New Jersey Jobs Growth and
Economic Development Commission
Life Sciences
Working Session Notes
July 2003
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New Jersey Jobs Growth and Economic Development Commission
Life Sciences
Working Session Notes
July 2003
Prepared for:Sherrie Preishce
Jobs Growth and Economic Development Commission
State of New Jersey
125 West State, P.O. Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625
(609) 777-2624
Prepared by:
ICF Consulting
60 Broadway
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 677-7100
Disclosure Statement: This proposal includes data that shall not be disclosed outside the Government and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed—in whole or in part—for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal. If, however, a contract is awarded to this offeror as a result of—or in conjunction with—the submission of these data, the Government shall have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose the data to the extent provided in the resulting contract. This restriction does not limit the Government’s right to use information contained in these data if it is obtained from another source without restriction. The data subject to this restriction are contained in this volume.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Life Sciences Working Session 1
Welcome and Introductions 1
Background 1
Process…….. 2
Meeting Presentations 2
Industry Views of Life Science Themes 8
Crosscutting Themes 10
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ICF Consulting ii NJ Jobs Growth & Economic Development Commission
03-0XX July 2003
Use of or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.
Life Sciences Working Group Session Notes
Life Sciences Working Session
Welcome and Introductions
Roy Vagelos, Co-Chair of the Commission welcomed participants, introduced the meeting Co-Chair, Cecil Pickett, and members of the Commission project team—Sherrie Priesche of the Governor’s office and James Gollub, the project consultant from ICF Consulting. He then introduced the National Academy of Science panel organized to support the decision-making process of the Commission.
Aaron Shatkin
Allan Conney
Tom Shenk
Adel Mahmoud
Shiro Matuoka
Fred Sterzer
Charles R. Gallistel
Dr. Vagelos stated that the mission of the Commission is to foster growth of a critical mass of research in science and technology fields, business and government practices and work force development in New Jersey that will help grow the state’s next generation economy. This work session is forum at which universities have been asked to present early stage proposals for new research centers, programs or projects that would support the objectives of the Commission while industry and public agencies have been asked to propose their own themes relating to their strategic directions. The outcome of this meeting is expected to be a broad set of themes on which universities could collaborate across institutions and with industry. Following review of the results of these meetings terms of reference will be developed that will solicit proposals in strategic theme areas. Universities will be asked to reach out across campuses and businesses to respond to these terms of references. Panels of the National Academy of Sciences members—from both industry and university—have been asked to review these proposals (due September 15th) against clear criteria for scientific and technological quality, competency, degree of collaboration with other universities and with industry, and leverage. The proposals submitted will be considered for funding from new sources to be raised on behalf of the future of New Jersey. However, each proposal will be expected to have a realistic business plan that demonstrates matching support from each participating university and an ability to transition to other sources of funding—be they federal agencies or industry.
Jim Gollub, Senior Vice President, ICF Consulting, explained the format and expected outcomes of the work session, which he then facilitated each round of discussions. This working group is one of five that have been held to define candidate research themes for new centers of excellence in science and technology in New Jersey. The working group had the following rounds of activity:
· Round 1--University Presentations: During first portion of the work session representatives of New Jersey’s universities each presented the “high concept” of their initial proposals for R&D in this specific theme area—recognizing that there is natural overlap across virtually all the R&D theme areas. University representatives were asked to speak to their peers, industry and agencies in the room as if they were “pitching” a business proposal to a venture capital firm.
· Round 2—Industry and Agency Views: After each university presented their R&D proposal themes, representatives of industry, R&D institutes and federal agencies (e.g., defense and civilian) then identified the R&D themes and directions that are most crucial to their businesses or missions. This took place in a facilitated roundtable discussion format.
· Round 3—Crosscutting Themes: Finally, to set the stage for the next round of proposals, all participants were asked to identify themes—building on the discussions of the group. These “convergence themes” are those that might be of mutual interest to both universities and industry or agencies or simply represent an opportunity to position New Jersey at the front end of a wave of innovation and emerging industry technology development.
