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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the Westfield Hall, Colnbrook on Tuesday 4thMarch, 2014, commencing at 7.30 pm.


Members Present:Chairman – Cllr P. Hood

Vice-Chairman – Cllr R. Angell

Cllrs. Mrs Cheema, Laxman, MacDougald, Smith (from 8.20 pm),

Mrs Underhill and Mrs Verma

Officer Present:Mr. R.L.N. Hewson (Clerk and Finance Officer)

Also:Mr Scott Bryant and Mrs Safia Akram

Members of the Public:2


Received from Cllr Jones.


The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 4th February, 2014were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


There were no declarations.


Mr Scott Bryant was co-opted by the Council to fill the vacancy in respect of Mr L. Jarrett.

Mrs Safia Akram was also co-opted as a supernumery councillor.


The Clerk read out the Representatives from the Council. It was decided that in order to ensure future representation, that Cllr Bryant serve on the Slough Borough Council Standards Committee and that Cllr Mrs Verma serve on the BIFFA Environment Group in lieu of Cllr Burke.


The Chairman submitted the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18th February, 2014.

RESOLVED:- that the minutes be received and approved.


a)The Chairman submitted the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18th February, 2014.

RESOLVED:- that the minutes be received and approved.

b)List of Payments

The list of payments in the sum of £4,252.77(inc. VAT) from 8th January 2014to 4th February 2014was received.

RESOLVED:- that the list of payments be confirmed and approved.

c)Committee Recommendations

i)60th Anniversary ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ campaign. Following discussion it was AGREED that the Council Take Part on the 1st June event. The Clerk was instructed to place the order for the painting of the lampposts now that funding had been received.

ii)100th Anniversary Commemoration of the outbreak of the First World War. It was AGREED that a new brass plaque be placed on the Council’s Clock naming those who had died in the conflict. The names available in St. Thomas’ Church would be a starting point. A working party of Cllrs Bryant, Laxman and MacDougald was established. Cllr Bryant agreed to follow up the possibility of a memorial service on the Sunday before.


a)The Chairman proposed that Cllr Laxman be made a ‘Freeman of the Parish’. Cllr Laxman left the meeting while it was discussed.

RESOLVED unanimously: That Cllr Laxman be made a ‘Freeman of the Parish’.

b)The Chairman further proposed that Cllr Angell be made a ‘Freeman of the Parish’. Cllr Angell left the meeting while it was discussed.

RESOLVED unanimously: That Cllr Angell be made a ‘Freeman of the Parish’.


The Chairman reported that he had a day long meeting with Katy Wallis, the Slough Borough Council representative, and explained that it would be some months before the Slough Borough Council report was to hand. He had also contacted the Environment Agency who had their own agenda. They had informed him that they would be holding some sort of public information forum of their own, in approximately five weeks time in Colnbrook.

Following on from this, the Chairman had contacted the National Flood Forum, a registered charity, who will advise victims of flood, and flood prevention in the future in addition to giving help on arranging insurance for the future.

The Council AGREED that this go ahead as soon as it could be arranged together with leafleting and hiring the Village Hall.


i)P/11133/018 – Modification of Landscape Bond Profile to re-route access road at the Aggregate Depot, Colnbrook By-Pass – No observations.

ii)P/00864/051 – Variation of Condition No. 16 etc. at the Quality Hotel, London Road SL3 8QB – Application withdrawn.


i)CCA regarding Grant Application for the new Youth Programme in Colnbrook.

Following lengthy discussion on the change of the basis of the original application, the Council AGREED to the grant of £2,500 for the ‘general contribution to equipment, materials and consumables’ etc. The Clerk was instructed to release the cheque and make it clear that as it was in excess of £2,000 a written accounting had to be made.

ii)St Thomas’ Church – Request for annual churchyard grant.

RESOLVED:- that a grant of £400 be given for the year 2013/2014 subject to sight of the accounts..

iii)Letter from Mrs Valerie Barton of Kingfisher Cottages, West Wittering regarding historic family ties in Colnbrook – Clerk instructed to write official letter of thanks.

iv)Zurich Insurance – Renewal documents.

v)Stewart Pomeroy, Colne Valley Park CIC regarding the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Local Plan.

AGREED that the Chairman write to RBW & M requesting that the Royal Borough include reference to the need for a Colne Valley Park Policy in their Plan.


i)Cllr Smith reported that he had come straight from a Slough Borough Council Scrutiny Committee meeting, attended by the Chief Constable and the Area Commander. He had raised with them the problem of the policing of Colnbrook viz a vie Foxborough, although it was recognised that Foxborough was a ‘hot spot’ and needed more police on the ground, nevertheless Colnbrook paid for a PCSO which was supposed to be matched on a ‘buy one get one free’ basis. This was not happening to the extent that Thames Valley Police had given a refund for part of the previous quarter. The Chief Constable said that the Area Commander, Supt. Bowden, would hopefully sort the manpower situation out by mid April.

He also reported that during the recent flooding the police had been severely hampered by the lack of available protective clothing, no Wellington boots, no waders etc. A lesson to be learned for the future, Thames Valley Police by its very name should be aware of floods and have a store available for officers to draw on in a flood emergency.

ii)Cllr Laxman reported that the CCP skittles night had been a huge success attended by 63 people. Everything had gone to plan, the food arrived on time and there were no complaints, everyone enjoyed themselves. This view was endorsed by other members.


The Chairman moved and it was AGREED that the Press and Public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by virtue of the confidential nature of the business.

The meeting closed at 9.15 pm

SIGNED:…...... DATE…......