St Andrew’s CE Primary School
Pay Policy for School Based Teaching Employees
1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018
Adopted by the Full Governing Body January 2018
Review November 2018
St AndrewsSchool is a Rights Respecting School. We work together to learn about and respect children's rights both locally and globally. Our school based teaching pay reflects the following article:
‘Article 13: Your right to have information.’
1.1 The School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) places a statutory duty on schools and Local Authorities to have a pay policy in place which establishes the basis on which the school determines teachers’ pay. The policy also provides a mechanism for teachers to appeal against any decision taken in respect of their pay.
1.2The aim of establishing a pay policy is to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all teachers in the school.
1.3The statutory pay arrangements for teachers give significant discretion to “relevant bodies”, normally Governing Bodies, to make pay decisions. This includes pay progression which is not automatic and which will depend onthe outcome ofappraisal. When taking decisions regarding pay, the school must have regard to both the pay policy and to the teacher’s particular post within the staffing structure of the school. (A copy of the school’s staffing structure is attached to this policy.)
1.4This pay policy is based on the current STPCD and makes reference to relevant areas of the current STPCD throughout. The current STPCD should be referred to accordingly. This pay policy is recommended to all schools and their Governing Bodies for adoption.
1.5This policy has been consulted upon locally with the recognised Trade Unions, although it has not been agreed.
2.1This policy applies to all school based teaching employees in St Andrew’s CE Primary School. It applies the framework recommended to Governing Bodies by the Local Authority and covers all key areas of pay determination that the school / Governing Body need to consider.
2.2The Local Authority will not accept liability for any actions, claims, costs or expenses arising out of a decision not to follow this recommended policy or procedure or where it is found that the school’s Governing Body has been negligent or acted in an unfair or discriminatory manner.
2.3The arrangements for determining pay in respect of school based non teaching employees are outlined in the school’s ‘Pay Policy for School Based Non-Teaching Employees’.
3.1All decisions relating to pay determination shall be taken in compliance with the STPCD.
3.2The Governing Body will comply with relevant employment legislation: Employment Relations Act 1999, Part-Time Worker (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000, Fixed Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002 and the Equalities Act 2010.
3.3The school will take decisions about pay in respect of all teachers, in a fair, transparent and equitable manner.
3.4The school will review its policy each year and consult with staff and Trade Unions, as appropriate, to ensure that the policy reflects the latest statutory position as determined by the STPCD.
3.5The Local Authority HR Provider, where bought in, will provide advice to schools on amendments that may need to be made to the recommended school’s pay policy to ensure that the policy reflects the latest statutory position, as determined by the STPCD and other legislation, as appropriate.
4.1Pay reviews may take place at other times of the year (i.e. other than 1 September) to reflect changes in circumstances or job description that lead to a change in the basis for calculating an individual’s pay.
4.2A written pay statement will be given no later than one month after the determination, and where applicable, will give information about the basis on which the determination was made.
4.3Where a pay determination leads, or may lead, to the start of a period of safeguarding, the Governing Body will give the required notification as soon as possible and no later than one month after the date of the determination.
Pay Determinations
4.4The Governing Body will establish a committee to make determinations of pay in accordance with the pay policy and the STPCD. (This may be a delegated responsibility of the school’s existing staffing committee.)[1] In schools where this responsibility has been delegated to the Headteacher, the Headteacher will make determinations of pay in accordance with the school’s pay policy and the current STPCD.
4.5It is recommended that the committee has fully delegated powers and, if so, shall be established in accordance with the appropriate school governance regulations.[2]
4.6Decisions of the pay committee will be communicated, in writing, to each member of staff by the Headteacher. Decisions taken in respect of the Headteacher will be communicated to the Headteacher, in writing, by the Chair of Governors.
The Professional Standards
4.7 The Teachers’ Standards were introduced from 1 September 2012. The standards set a clear baseline of expectations for the professional practice and conduct of all teachers, from the point of qualification through to leadership.
4.8The Teachers’ Standards will be used to assess all trainees working towards QTS, and all those completing their statutory induction period. They will also be used to assess the performance of all teachers subject to the Education (School Teachers’ Appraisal) (England) Regulations 2012. This framework is intended to help teachers as they plan their careers and discuss their future development with their line managers. The standards provide a backdrop to discussions about how a teacher's performance should be viewed in relation to their current career and the career stage they are approaching.
4.9 The governing body recognises that within the framework the standards are designed to be cumulative and progressive. The teacher standards underpin all the subsequent standards and continue to apply at all subsequent career stages. Where teachers are subject to appraisal, assessment that a teacher meets the teacher standards is carried out through the appraisal process.
4.10Decisions on basic pay determination in respect of part time employees; those employees employed on fixed term contracts; those employees on maternity leave and those on long term sick leave will be taken in accordance with the same timescales and processes as for all other employees, so as to ensure equitable treatment of all groups of employees.
4.11Appropriate differentials will be created and maintained between posts within the school, recognising accountability, job weight and the school’s need to recruit, retain and motivate employees at all levels.
