
about the 1st national seminar “Bioenergy production and usage in Lithuania: current situation and prospects


Participants: The seminar was attended by 92 participants: bioenergy companies – 31; branch associations – 4; academic society (universities, research institutes) - 46; governmental institutions - 3; district heating companies - 4; municipalities - 4 The list of participants attached.

1. Opening

The seminar was opened by the representative of the project partner from Lithuanian Energy Institute Dr. R.Škėma. He has also made a presentation of the Project „Bioenergy Promotion“.

2. Confirmation of the quorum of the meeting

Approximately 80 companies were invited to the seminar, invitation and program were disseminated via websites of Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuanian District Heating Association and Lithuanian Biomass Energy Association. Number of registered participants was 79, attended 92. All 10 presenters have arrived and fully participated at the seminar.

3. Presentations of the meeting

10 presentations were made at the seminar:

1. R.Škėma. Lithuanian Energy Institute. Welcome and presentation of the Project „Bioenergy Promotion“

2. V. Abrutis. SE Energy Agency. EU Directive 2009/28/EC on the Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources

3. I. Konstantinavičiūtė. Lithuanian Energy Institute. Info on currently prepared Law on Renewable Energy Sources.

4. S.Vrubliauskas. Lithuanian Energy Institute. CEN/TK 383 Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications.

5. J.Janulaitis. JSC NEPCon LT”. FSC certification for forests and wood processing industry.

6. A.Jakštas. Lithuanian Biomass Energy Association. Biofuel market in Lithuania and development possibilities

7. V.Stasiūnas. Lithuanian District Heating Association. Biofuel and District Heating in Lithuania, Co-generation

8. V.Štiormer. Lithuanian Biogas Association. Biogas market in Lithuania and development.

9. S.Lazauskas. Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture. Agriculture biomass potential, certification and sustainability criteria.

10. K. Buinevičius. Kaunas University of Technology. Possibilities for energy generation from municipal waste.

4. Questions, discussions

Presentations included all bioenergy sector in Lithuania and were met with great interest. The most interesting issues for discussions were new legislation, promotion schemes in the new implementation plan for Lithuania, which was just recently been drafted. The participants of the seminar were also interested in new business opportunities during crisis period and new sources of energy.

5. Next meeting

The participants of the seminar were informed in the ongoing project activities, introduced to project website and were invited to participate in project activities and events. The next project event in Lithuania will be international project conference on November, 2010. / / Part-financed by
the European Union