· Next Steps: After all five rounds of university-industry-agency work sessions the National Academy of Sciences panel, Commission and consultants will develop of the terms of reference for a request for proposal (RFP) that will be made publicly available. The Academy members will serve as a peer review panel for the proposals submitted and make recommendations to the Commission for consideration. These proposals will then be the core focus for future financial support.
Meeting Presentations
The following outline summarizes the materials presented at the Life Sciences working group. Many of these presentations were distributed or made available by e-mail or at university websites.
Rutgers New Brunswick, Kenneth Breslauer
· Protein and nucleic acid databases
· Cell and DNA depository
· Structural genomics center
· Major R&D Institutes: CINJ, EOHSI and CABM
· Animal facilities
· Biomedical imaging
· High field NMR facility
· Incubator space for joint ventures
· Space for protein database and associated programs
1. Human genetics institute: Building on current track record of $60 m in less than five years
2. Biomaterials center: Building on current efforts with 25 industrial partners, focusing on computational approaches to biomaterials, particularly advanced materials for drug delivery, and, regenerative medicine.
3. Center for Systems, Structure and Computational Biology: Research on biomaps and biological databases.
4. NSF-ERC Pharmaceutical Engineering Research Center: Building on interest of NSF.
5. Institute for Molecular Design and Synthesis: Focusing on synthetic and organic chemistry.
6. Neuroscience and Stem Cell Institute: Including stem cell institute, gene expression center, building on spinal cord injury research.
7. Biomedical Imaging and Modeling Center: with an associated functional magnetic resonance center.
8. 800 Megahertz (Mhz) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility: A statewide tool for use in structural biology, a key to molecular medicine.
9. Animal Facility: Major infrastructure to be shared statewide to provide and manage genetically modified animals.
10. Center for Sustainable Environment and Economic Development: Examining biological and economic interdependencies—water, energy, food, land use.
11. Institute for Neurogenomics and Wellness: Research on the interaction of plants, food, agriculture and health.
12. Cancer Institute of New Jersey (CINJ): Leverage this highly recognized center, emphasizing distinctive population features of the state related to Cancer.
13. Center for Cancer Prevention.
14. Center for Health Promoting Technologies: Emphasis on identifying and developing technologies for target populations from the disadvantaged to older adults.
15. Biotechnology Education and Training Initiative: Building the future workforce at the BS and MS level, emphasizing goal of meeting market demand for continuum of skills.
16. Biotechnology Center for Agriculture and the Environment.
· Protein and nucleic acid databases
· Cell and DNA Repositories
· Structural Genomics Center
Rutgers Newark
· Neurobiology and neuroscience
· Normal brain development
· Remediation programs emphasizing behavioral techniques
1. Institute for Integrated Neuroscience and Education: Focusing on programs for schools bring new perspectives into practice.
2. Institute for Neuroinformatics: Goal is to break the code of the brain focusing on parallel wideband data recording via high-density silicon sensors and new forms of computational-math interpretation of data with the goal of developing new treatments for cognitive diseases, creation of neuro-prosthetics through computer design.
3. Institute for Motor Disorders: Research to better understand Parkinsons and stroke, creating new tools for analysis and application in rehabilitation, incorporating 3D and virtual reality systems.
4. Center for Computational and Biological Learning: Focusing on a computational approach to analyzing (pattern detection) and understanding biological and psychological systems.
5. Center for the Study of Dynamic Systems: This proposal could integrate all of the preceding four center themes under one larger research umbrella.
6. Center for Cellular Biodynamics: Research on dynamic events in living cells applying biophysical approaches, microscopy working across departmental disciplines of biochemistry, physicals, molecular biology (including CMBN), cellular biology, tissue engineering, applied optics.
7. Center for Structure-based Design of Antibacterials: Research to determine protein targets in bacteria, target the enzymes that effect protein activity particularly in gram negative and gram positive bacteria.
Rutgers Camden
1. Pine Barrens Human-Land Use Dynamics: Examining the natural interdependence and impact of this ecology and extensible lessons.
2. Computational Biology of Systems: Study of the Camden-Pinleands emphasizing the complex connection of sensory systems using biosensors.
