PBIS Interventions & Supports

Resource Manual

Steelton-Highspire Jr. /Sr. High School

Table of Contents

Overview of the PBIS Framework …………………….Page 3

Interventions and Supports by Tier ……………………Page 4

Collecting Data and Implementation…………………...Pages 5-6

The ROLLER Expectations………………………….....Page 7

Rewards, Incentives, Motivators……………………….Page 8-9

Tier 2 Interventions and Supports……………………...Page 10-11

Tier 3 Interventions and Supports……………………...Page12

Sample Office Discipline Referral …………………….Page 13 - 14

PBIS is an acronym for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports; it is a framework that assists schools in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students. In the 2009-2010 school year the Steelton-Highspire School District began implementing PBIS.

PBIS, much like RtII has three tiers.

Interventions and Supports by Tier

Tier 1: Universal & Prevention

  • Teaching of the Matrix lessons during the first week of school
  • At least three booster lesson sessions scheduled and taught throughout the school year
  • Positive feedback from staff to students (3:1; 3 positive comments to 1 negative)
  • Principals 200 Club, classroom rewards, quarterly rewards, and other planned rewards throughout school year

Tier 2: Interventions and Supports

  • Check-In / Check-Out (CICO)
  • Small Group Interventions
  • Frequent Communication
  • Homework Club
  • Full of Ourselves (FOO)
  • Mentor Referrals

Tier 3: Individual and Intense Interventions and Supports

  • Behavioral Contract
  • Referral to Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Inc.
  • Referral to TAE using the Comprehensive Student Assistance Process (CSAP)

*For more interventions by Tier please visit

Collecting Data and Implementing Interventions and Supports

Data is and should be used by the PBIS Team and Grade Level Teams when implementing interventions and supports.

CollectingData (Forms available in the StaffShared PBIS Folder)

  • School Wide Information System (SWIS)
  • PowerSchool, CDT, SRI, PSSA, Keystones, and other academic exams
  • Functional Assessment Checklist for Teachers and Staff (FACTS)
  • Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence Log (ABC)
  • Parent Questionnaire
  • Health Assessment and Review

*For more data collecting tools visit

Implementing Interventions and Supports

Once the available data has been reviewed and discussed the teams should review the description of interventions provided and determine which intervention to begin implementing. It is important to have student(s) buy in for the interventions and to make contact with the parent/guardian and inform them of the reason for the intervention and the proposed outcome.

When considering which interventions and supports to use consider the students motivation(s) for the behavior(s). This will assist with student(s) buy in.

An intervention and/or support should be implemented with fidelity and for at least 30 days or more. A method for tracking data is also necessary. The only way to know if the intervention is working is to collect data and review it on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. If the intervention is successful it is recommended that the student(s) remain on the intervention for 90 days before being phased out.

The R.O.L.L.E.R. Expectations

As Rollers We Are


Operate Responsibly

Listen & Learn

Expect the Best

Reach for Success

R.O.L.L.E.R. Rewards for Positive Behaviors

Principals 200 Club

  • Students who are caught following the Roller expectations are rewarded with a Principals 200 Club ticket. Teachers and staff receive tickets in their mailboxes to distribute to students
  • Students turn these tickets in for a chance to win the Monthly Motivator
  • Once there are 10 names in a row the Monthly Motivator is revealed
  • There should be 10 winners each month

Suggestions for Classroom Rewards, Incentives, Motivators

Each teacher must first establish and teach their classroom routines, procedures, and expectations to students. Teachers are encouraged to link a reward to their expectations.

  • Student of the Week or Student of the Month
  • Homework Passes
  • ClassDojo (
  • Coupons for snack bar
  • Class Coupons (example: coupon for free test question)
  • Electronic Time, Free Read Time, Study Hall Time
  • Certificates and other items of recognition
  • Happy Freeday (can be for entire class; Xbox Day, Movie Day, Field Day, Gym Day)

Suggestions for Quarterly Rewards

Quarterly rewards are for students who do not have ODRs for the marking period. They may cost money so each grade is encouraged to organize fundraisers throughout the school year and create a separate PBIS account for the money raised.

  • Pizza Party
  • Ice Cream Social
  • Off campus trips (lunch, movies, roller skating, bowling, etc.)
  • Field Day
  • Movie Party
  • Electronics Party
  • Activities in the gym (volleyball, dodge ball, basketball, etc.)

Tier 2 Interventions and Supports

  • Students with 10 to 20 ODRs

Check-In / Check-Out (Rolling to Success CICO sheets and data tracking spreadsheet available in StaffShared PBIS Folder)

  • Identify the staff member(s) who students will CICO with daily (no more than 10 students per staff member is recommended)
  • Explain the process of CICO with the student(s) identified
  • Each student receives their daily point sheet when they check-in with the staff member. Students are responsible for the point sheet and for asking teachers to complete it. At the end of the day student(s) check-out by returning the daily point sheet to the staff member
  • The staff member identified for CICO is responsible for inputting data to be reviewed by the team on a weekly to bi-weekly basis for no less than 30 days.
  • Make contact with parents when starting CICO and explain it
  • Make students aware of their progress and provide them with feedback daily

Small Group Interventions


  • Used to reteach ROLLER expectations to small groups of students
  • Should be done at least bi-weekly for no less than 30 days by a teacher or staff member.
  • Discuss ROLLER expectations with students and hold them accountable for their actions
  • The team should record which students are part of the reteach and track their progress
  • Contact should be made with parent/guardians regarding this intervention

Group Counseling

  • Small groups may be referred to the guidance counselor, principal(s), or other staff members to resolve conflicts or to receive more intense review of PBIS expectations
  • Should be done bi-weekly for no less than 30 days
  • Contact should be made with parent/guardians regarding this intervention

Frequent Communication

  • The team makes an effort to establish frequent communication with the parent/guardian
  • Phone calls, emails, daily behavior sheet regarding student behaviors and academics
  • Communication should be attempted weekly for no less than 30 days

Mentor Referrals (Forms available in StaffShared PBIS Folder)

  • The team identifies a staff member to be a student’s mentor and completes the Mentor Referral form
  • The mentor tracks dates and times of meetings, contacts home frequently, and shares feedback with the team at team meetings
  • The mentor and student should meet weekly to bi-weekly for no less than 30 days

Homework Club (coming in 2013-2014)

Full of Ourselves (coming in 2013-2014)

Tier 3 Individual and Intense Interventions and Supports

  • Students with 20 or more ODRs

Behavioral Contract (Sample Contract available in StaffShared PBIS Folder)

  • Team identifies student and develops a behavioral contract to meet the areas of need
  • Team contacts parent/guardian to explain the intervention
  • Team meets with student to review and explain purpose of intervention
  • To be used for no less than 30 days
  • Team meets weekly to bi-weekly to review and discuss the effectiveness of the intervention
  • Each team member keeps track of student behavior in their classroom

Referral to PA Counseling Services, Inc.(Forms available in StaffShared PBIS Folder)

  • Team identifies student for referral and completes district form for PA Counseling

Referral to TAE (Forms available in StaffShared PBIS Folder)

  • Team identifies student for referral and completes district forms for CSAP