Pauline M. Lubbers Memorial Scholarship
Seventeen years ago, a special woman left this earth. She raised six children and had a strong belief in the value of education, a respect for others, a strong faith in God, a strong sense of community and an appreciation of music and the arts. Her family decided that the best way to keep these values and beliefs alive and to reward individuals with these characteristics was to establish a living memorial: The Pauline M. Lubbers Memorial Scholarship. Over the years these values have taken a back seat in the applications and resumes. The financial need became the theme of the letters and instead of showing the family that Pauline’s values live on in today’s students, we read letters that don’t have that sense of community and other values that Pauline held so dear. Pauline’s values and ideals still impact Gove County. We are interested in seeing how things Pauline did in Grinnell and Gove County continue to impact lives of young people. In applying for this scholarship, we’d like to see how these values of a small community have shaped you and how you plan to take these values and beliefs with you into post secondary education opportunities and your lives. We realize that you personally have no recollection of Pauline, but many people in the community can give you their memories and thoughts about Pauline and what she did for this community.
1. All Wheatland High School Seniors are eligible for this scholarship.
2. This scholarship may be awarded at the WHS Graduation ceremony.
3. A cashier’s check in the amount of $500.00 will be issued to the recipient and the recipient’s university/college/trade school in August.
4. All money is currently on account with the State Bank in Grinnell.
5. The following procedures will be used to choose the recipient:
1. Student shall be a graduate of Wheatland High School.
2. GPA is not a primary factor. We are not looking for the student
with the highest academic standing.
3. The student should be involved with the activities supported by the school districts and also show involvement in your community.
Examples of involvement would be Youth Pride, 4:H, Scouts, and
Church youth groups.
5. Financial need may be a factor in the selection of the recipient.