University Outreach and Engagement
Michigan State University
Kellogg Center Garden Level
East Lansing MI 48824
517 355-4572
Fax: 517 432-9541
Ph.D 1986 Michigan State University Educational Administration
MSW 1969 University of Michigan Group Work
BA 1967 Wayne State University Sociology
Professional Positions:
2009 – Assistant Provost, University Community Partnerships
2004 - 2009 Senior Director, University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University Director, University Community Partnerships, University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University
2001 - 2009 Co-Director Families and Communities Together (FACT) Coalition, Michigan State University
1998 - 2004 Outreach and Engagement Specialist, University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University
1994 - 1998 Youth Development Specialist, Department of Family and Child Ecology, Michigan State University
1978 - 1994 Student Services Director, Lansing School District, Lansing MI
1977 - 1978 Pupil Personnel Assistant Director, Lansing School District, Lansing MI
1972 - 1977 School Social Worker, Lansing School District, Lansing MI
1969 - 1972 School Social Worker, Willow Run Public Schools, Ypsilanti,MI
Soderman, A.K. & Farrell, P. (2008). Creating Literacy Rich Preschools and Kindergartens. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Ames, B., & Farrell, P. (2005). Building the Community in School Health Promotion: An Ecological Approach, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 97. 29-34.
Booth, C., Vaidya, S., Farrell, P., & Bokemeier, J. (2004). Leveraging Resources and sustaining Partnerships in Tough Economic Times, Journal of Higher Education and Outreach and Engagement 9 (1): 103-13.
Booth, C., Vaidya, S., Farrell, P., & Bokemeier, J. (2003). Families and Communities together (FACT) Coalition: Evolution of a University-Wide Engagement Model, Journal of Higher Education and Outreach and Engagement, 8 (1): 153-166.
Farrell, P., Ames, B., & Mellen, A. (2003). Healthy Habits! A Leader’s Guide to Helping Children Reduce the Risk of Cancer. Michigan State University Extension. East Lansing MI
Soderman, A.K., & Farrell, P. (2003). Off to a Great Start: Best practices in emerging literacy, East Lansing: MSU Press.
Booth, C., Bokemeier, J., & Farrell, P. (2002). An Engagement Model Linking University and Communities. NCFR REPORT. 12-13.
Kostelnik, M., & Farrell, P. (2000). The Early Years are Learning Years: How Lansing Works for Kids, a report from the Ready to Succeed Blue Ribbon Committee, Lansing, MI.
Selected PRESENTAtions:
Barnes, J., Fitzgerald, H. E., Farrell, P., Belleau, A. (April, 2009). Critical elements in meeting the HS higher education mandate. Poster presented in the Poster Symposium (P. G. Spicer & M. Sarche, Chairs), Advancing research on early childhood education in Indian country. Society for Research on Child Development, Denver, CO.
Bokemeier, J., Booth, C., & S., Farrell, P. (April, 2008). Assessing Transformative Community-University Partnerships. Workshop presented at the Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Farrell, P., Barnes, P., Davis, J., Gamble, L., (October, 2008) Creating and Sustaining Authentic Partnerships: Voices from Community Partners. Workshop presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference Outreach Scholarship, State College, PA.
Barnes, J. V., Belleau, A., Farrell, P., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2008). Wiba Anung (Early Stars): Promoting academic and social success in American Indian Head Start programs. Plenary symposium presented at Michigan Indian Day. East Lansing, MI
Farrell, P., Brown, R., & Nicholson, M. (May, 2007). Assessing the Effectiveness of a Community-wide Effort to Create a Seamless System of Universally Available Education, Care and Support Services for Families with Pre-School Children. Poster presented at the International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI.
Bokemeier, J., Booth, C., & Farrell, P. (May, 2007). Promoting and Sustaining Effective Community-University Partnerships. Workshop presented at the International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI.
Farrell, P., Bokemeier, J., & Booth, C. (October, 2006). An Interdisciplinary Approach to Promoting Early Childhood Literacy. Workshop presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Columbus, OH.
Booth, C., Bokemeier, J., Farrell, P., & McNall, M. (October, 2005). Assessing the Community Perspective in University-Community Partnerships. Poster presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Athens, GA.
Livingston, J., Farrell, P., & Elliott, T. (October, 2005). Identifying Potential Barriers to Early Childhood Services and Programs among Underserved Families: Let the Parents Speak, Poster presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Athens, GA.
