is looking for some volunteers to meet in the gymnasium at 3:00pm on Friday to help decorate for the awards ceremony.

New Business- Sarah Martin

The state of N.C. PTSA is considering trying a pilot program for online membership at PCHS. We could still use paper membership forms yet the online process would cut down on work with us sending information to the state. They would send us a check each month instead of us writing them a monthly check. We would have access to the database. There would be a very small convenience charge which would be paid for by PTSA funds.

Motion was made by Michelle Lombana to participate in the pilot PTSA online membership program and seconded by Barbara Kelly. Motion was approved unamiously.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30