Patient Participation Group Report 2012/13

This is our Patient Participation Group (PPG) report for 2012/13. This is our second year we have implemented a Patient Participation Group in the Surgery. At the present time we have around eight patients who attend our six weekly meetings, we also haveforty four patients who are part of our virtual group; although this is not a large amount we have worked very hard within the surgery to personally encourage patients to either attend the meeting or join our virtual group. Our virtual group are sent agendas and minutes of our meetings and are welcome to contribute via emails and or attend the meeting.

These patients’ ages range from nineteen to eighty years of age. We currently have fivefemale patients and three male patients who actually attend our meetings. Members of our PPG are carers, and volunteers for groups such as Essex Dementia Care, SEPT, The Expert Patients Programme and the Council run Day Care Centres held around the Basildon area for the older generation.Our current group include patients with chronic diseases, we now have one patient with learning difficulties who has joined our virtual group and around 4 patients who are disabled. We had a big campaign during this year and managed to catch a few young mums who were attending the practice for our ante and post natal clinics to join our virtual group. The same with our ethnic minority patients, we handed out leaflets and managed to catch a few patients who once again have joined our virtual group.

Below is a chart of our total practice list and the ages and patients who are part of our current PPG.

AGE / Total List / PRG % / Face to Face / Virtual
% 16 – 24 years old / 917 / - / - / 2
% 25 – 34 years old / 970 / - / - / 10
% 35 – 44 years old / 970 / - / 1 / 7
% 45 – 54 years old / 1100 / - / - / 5
% 55 – 64 years old / 613 / - / 4 / 8
% 65 and over / 1024 / - / 3 / 12
GENDER / Total List / PRG % / Face to Face / Virtual
% Females / 3634 / - / 5 / 31
% Males / 3454 / - / 3 / 13
ETHNICITY / Total List / PRG % / Face to Face / Virtual
% British group / 4984 / - / 8 / 36
% any other White background / 609 / - / 0 / 1
% White & Black Caribbean / 11 / - / - / -
% White & Black African / 7 / - / - / -
% White & Asian / 2 / - / - / -
% any other Mixed background / 1 / - / - / -
Asian or Asian British
% Indian / 153 / - / - / 3
% Pakistani / - / - / - / 0
% Bangladeshi / 4 / - / - / -
% any other Asian background / 32 / - / - / -
Black or Black British
% Caribbean / 15 / - / - / 2
% African / 98 / - / - / 2
% any other Black background
Chinese or other Ethnic Group
% Chinese / 5 / - / - / -
% any other / - / - / - / -
OTHER GROUPS / Total List / PRG % / Face to Face / Virtual
Care & Residential Homes / 21 / - / 0 / -
Carers / 37 / - / 6 / 6
Learning Disabilities / 19 / - / 0 / 1
Long Term Conditions

The Practice has actively worked as a team to encourage patients to join our group. The PPG has its own large notice board, which has a picture of our current group, where we advertise ourselves, our website, we have a copy of the annual report, minutes of the latest meeting, details on appointment that patients have DNA, the numbers of appointments each month all displayed on the board. We also advertise local volunteer services,carers support, dementia care support and information on help with Obesity, Heart Failure etc. Since July 2011 the surgery has put posters up on walls in waiting rooms and on doors to all consulting room, informing all patients of the forming of the PPG and the forthcoming dates of meetings. These posters and leaflets also informed patients that if they are interested in becoming involved in the Group, but are either not keen or are unable to attend the meetings held at the Surgery, then they can become a Virtual member, receiving and sending interactive information and news via email.

As a PPG we are very keen to encourage our younger patients, young or new mums and patients from minority groups to become involved.During year 2012/13 , the Reception and Clinical Staff have actively spoken to patient and explained to patients about our group, and through this we were able to involve these patients into our virtual group, this will help the surgery to make changes that are welcomed by these groups.

Throughout the year 2012/13, we have held many discussions at our PPG meetings around where patients attend when in need of medical care when the practice is closed.We also discussed whether patients were aware of our OOH service and how to contact this service. At the PPG meeting of the 20.11.12 the group discussed ideas for a survey and unanimously agreed to make a survey around patients attending A + E and the OOH service. The group discussed the questions that should be included in the survey for patients to complete, it was agreed a notice was to be given out to patients and sent to the virtual group asking for any comments or ideas around a survey, if there were no ideas returned then the survey and questions agreed at the meeting would be used. On the 27.11.12 an email was sent out to the virtual group asking for their thoughts on the patient survey, this notice was also given out to patients attending the practice. The practice received no comments or ideas,therefore decided to go ahead with agreed questions and surveys.

The patient survey was written up and given out to patients from Reception and e mailed to the virtual group with effect from 7.1.13. All surveys received back were manually analysed, the answers were compiled together to give our total results.

The ages of our patients who completed the patient survey were;

Under 18 - No forms completed

18 to 30 - 24 forms completed

31 to 50 - 36 forms completed

51 to 75 - 38 forms completed

75 or over - 12 forms completed

The ethnic groups who completed the patient survey were;

White - 84 forms completed

Black or Black British - 12 forms completed

Asian or British Asia - 12 forms completed

Eastern European - 6 forms completed

Other ethnic group - 2 forms completed

Chinese - No forms completed

Two hundred and forty four questionnaires were given out to patients. At our PPG meeting, held on 18th February 2013, with one hundred and sixteen questionnaires returned and analysed the results were discussed. The results showed that patients attend A + E, instead of contacting our OOH service when the practice is closed, even though patients are aware of our OOH service and the Minor Injuries Unit. The results show that when patients are asked questions about the OOH service they are interested in being given more information and feel that the practice should advertise the service and give patients information on how to contact the service.

Patient Survey Results

  • Patients who have used A + E or OOH in the last 12 months.

A + E = 20 patients

NHS Direct = 2 patients

OOH = 12 patients

Minor Injuries Unit = 4 patients

  • Are patients aware of the services provided when the practice is closed.

Out of Hours Yes = 78 No = 22

Minor Injuries Unit Yes = 78 No = 38

  • How many patients felt more information should be shown within the practice, giving details of the services available when the practice is closed.

On our website = 6

In the waiting room = 42

In our Practice Leaflet = 4

When Registering = 2

Everywhere = 24

  • Gender of the patient

Male = 50

Female = 60

  • Age of patient

18 to 30 = 24

31 to 50 = 36

51 to 75 = 38

Over 75 = 12

  • Patients with long term illness

Yes = 16 No = 14

  • Ethnicity of Patient

White = 84

Black/Black British = 12

Eastern European = 6

Asian/Asian British = 12

Mixed Race = 2

Chinese = 0

Outcomes recognised from the A+E and OOH survey.

Patients do not find this topic very interesting, we had to work very hard to ensure patients completed the survey.

When patients use the services, the comments received were very positive.

Patients would like the practice to advertise the services, when we gave our information card out the patients on our flu clinic day we received very positive comments.

We will shortly be receiving the leaflets and posters for the new 111 service, we will hopefully have received this before 1st May, once these are received we will hold an activity session around this which will give patients clear advice on who they should contact when the surgery is closed.