Patient Participation Directed Enhanced Service


1. / The surgery formed a virtual Patient Participation group in 2012/13 in order to collate patient’s views via a survey on the services available at the practice. This proved successful and the surgery embraced new ideas and improvements to the services provided. The up take for the virtual group for the year 2013/14 has diminished and we are actively seeking to try and recruit new members.
An analysis of our practice profile would be as follows:-
Our total list size is 2923
0-4 / 89 / 108 / 206
5-16 / 129 / 124 / 253
17-24 / 114 / 123 / 237
25-34 / 342 / 336 / 678
35-44 / 329 / 211 / 540
45-54 / 245 / 141 / 386
55-64 / 137 / 119 / 256
65-74 / 87 / 93 / 186
75-84 / 45 / 64 / 109
85-89 / 13 / 31 / 44
90+ / 10 / 21 / 31
TOTAL / 1549 / 1371 / 2920
Working status :- The practice enjoys a standard level of employed status, a fair proportion of retired and long term sick although many patients carry on working due to new employment law with regards to the retirement age.
Marginalised/Vulnerable Groups
The practice maintains a list of patients classed as vulnerable. These patients are general cared for by a registered carer of which we have 17 listed at present. The registers are checked annually for attendance at the surgery for both the vulnerable patient and carer. Any patients not seen within a six month period will be contacted by the surgery. The vulnerable patient list currently stands at 14.
Patients with Learning Disabilities
Patients with learning disabilities total 7 these patients are invited annually for a health check with their GP.
Nursing Care Home Residents
108 Patients were placed within the category of being a resident in a Nursing/Care home. The practice enjoys a good working relationship, and patients are closely monitored by the district nursing team and GPs. These patients generally do not attend the surgery.
Mental Health
The practice sustains a mental health register which as a practice we believe is due to our age profile of population, and the mobile population we tend to attract. At present our drug users register comprises of 72
This is moveable as they are a transient group who are generally in rehab with homes we service for approximately three months many then remain registered with us, although a small proportion do move on.
/ DES component 1
Establish a PRG comprising only of registered patients and use best endeavours to ensure PRG is representative
Year 1 – 22p
Year 2 – 0p
DES component 1
Establish a PRG comprising only of registered patients and use best endeavours to ensure PRG is representative
Year 1 – 22p
Year 2 – 0p
component 1
Establish a PRG comprising only of registered patients and use best endeavours to ensure PRG is representative
Year 1 – 22p
Year 2 – 0p
2. / Please give a description of the profile of the members of the PRG which should be representative of the practice population.
Any existing members including practice representative were contacted to ascertain if they wished to continue to be a member of the group only 4 responses were received.
The PRG now consists of the following groups:-
Elderly patients
Patients of working age either working or unemployed
Single parent
There is no representation from the following groups:-
Nursing/care home residents
Learning disabilities
Drug users
Under 16 age group
Our practice considered that the PPG is reasonably represented and takes on board that some groups will always be difficult to represent.
3. / Please outline the steps taken to ensure that the PRG is representative of the practice registered patients.
We firstly contacted the original members of the PPG and asked them to confirm if they would like to participate again in this years survey, only two responded. We therefore decided to try and again recruit new members by targeting patients on a daily basis, targeting specific groups existing patients and by further asking all newly registered patients if they would be interested and if so to supply us with an e mail address. New patients were also asked if they would like to join when they were registered. Any patients who expressed an interest were given a slip to complete and reception staff were formally notified of any arrangements so that they could deal with any queries.
The practice website includes a Patient Reference Group page
All doctors were requested to approach any patients that they felt might like to be involved
All new patients were asked to fill in their email address on the registration form
During Flu clinics there were large groups of patients present in the reception area and reminder announcements were made routinely in order to promote interest in the PRG recruitment campaign.
Each request to join the group would be acknowledge by the Practice Manager
4 patients committed to joining the virtual group despite the practices efforts to promote the PRG,and to recruit more members. As a practice we feel that patients are indifferent to this cause.

January 2014
Dear Patient or Carer,
Patient Participation Group (PRG) virtual panel
The Practice is currently looking to build on last year’s successful patient survey, results of which are available to view on our practice website: (A further update will be included in our 2013/14 report). Therefore we have decided to repeat the process and would like to invite existing and new members to participate for 2013/14.
