Outstanding College Researcher Award

College of Arts and Sciences

A.  Purpose:

·  The Outstanding College Researcher Award recognizes individuals who have conducted research at an outstanding level among their peers. Three Outstanding College Researcher Awards will be awarded each year within the College of Arts and Sciences divisions: one in Sciences and Mathematics; one in Social Sciences; and one in Humanities.

B.  Criteria for Eligibility:

·  Nominees must be tenured or tenure-track faculty members currently conducting research. They must have been at ISU for a minimum of three academic years prior to nomination.

·  Nominees may not have previously won an Outstanding College Researcher Award in CAS.

·  Because of the high quality of research in CAS and the competitive nature of the Outstanding College Researcher Awards, nominees who do not win the Award in one year are encouraged to reapply in a future year.

·  Individuals cannot be nominated for any combination of Outstanding College Researcher, Outstanding University Researcher, or Research Initiative Award simultaneously.

C.  Procedure for Submission of Nominations:

·  Eligible faculty members may be nominated by any faculty member or department chair in the College. The Research Proposal Review Committee (RPRC) will not be charged with nominating eligible faculty members for the Outstanding College Researcher Award.

·  Nominees must seek written endorsement of their application from their chairperson or a colleague in their department or school. The endorsement should address the quality and uniqueness of the contribution of the nominee’s research to his or her field of study, including the extent to which the nominee is recognized nationally or internationally for research.

D.  Review

·  Entries will be reviewed by the RPRC. The RPRC will rank all entries within each division, Sciences and Mathematics, Social Sciences, and Humanities. The final rank order and a recommendation for awards in each division will be submitted to the Dean.

·  A document entitled “Criteria for the Evaluation of Scholarly and Creative Productivity” will provide guidance for such review. This document can be found on the Research and Sponsored Programs website.

E.  Awards

·  The person named as Outstanding College Researcher in each division will receive $500 from the University and will become eligible for future University Researcher Award nominations.

F.  A complete application should include:

·  Cover sheet (attached to this information)

·  A statement from the nominee describing his or her current research (no more than 1 to 1½ pages, single spaced). The statement should be written at a level appropriate for researchers outside the discipline. In addition to a description of current activities, the statement should address the significance of the nominee’s total body of research to the field of study.

·  Endorsement of the application by the nominees’ department chairperson or a colleague in the department.

·  A full career vita. Research accomplishments that are in compliance with the “Criteria for the Evaluation of Scholarly and Creative Productivity” should be categorized and listed, beginning with the most recent. Complete citations must be given for all published works. “Criteria for the Evaluation of Scholarly and Creative Productivity” can be found on the Research and Sponsored Programs website.

·  External letter(s) of support (no more than three). External letters of support provide reviewers with helpful insights about the contribution of the research accomplishments to the discipline and society.

·  Applications not following guidelines will be disqualified.

Below is the information about the Outstanding College Researcher Award from the Research and Sponsored Programs website:

Five hundred dollars are provided to each College to recognize outstanding researchers. The number of recipients, the selection process, and the criteria for these awards are at the discretion of the College. However, the criteria should parallel those of the Outstanding University Researcher Award program for College recipients to be competitive at the University level.
Funds provided by the University for this award may be combined with research award programs already existing in the Colleges, but individuals selected must be designated by the title Outstanding College Researcher. Although funds are intended to be used primarily for equipment, it is permissible for Colleges to exchange funds from other budget accounts so that award recipients may obtain the research-related items they need most, but not for faculty salary.
Colleges should send the names of award recipients to the Associate Vice President for Research before the deadline for Outstanding University Researcher applications; otherwise, College recipients will be ineligible for Outstanding University Researcher awards that year.

Outstanding College Researcher Award Nominee

College of Arts and Sciences

Cover Sheet/Application

Nominee/Applicant ______

College ______


Office Phone ______E-mail ______

To be included in Application Materials

______Cover Sheet/Application

______Nominee's statement

______Full career vita

______Endorsement letter by faculty or department chairperson/school director

______External letter(s) of support (no more than three)

Attached endorsement provided by:

Name: ______

Title: ______

Department/School: ______

Phone: ______E-mail ______

Instructions for Endorsement: Please be aware that reviewers of the Outstanding

Researcher Award nominees are colleagues with expertise in diverse scholarly fields. It is important to address each nominee's achievements with information clarifying how the work qualifies as outstanding in the particular discipline represented. Please refer to instructions for completing Outstanding Researcher Applications.


Nominee/Applicant's Signature Date


College Dean's Signature Date