Soderman, A.K., & Farrell, P. (February, 2005). Translating Literacy Research into Best Practices for Kindergarten Readiness. Workshop presented at the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference, Orlando, FL.
Soderman, A.K., & Farrell, P. (January, 2005). Translating Literacy Research into Best Practices for Kindergarten Readiness. Workshop presented at the Michigan Collaborative Early Childhood Conference, Dearborn, MI.
Booth, C., Vaidya, S., Farrell, P., & Bokemeier, J. (October, 2004). Successes and Challenges of Demonstrating Impact to Stakeholders. Workshop presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference Outreach Scholarship, State College, PA..
Livingston, J. & Farrell, P. (November, 2004). Implementing the Early Childhood Initiative: Community Change through Collaboration and Capacity Building, Lessons in Program Development and Evaluation. Workshop presented at the King-Chavez-Parks 8th Annual Conference, Lincolnshire, IL.
Livingston, J. & Farrell, P. (October, 2004). Improving Early Childhood Education through Community Outreach and Capacity Building: Let the Parents Speak. Workshop presented at the Midwest Ecological/ Community Psychology Conference, Saugatuck, MI.
Farrell, P. (October, 2003) Measuring the Effectiveness of a University-Community Collaboration in Creating a Community-Wide System of Early Childhood Education and Care. Poster presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Madison, WI.
Booth, C., Bokemeier, J., Farrell, P., & Vaidya, S. (October, 2003). A Coalition Model for Leveraging Resources and Sustaining Partnerships in Tough Economic Times. Workshop presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Madison, WI.
Soderman, A., Farrell, P. (June, 2003). Transitioning Head Start Children to Kindergarten: The Leap Frog Experience. Poster presented at the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, Chicago, IL.
Farrell, P., & Kostelnik, M.J. (October, 2002). Building a Community-wide System to Enhance Children’s School Readiness Catalyst for Change. Workshop presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Columbus, OH.
Bokemeier, J., Booth, C., & Farrell, P. (October, 2002). Supporting Faculty Engagement in University Community Partnerships. Workshop presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Columbus, OH.
Kostelnik, M.J., & Farrell, P. (June, 2002). The University as a Catalyst for Social Change, Michigan’s Ready to Succeed Program. Workshop presented at the Family Strengths International Symposium, Shanghai, China.
Farrell, P., & Mellen, A. (May, 2002). Community Health Promotion through Elementary Schools. Workshop presented at the Michigan Parent Teacher Association, Kalamazoo, MI.
Ames, B., & Farrell, P. (April, 2002l). Building the “Community” in School Health Promotion: An Ecological Approach. Paper presented at the Paolucci Conference, East Lansing, MI.
Kostelnik, M.J., Soderman, A., Farrell, P., & Bernero, T. (April, 2001). The Realities of School Reform. Workshop presented at the Midwest AEYC Annual Conference presentation.
Mark, C., & Farrell, P. (October, 2001). Bringing Knowledge to Life, Positive Youth Development During Out-of-School Time. Workshop presented at the Michigan State University Extension Conference, East Lansing, MI.
Farrell, P. & Ames, B., (September, 2001). Cancer Risk Reduction and Outreach through a School-Based Program. Poster presented at the Michigan Cancer Consortium Conference, Novi, MI.
Ames, B., Mellen, A., Murray-Johnson, L., Farrell, P., Murphy, A., & Kendal, N. (February, 2000). The Community School as a Model for Cancer Risk Reduction & Health Education for Elders. 26th Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Ames, B., Farrell, Pl, Murphy, A., Mellen, A., Kendal, N., & Murray-Johnson, L., (November 2000) Enhancing Family Health through a School-Based Cancer Risk Reduction Outreach Initiative. Workshop presented at the National Conference Family Relations annual conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Farrell, P., Dunbar, C., Johnson, D., Promoting Academic Success (PAS) Initiative. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (W.K. Foundation), 7/1/07-7/30/10. (years 1&2: $400,000). Total: $800,000.
Fitzgerald, H.E., (PI), Farrell, P., Barnes, J., Soderman, A., & Rosenbaum, R., Wiba Anung (Early Stars). Building Teacher Capacity through Collaborative Research with American Indian Head Start and Early Head Start Programs in Michigan). National Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Research, University of Colorado Health Sciences (Administration for Children and Families). 11/1/06-9/30/09. $200,000.
