Dear Neighbors of Rock Creek Green

Dear Neighbors of Rock Creek Green

Dear Neighbors of Rock Creek Green:1/13/04

I am George Allen, your neighbor at 16770 SE Rock Creek Ct. I have attended some local planning meetings and now believe the livability, and land value, of our neighborhood is in jeopardy. Clackamas County’s Commissioners have accelerated the development of the Rock Creek Industrial Area…

The area adjacent to the south border of the Rock Creek Green development is designated to be zoned for industrial use by the end of this year!

Attached is a portion of Clackamas County’s Damascus Concept Plan map showing intended usage of the greater Damascus area that will be included into Metro’s Urban Growth Boundary.

The Urban Growth Boundary has now been expanded to include our neighborhood. The growth resulting from the expansion of the boundary is nearly unavoidable. But Rock Creek Green does not have to be designated as the area’s industrial center!

This industrial zoning designation would reduce our current quality of living and lower land values immediately. The area is not currently defined as “light” industrial, and regardless, this definition does little to protect us. Picture potential 24 hour per day noise, traffic, dirt, pollutants, unsightly buildings & equipment, and drainage complications. Live next door to twenty refrigerated trucks with cooling engines running all night, or the smell of solvents hanging over your back yard, and you will start to understand why our input is vital to define how this area is to be used.

There is no time to waste. We need to quickly identify Rock Creek Green representatives to stand up for our rights to Clackamas County Commissioners, demanding that we have a voice in any actions potentially changing the usage of our neighborhood.

I have a web site for use as a source for information pertaining to this issue. You can register there if you would like to get involved, and you can connect to links for more information including the county study. I will try to keep it as current as possible. (see address below)

The triangle created by Sunnyside, 172nd, Hwy 212 and Rock Creek

was referred to as “shovel ready industrial land” in reference to a county planner’s presentation called “Outline of the Regionally Significant Industrial Area / the accelerated Rock Creek project”
URGENT! On January 14th at 7 pm & 24th at 10 am public forums will be held on Clackamas County’s concept plan including the proposed Rock Creek Industrial Area at Deep Creek Elementary School. (1.1 miles south on left of 232nd Ave off of Hwy 212 – 15600 SE 232nd Ave)

I encourage you to attend, and complain to our Clackamas County Commissioners.

I also encourage you to learn more about this issue quickly, and be ready to speak as a unified group to insure our rights are not trampled by the county’s acceleration of the industrial provisions of the planning process. Are you willing to sign a petition stopping the accelerated plan?

Thank you for your attention,

George AllenSee more on this subject at

16770 SE Rock Creek Ct.

503-558-9385 /