C’mon Man!
1. Make sure you have groups of four.
2. Teammate number 1 begins as “C’mon man” captain and draws a question card.
3. The captain reads the questions aloud to his/her teammates.
4. Quietly, all students write their answers to their questions on their white boards.
5. When they have written down their answers, the students put their whiteboards facedown on their desk, to signal they are ready.
6. When everyone is finished, the captain says “C’mon man!”
7. Everyone shows their answers on their whiteboards.
8. The captain leads the team in checking answers.
9. If everyone is correct, the teammates praise and cheer and if not, hint-hint-explain it-redo it.
10. The person on the left of the “C’mon man!”
Grade Levels:
Why it’s beneficial
This structure is beneficial, because the students must first think about their ideas, write their answers, share their answers, praise, or correct.