Paul D. Camp Community College
EMS Preceptor Test
Paul D. Camp Community College would like to thank you for helping us educate the future of Emergency Medical Services. It is the experience our students have with you that will remain with them throughout their EMS careers.
This is test to be completed after reviewing the EMS Preceptor Training PowerPoint. Please answer each question and email it to . Once your test has been graded and you receive a passing score of 70; you will be entered into the PDCCC FISDAP Database as an ALS Field Internship preceptor.
Preceptor Name: / EMS Level Choose an item. / Date: Click here to enter a date.Agency Affiliated: / EMS Cert #
Please check the box next to the most appropriate answer.
- The EMS students take the NREMT test on which set of standards?
☐ The National EMS Education Standards
☐ Regional Protocols
- The field experience phase may be conducted in the middle of the student’s educational experience?
☐ True☐ False
- Department approved preceptors are allowed to precept students during which phase?
☐ Field Internship phase
☐ Field Experience phase
- A Preceptor must be at the same certification level or above the student to precept him/her during any phase?
☐ True☐ False
- Which EMS Software does Paul D. Camp Community College use to document patient care and skills?
- What method does Paul D. Camp Community College EMS Program use to document all clinical and field rotations?
☐ Hard Copy Paperwork
☐ Electronic Documentation
- Should the field internship phase should start over at the beginning of each shift or continue in progression from shift to shift?
☐ Start over at the beginning of each shift
☐ Maintain a constant state of progression
- At the end of a student’s shift you are required to fill out the Shift Summary and if needed fill out the Plan of Action before you sign off electronically.
☐ True☐ False
- In the event of an emergency involving the life and/or health of a student (after medical interventions have been initiated) you would contact which member of the Paul D. Camp Community College EMS Program?
☐ Program Director on his cell phone.
☐ The students Lead instructor on his/her cell phone.
- Being a Paul D. Camp Community College EMS Programs Preceptor is a voluntary assignment and is not mandatory?
☐ True☐ False