Adult Medical Dental History Form


Patient’s Last Name First Name

Birth Date Sex: (circle) Male Female

Home Address

Cell Phone Alternate Phone



DENTIST NAME City/State______

Last Exam/Cleaning______


Who can we thank for referring you to our office?


Primary Policy Holder

Social Security Number /ID # ______

Policy Holders Birthday Employer

Insurance Company Group #

MEDICAL HISTORY – Please check all that apply

p  Asthma Cancer Medications______

p  Anemia Heart Conditions/High Blood Pressure Allergies ______

p  Diabetes Heart Murmur Do you need premedication before dental procedures? ______

p  Epilepsy Seizures Other ? ______

p  Hepatitis or HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis

DENTAL HISTORY – Please check all that apply

Do you maintain 6 month dental Check Ups? Do you grind or clench your teeth? Other______

Have you ever had an orthodontic consultation? Have you ever had prior orthodontic Treatment?

Have you been told you have or had gum disease? Does your jaw click or lock when opening/closing?


I have read the above questions and understand them. I will not hold my orthodontist or any member of his/her staff responsible for any errors or omissions that I have made in the completion of this form. I will notify my orthodontist of any changes in my medical or dental health.

Patient Signature______Date______

Updated______Date______Patient Signature______

Updated______Date______Patient Signature______


(Guide To Patient Privacy Rules Is In Waiting Room)

I consent to the use or disclosure of my protected dental health information by Meier Orthodontics for the purpose of diagnosing or providing treatment to me, obtaining payment for my dental health care bills or to conduct dental health care operations of Meier Orthodontics. I understand that diagnosis or treatment of me by Scott F. Meier, D.D.S. may be conditioned upon my consent as evidenced by my signature on this document.

I understand I have the right to request a restriction as to how my protected dental health information is used or disclosed to carry out treatment, payment or healthcare operations of the practice. Meier Orthodontics is not required to agree to the restrictions that I may request. However, if Meier Orthodontics agrees to a restriction that I request, the restriction is binding on Meier Orthodontics and Scott F. Meier, D.D.S..

I have the right to revoke this consent in writing, at any time, except to the extent that Scott F. Meier, D.D.S., or Meier Orthodontics has taken action in reliance on this consent.

My “protected dental health information” means dental health information, including my demographic information, collected from me and created or received by my orthodontist, another dental health care provider, a health plan, my employer or health care clearinghouse. This protected dental health information relates to my past, present or future physical or dental health or condition and identifies me, or there is a reasonable basis to believe the information may indentify me.

I understand I have a right to review Meier Orthodontics’s Notice of Privacy Practices prior to signing this document. The Meier Orthodontics’s Notice of Privacy Practices has been provided to me. The Notice of Privacy Practices describes the types of uses and disclosures of my protected dental health information that will occur in my treatment, payment of my bills or in the performance of dental health care operations of the Meier Orthodontics. The Notice of Privacy Practices for Meier Orthodontics is also provided in the reception area. This Notice of Privacy Practices also describes my rights and the Meier Orthodontics’s duties with respect to my protected dental health information.

Meier Orthodontics reserves the right to change the privacy practices that are described in the Notice of Privacy Practices. I may obtain a revised notice of privacy practices by calling the office and requesting a revised copy be sent in the mail or asking for one at the time of my next appointment.


Signature of Patient or Personal Representative Date