University of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey (UMDNJ)
Note: The University only presented competencies from which proposals could be developed. Their premise was that UMDNJ would expand on these capabilities linking with other NJ universities.
· Infectious Diseases
– Home to national centers in fields such as tuberculosis and public health research institute.
– Conducting defense research on biodefense/bioterrorism.
– Possesses strong biotcontainment facilities.
– Has established consortia on a number of life sciences themes.
Themes: Select agent research (e.g., bioterrorism/biohazard)
1. Bioinformatics (competencies tracking Robert Wood Johnson report on Health and Health Care 2010)
· Medical Technologies: Computer aided drug design, Biomedical imaging, Minimally invasive surgery, Biomaterial implants and nano technology, Pharmacogenomics and gene therapy, Stem cell technologies, Treatment for neurodegenerative disorders
· Information Technologies (supporting capabilities): 3D Computing and visualization, High bandwidth and wireless networks, Intelligent agents and sensors, Clinical information systems, Telemedicine and remote monitoring of patients, Computer data analysis and pattern recognition, Computation biology and bioinformatics
2. Molecular and Cellular Biology
· Molecular medicine: Therapeutics, prevention and diagnostics.
· Cell growth and stem cell research
· Bioengineering
· Immunology:
- Special assets to leverage: Cancer Center, CABM
- Opportunity to Integrate: Research and education
· Needs: Proteomics (expand capacity); Drug delivery (enhance development); Links with engineering (cross fertilize for innovation); Infrastructure to work with start-ups (GMP facilities, CRO support associated with incubators); Enhanced core medical school departments and linkages (Microbiology, microbial pathogenesis, immunology), Improved intellectual property management
3. Workforce Development – Opportunity to leverage UMDNJ Programs in:
· Allied health: Connecting to demand for medicine technicians.
· Undergrad programs: Feedstock for graduate schools.
· Technicians: Expanding capacity in imaging sciences where there is extensive demand anticipated.
· Customizing educational programs for advanced training: Continuing to work with professors and associations to design effective programs.
· Securing funding for graduate education: Need dollars to feed skill pipeline.
· Web based education: 25% of current curriculum is delivered over the web to accommodate realities of student learning needs.
4. Cardiovascular Institute
· Multidisciplinary Research on Leading Causes of Disease: Find common areas of research across disciplines related to cardiovascular disease, link researchers in cell growth, tissue engineering, angiogenesis and other fields in multidisciplinary research.
· Incorporate all the major schools across North and South New Jersey, as well as their basic and clinical research to form a larger scale (critical mass) of research in this field.
1. Center for Biological Complexity
· An integrative approach; focusing on enhanced methods of probing and exploiting cellular and genomic information.
· Genomics: Achievement of effective SNP detection in individuals emphasizing high throughput sequencing, bioinformatics (data management), development of new algorithms for pattern recognition, application through pharmacogenomics, and proteomics.
· Biological Imaging: Development of novel probe designs for interrogating cells through use of new tools such as simultaneous imaging of multiple elements of living cells (2-photon microscopy) and multiple levels of resolution (x-ray, atomic force, visible light, NMR).
· Chemical Biology: Use of high throughput phenotypic screening and application of proteomics and systems biology.
· Biological Computation: Network analysis of biological systems, the design of microbiological logic “circuits”, neurobiological research on the next generation neural networks and imaging processing.
· Medical Imaging: Molecular imaging: Apply new tools to assist in all stages of clinical trials, focus on improved analysis of subpopulations and identification of new paths for drug candidates (e.g., matching a previously failed drug to successful new applications). Major opportunity to attract pharmaceutical industry through offering capacity for animal imaging as part of drug development.
2. Presentation on POEM: A Potential Model for Other Centers
· Founded with state support (1 of 12)
· 100 patents issued.
· $3 million in licenses received.
· 50 start-ups.
· Assisted 250 firms.
· Generated $75 million in non-state matching funds (7:1 ratio).
· Has nanoscale laboratory facility for prototype nanofabrication (not manufacturing).
3. Institute for Motor Disorders
4. Neuroinformatics Initiative
5. Institute for Computational and Biological Learning
6. Institute for Integrating Neuroscience and Education