Basic Pay Determination on Appointment
4.12The Governing Body will determine the pay range for a vacancy prior to advertising that post. On appointment it will determine the starting salary within that range to be offered to the successful candidate.
4.13In making such determinations, the Governing Body may take into account a range of factors including the nature of the post, the level of qualifications, skills and experience required and the context of the school structure,
4.14When determining the starting pay for a classroom teacher who has previously gone through the threshold and is paid on the UpperPayRange, the Governing Body may decide to pay on the UpperPayRange. The decision will depend upon the post having been advertised at this level and the qualifications, skills and experience of the candidate.
Classroom Teacher Posts
4.15The Governing Body has established the following pay scales for classroom teacher posts paid on the MainPayRange and UpperPayRange
Leading Practitioner Teacher posts
4.16The Governing Body has established the following pay scales for Leading Practitioner teacher posts paid on the Leading Practitioner Pay range set out below.
Pay Spine for Leading PractitionersSpine point / Annual Salary
LP1 / 38,984
LP2 / 39,960
LP3 / 40,958
LP4 / 41,978
LP5 / 43,023
LP6 / 44,102
LP7 / 45,290
LP8 / 46,335
LP9 / 47,492
LP10 / 48,711
LP11 / 49,976
LP12 / 51,127
LP13 / 52,405
LP14 / 53,712
4.18Such posts may be established for teachers whose primary purpose is to model and lead on improvement of teaching skills.
4.19The pay range for Leading Practitioner post(s) in the school areat present n/a
4.20When determining the pay range for such posts, the Governing Body will do this by reference to the weight of the responsibilities of the post and take into account the need to ensure pay equality where posts have equal weight and ensure fair pay relativities between posts of differing levels of responsibility.
4.21The Governing Body has decided not to have any Leading Practitioner posts in the school.
Unqualified Teachers
4.23The Governing Body has established the following pay range for unqualified teachers employed in classroom teacher posts:
Unqualified TeacherPayRange
Unqualified teachers – determination of pay
4.24 The Governing Body can determine on which point to place unqualified teachers on the unqualified teachers’ pay range when they are appointed, taking account of any relevant qualifications and experience and subject to the pay range determined for the post.
4.25The Governing Body will pay an unqualified teacher on one of the employment based routes into teaching on the unqualified teachers’ scale in the following circumstances:
One point for a recognised post-16 teaching qualification.
One point for a recognised qualification relevant to their subject area.
One point on the unqualified teachers’ scale for each year of full time experience as an overseas-trained teacher.
Unqualified teachers’ allowance
4.26The Governing Body may pay an unqualified teachers’ allowance to unqualified teachers where the Governing Body consider either that the teacher has taken on a sustained additional responsibility which is focused on teaching and learning and requires the exercise of a teacher’s professional skills and judgement or the teacher has qualifications or experience which bring added value to the role he/she is undertaking. (STCPD 2014 para 22)
Leadership teacher posts (Headteacher, Deputy and Assistant Headteacher(s))
Pay Spine for LeadershipSpine point / Annual Salary
L1 / 38,984
L2 / 39,960
L3 / 40,958
L4 / 41,978
L5 / 43,023
L6 / 44,102
L7 / 45,290
L8 / 46,335
L9 / 47,491
L10 / 48,710
L11 / 49,976
L12 / 51,127
L13 / 52,405
L14 / 53,712
L15 / 55,048
4.28The current pay ranges for the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher(s) and Assistant Headteacher(s) have been determined in accordance with the IndividualSchoolRange and other criteria specified in the 2014 STPCD paras 5-13 and ensuring fair pay relativities.
4.29The Governing Body has established the following pay ranges for the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher(s) and Assistant Headteacher(s):
Headteacher pay range:
4.30L11 – L15
Deputy Headteacher pay range:
4.31L3 – L8
4.33The Deputy Headteacher will have the responsibility for discharging, in full, the responsibilities of the Head in the absence of the Headteacher.
Discretionary Payments for Headteachers
4.34At present no discretionary payments will be made to the Headteacher.
4.36The reason for the payment will be reviewed on an annual basis.
4.39The Indicative Pay Range for the Headteacher has been reassessed from 1 September 2014 in accordance with the following factors:
Stage 1
4.40The total unit score for the school in accordance with paragraphs 5-8 of the STPCD 2014. This includes permanent responsibility for leading [*] School(s) – at present n/a
Stage 2
4.41The complexity and challenge of the role has been assessed as higher than provided for by the calculation in stage 1 above. At present n/a
4.44The pay range for the Headteacher has been determined as L11 – L15
Deputy Head
4.45The pay range for the Deputy Head is based on the salary of the Headteacher and has been determined as L4-8
Pay Awards
4.47The pay award for teachers for this year will be paid to all teachers in the school
4.48From 2015, the pay award for teachers will be paid to all teachers in the school
Part time teachers
4.49 Teachers employed at the school on an ongoing basis but who work less than a full working day or week are deemed to be part time.
4.50Teachers employed on a part time basis have the right to not be treated less favourably than full time employees as outlined in the Part Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations, 2000.