Fitzgerald, H.E., Bokemeier, J., Booth, C., & Farrell, P. Accelerating Change Through Transformative Community-Engagement-A Planning Grant. W.K. Kellogg Foundation. 10/1/06-9/30/07. $50,000.
Farrell, P., & Duke, N.K., Promoting Early Literacy in Licensed Childcare Settings. W.K. Kellogg Foundation. 10/27/05-1/31/06. $44,700.
Farrell, P., & Clark, M., Transition to Kindergarten. Capital Area Youth Alliance (W.K.Kellogg Foundation). 1/1/2005-6/30/06. $199,784 (sub-contract to MSU for $60,505).
Farrell, P., & Milgram, J., Transition to Kindergarten. Capital Area Youth Alliance (W.K. Kellogg Foundation). 1/1/04-12/31/04. $189,000 (sub-contract to MSU for $67,574).
Farrell, P., & Martinez, L., Early Childhood Initiative Project. Capital Area Youth Alliance (W.K. Kellogg Foundation). 7/1/02-6/30/03. $180,000 (sub-contract to MSU for $36,000).
Farrell, P., Production of Healthy Habits. Michigan Blue Cross/Blue Shield. 2000. $1500.
Farrell, P., & Ames, B., Cancer Risk Reduction Education and Outreach through a School Based Program. Sub award from Michigan Department of Community Health, Given, B. (PI), Institute for Managed Care, MSU. 10/1/99-9/30/00. $183,413.
Given, B., Ames, B., Farrell, P., Mellon, & A., Murphy, A., Cancer Risk Reduction Education and Outreach through a School Based Program. Institute for Managed Care, MSU. Michigan Department of Community Health. 10/1/998-9/30/99. $103,300.
Farrell, P., Kostelnik, M., Ames, B., & Soderman, A., Community School Project. Lansing School District (Michigan Department of Education). 11/20/97-9/30/99. $475,000 (subcontract to MSU for $268,825).
Ferrari, T., & Farrell, P., Wild Over Work Program Implementation. Campus Compact Venture Grant. 1997. 8/1/97-1/31/98. $1500.
Farrell, P., YESS! Mini/Society Youth Entrepreneur Curriculum Training. Kauffman Foundation. 1997. $20,000.
Farrell, P., & Ferrari, T. JOBS-Joining Our Businesses and Schools. Lansing Tri-county Employment and Training Consortium. 8/1/96-9/30/96. $15,000.
Ferrari, T., & Farrell, P. Development of a Workforce Preparation Curriculum for Elementary Aged Children. 4-H Cooperative Curriculum System. 9/15/95-5/15/97. $40,000.
Selected rELATED Service
2008 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and MSU College of Human Medicine Childhood Obesity Project Advisory Committee
2006-2008 MSU Michigan Indian Day Event Planning Committee
2006- MSU/WKAR Ready to Learn Advisory Council
2003-08 Ingham County Health Center Board
2002- Ingham County Great Start Collaborative, Public Awareness Committee
2002-04 Child Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS), Even Start Advisory Committee
2002-04 Ingham Intermediate School District ASAP-PIE Committee
2002-04 Quality Education and Child Care Network Committee of the Birth to Five
2001-06 Lansing School District, Transition to Kindergarten Committee
2001-07 Capital Area Youth Alliance Board
2001-03 Ingham County Human Services Advisory Committee
2001-02 Michigan Department of Education State Board Task Force on Integrating Communities and Schools
1998 Education Advisory Committee--Tri-County Workforce Development Board
1998-2000 Family Planning/Adolescent Health Advisory Committee, Ingham County Health Department
1998-2000 Michigan Department of Education Full Service/Full Day School Committee
1996- EAGLE—Native American Faculty Staff Association, Treasurer 2004-2009
1995 Governor’s School-To-Work Conference Planning committee
1991-96 Ingham County Board of Health Member, Chair-1996
1985-86 Middle Cities Pupil Personnel Task Force, Chair
1985 North Central Accreditation Team on Guidance and Counseling
1984-85 Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Board
1979-86 YWCA, Board of Directors, President-1985-86
1978-80 Member Indian Education Advisory Council, Michigan Department of Education
1976-78 National Education Association, Minority Affairs Committee--Co-chair 1978
1973-74 School Social Work Administrative Rules and Guidelines Committees, Michigan Department of Education
1972-73 Task Force on Equality of Access to Higher Education, Michigan Department of Education
1994 Recipient of the YWCA Diana Award for Community Excellence in Education
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Association for Pupil Personnel Administrators
National Association of Social Workers, ACSW