Patient Participation Group/Wilsden Medical Practice

Minutes of Meeting 1st September 2014

  1. Welcome: Wendy welcomed the group and chaired the meeting
  2. Present: Wendy Parkin, Judith Fenton, Chris Stephenson, Jenny Lightowler, Anita Booth, Margaret Andrews, Dave Moore, Joanna Tansley, Sylvia Fisher, Trish Smith.
  3. Apologies: Ken Yale, Gill Leather, Sue Crowther, Madeleine O’Beirne (visitor from the Bingley Practice, attending at a later date).
  4. Update on Ken and Dave:Wendy, Dave and Trish gave updates on their contact with Ken.
  5. Minutes of previous meeting 7th July 2014: The minutes were approved.
  6. Matters arising: See agenda.
  7. Treasurer’s Report: apologies given, the report will be emailed out to members.
  8. Practice Manager slot: Practice Manager on Annual Leave

a.Open day, as discussed previously this is planned for early May 2015

  1. Comments boxes etc:

a.Boxes: It was a pleasure to receive very positive comments about the practice, in particular naming one of the doctors, which was shared with him.

b.Pigeon hole: things there were for Friday’s event.

c.Notice boards: the minutes will be put up in Wilsden.

  1. Planning for ‘End of Life Care’ session:

a.This is now fully booked.

b.All roles have been confirmed with Jenny. Chris offered extra support at 3 of the meetings.

c.Finances – any receipts need to go to Wendy.

d.Continuing health care - Wendy will email the Health Worker about a 2hour follow on session.

e.Evaluation sheets- done.

f.Chairing – Jenny has the names and details

g.Air Ambulance – Jenny brought the boxes.

h.T&A – Wendy not yet received a reply.

i.Photographs – ask the course members for permissions. Dave and Jenny doing these.

  1. Diabetic evening update, Joanna:After a group discussion it was decided to pend this event to be possibly part of next year’s open day.
  2. Student placement – progress: Wendy and Dave will be meeting with the students.
  1. Village shows:

a.Harden – Anita and Gill

b.Wilsden Jenny and ?

  1. Flu Clinics: Joanna will contact Sue to confirm the dates.

a.Wilsden – Margaret and Anita.

b. Cullingworth – Sylvia, Dave and Trish.

c.Denholme – Sylvia

  1. Banner Planning and design: Jenny presented the final draft to the group. Nearly there –Wendy will approach the CCG regarding some funding for this.
  2. People wanting to attend: Our reputation seems to be spreading and it has been a very busy year. The group agreed to Wendy sending invitations to:-

a.Richard Cullen – Youth Health Champion.

b.Danielle Steel – Dementia Lead.

c.The self-care worker.

d.Rebecca Hewitt – Keighley Volunteer Service.

  1. CCG/PPG:

a.Next steering group meeting 9th September.

b.Next CEERG meeting 3rd September. Wendy was invited to be on the interview panel for a post within this group.

c.Report back from various meetings / buddying. Jenny, Judith and Dave volunteered.

d.Windhill request re Portfolio: Wendy will defer this until after the course.

  1. Practice surveys / Quality Control:

a.On target for quality control regarding current survey.

b.Mum’s and Babies survey has been completed.

c.Schools led by Jenny: This went to the CCG and Dr Wilson has agreed for this to be used in GP training.

d.Warfarin Survey – Wendy waiting for a reply from Dr Wilson regarding requirements of the survey.

  1. Events for 2015: Information evenings, ‘illness based’, Asthma / Pain / Hearing Loss / Sight Loss. These are being deferred and may be incorporated into the Open Day event.
  2. E-technology: The CCG are changing the internet provider, Wilsden Medical Practice will be on the Intranet.
  3. A.O.B.

a.One group member reported finding it difficult to contact the surgery during the afternoon as they could only get a busy signal. Two other members had the same thing happen to them. As we are all patients and frequent users Wendy asked if we would make a note of dates and times of these or any other issues. This will be of value towards our ongoing quality control.

  1. Future Meeting Dates:6th October, 3rdNovember and 1st December.