4.51The Governing Body will provide part time teachers with a written statement in the form of their contract, detailing their working time obligations and the mechanism used to determine their pay, subject to the provisions of the statutory pay arrangements. The Governing Body will ensure this information is maintained and updated accordingly.
4.52Part time teachers shall be paid a proportion of the remuneration that would be paid if they were employed on a full time basis.
4.53Part time teachers are entitled to PPA time pro rata to full time teachers.
Short notice/supply teachers
4.54Teachers who work on a day-to-day or other short notice basis have their pay determined in the same way as other teachers. Teachers paid on a daily basis will have their salary assessed as an annual amount, divided by 195 and multiplied by the number of days worked. (STPCD 2014 paragraph 44).
4.55A teacher engaged by a school specifically for the full day is entitled to claim payment calculated by reference to 1/195th of the aggregate annual salary of an equivalent full time teacher. A full day’s engagement would not ordinarily be limited to the duration of the school’s sessional period and the teacher will be expected to undertake work other than the teaching of pupils, as directed, i.e. to undertake on that day the full range of work of the regularly employed teacher, for whom (s)he is substituting.
4.56A teacher engaged on a particular day by a school specifically for a period or periods which amount to less than a full day, is entitled to claim paymentfor the time worked calculated pro rata to that of an equivalent full time teacher.
4.57 In this case payment will be claimed by reference to the hours agreed between the school and the teacher at the outset of the engagement or as subsequently modified, by agreement, for additional work undertaken. Normal mid session breaks will be included as part of the hours offered.
4.58 The hourly rate of payment will be determined by reference to the average directed time of an equivalent full time teacher – i.e. 5.75 hours per day.
4.59The school will, in contracting the teacher, make clear at the outset the terms of the engagement, including the number of hours to be worked and the level of pay for that engagement. Where, following acceptance of these terms, the teacher requests confirmation of the details, this will be confirmed by the school in writing as soon as possible thereafter.
5.1The Governing Body agrees the school budget and will ensure that appropriate funding is allocated for performance pay progression at all levels. [The Governing Body recognises that funding cannot be used as a criterion to determine UPS progression.]
5.2The arrangements for teacher appraisal are set out in the school’s Appraisal Policy (Performance Management).
5.3Decisions regarding pay progression will be made with reference to the teacher’s appraisal reports and the pay recommendations they contain. Final decisions about whether or not to accept a pay recommendation will be made by the Governing Body, having regard to the appraisal report and taking into account advice from the senior leadership team.
5.4All teachers can expect progression to the top of their pay range as a result of successful appraisal reviews.
5.5To be fair and transparent, assessments of performance will be based on evidence. Fairness and equity will be assured by annual monitoring by the Governing Body of the applications of the pay policy and pay decisions.
5.6NQTs have no automatic entitlement to pay progression on completion of induction. The evidence from induction should inform decisions about their pay progression. The governing body can determine where, within the pay range, their annual salary will be fixed.
5.7The Headteacher must demonstrate sustained high quality of performance, with particular regard to leadership, management and pupil progress at the school and will be subject to a review of performance (in accordance with the school’s Performance Management Policy) against performance objectives before any performance points will be awarded. (Refer to STPCD 2014, para 11)
5.8The Governing Body will consider the following in determining the amount of any pay progression: e.g. Outstanding Ofsted or Performance Management
5.9Where the appraisal review does not demonstrate successful achievement of [achievement of objectives & meeting teacher standards] no pay progression will be awarded. The appraiser must tell the appraisee during the course of the year if performance is falling short and should be given assistance to achieve the standards required.
Deputies and Assistant Heads
5.10Deputies and Assistant Heads must demonstrate sustained high quality of performance in respect of school leadership, management and pupil progress and will be subject to a review of performance against their performance objectives before any performance points will be awarded. (Refer to STPCD 2014, para 11)
5.11 The Governing Body will consider the following in determining the amount of any pay progression: Outstanding Ofsted or Performance Management
5.12Where the appraisal review does not demonstrate successful achievement of [achievement of objectives, meeting teacher standards] no pay progression will be awarded. The appraiser must tell the appraisee during the course of the year if performance is falling short and should be given assistance to achieve the standards required.
Leading Practitioners – At Present – N/a
5.13At present no Leading Practitioner teachers will be appointed by the Governing Body.
Post Threshold Teachers
5.15Post Threshold teachers will be subject to an annual review of performance. Progression up the UPR will normally be at two yearly intervals and is subject to annual successful appraisals and the Governing Body being satisfied that the teacher’s achievements and contribution to the school have been substantial and sustained. For annual progression to be awarded, teachers will be expected to have achieved: meeting appropriate, agreed teaching standards, appropriate pupils progress & OVERALL Performance Management targets
5.16Where the appraisal review does not demonstrate successful achievement of [as above)no pay progression will be awarded. The appraiser must tell the appraisee during the course of the year if performance is falling short and should be given assistance to achieve the standards required.
Classroom Teachers on the Main Scale
5.17Main scale classroom teachers will be awarded pay progression on the MainPayRange following each successful appraisal review. The criteria for pay progression is set out below: meeting appropriate, agreed teaching standards, appropriate pupils progress & OVERALL Performance Management targets