Categorize Music Videos

Watch and analyze at least three different music videos. Write down the name of the artist and the title of the song. Then categorize the video according to its basic type: performance, dance, story, or fantasy. Write down aspects of each video that show imagination. Try to determine how these visual features affect the musical impact of the song. Consider what influence the music had on the visual features. Describe how each video reflects or enhances the artist’s image.

Video One

Artist ______

Song ______

Category ______

What aspects of the video show imagination?

What visual features affect the musical impact of the song?

What influences have the music had on the visual features of the video?

How did this video reflect or enhance the artist’s image?

Video Two

Artist ______

Song ______

Category ______

What aspects of the video show imagination?

What visual features affect the musical impact of the song?

What influences have the music had on the visual features of the video?

How did this video reflect or enhance the artist’s image?

Video Three

Artist ______

Song ______

Category ______

What aspects of the video show imagination?

What visual features affect the musical impact of the song?

What influences have the music had on the visual features of the video?

How did this video reflect or enhance the artist’s image?