Forming a reference group of patients ensures we can actively consult about our ideas for developing the practice and our services, and from whom we can gather further feedback and suggestions.
If this is something that would/still does interest you, please complete the attached sign up slip for our virtual group and return to the surgery or alternatively email me at
We have decided to remain a ‘Virtual’ group rather than a face to face group as we feel to be truly representative of our patients we need to invite a wide range of patients taking into consideration age, ethnicity, employment status etc and found from past experience face to face meetings are extremely difficult to arrange with our busy lives. We hope that by communicating our questions to an email/postal group all members will be able to have their say at their convenience.
I hope you will consider this invitation further, and if you are interested please indicate your wish to participate on the attached form. We will then contact you as soon as we have a representative list in place and let you know what happens next.
Many thanks for your consideration
Yours truly
.K Flintoft
Practice Manager
I do/do not (delete as applicable) wish to be contacted with a view to joining the Boscombe Manor PRG
Signed…………………………… Date…………………………
Print name………………………… email address………………………….… /postal (please indicate)
We will be displaying some notices to patients asking them if they wish to join our Patient Participation Group. This is something as you are aware that we commenced last year and we are now trying to recruit additional members. This is basically an invitation for patients to give us their views on how the surgery is run, about the services we provide and to offer suggestions if they feel that we can improve on these or even look at providing additional services. This will mainly be survey led.
At the moment we are trying to obtain e mail addresses of people who might wish to join and we will contact them by e mail with more information and details of the format of the group.
There is a letter and a slip to be handed out to patients with the request that they be then returned to the receptionist. Any that are collated please return to Karen.
If you have any questions regarding this please let me know.
4. / Where a category of patients is not represented, please outline the steps taken to attempt to engage with that group(s).
Most categories were approached through the practice and a fair cross section was identified. All the areas of the surgery were involved in recruitment including the reception staff and clinical teams. The main categories that the practice were unable to engage with were patients from ethnic minorities although asked the invitation was always declines. Suitable registered drug users and patients with learning disabilities also declined. Patients who are unemployed are extremely difficult to target as they are not required to divulge this information to the surgery.
As a practice we realise that the dynamics of the group need to change and more members need to be recruited if possible it is our intention to continue to display posters and review our methodology by:-
·  Improving the Patient Participation section on the Practice Website
·  SMS text to patients with mobile phones
·  Publish a newsletter
5. / Please give details of the steps taken to determine and reach agreement on the issues which had priority and were subsequently included in the local practice survey.
As in previous years the Practice Manager and Reception Team met to discuss what areas we considered as a practice to be of importance this year.
The PPG were invited to submit a list of topics that they considered the practice needed to address. The lists were collated and the group were asked to indicate which topics they considered important and would therefore be the basis of the practice survey.
6. / Having set the priorities with the PRG, please describe how the survey questions were drawn up and how the survey was carried out in order to obtain the views of your registered patients.
The PPG were invited to submit a list of topics that they considered the practice needed to address. The list was collated and circulated . A list of survey questions were drawn up to be focused on and this was circulated to the small group by e mail ie:-
·  Getting an appointment
·  Opening times
·  Accessibility of GP/Nurse
·  Reception/confidentiality issues
·  Appointment waiting time
The survey was approved and the system used to discuss the topics, reach an agreement on the questions and the format of the survey was clearly explained and agreed.
It was decided to target 75 patients.
The survey was an extension of the previous survey in how it affects patients in their relationship with the clinical staff in the practice and the practice facilities.
The survey was paper led.
7. / Please describe the rationale for using the chosen survey method and the criteria for assessing its credibility that the processes used for sampling and analysing are sufficient to provide valid reported outcomes
The practice received very few e mails when considering conducting the survey electronically in previous years. Therefore it was agreed that the same method as previously used ie surveys would be handed out from reception, then once completed in-house patients would hand them straight back. We contacted the PRG with our proposed target areas and then once we had their agreement we made a reasonable effort to distribute the survey to a group of people that was representative of the practice population.
A member of the administration team co-ordinated the distributions , collated the answers and populated the results table. / DES component 3
Collate patient views through local practice survey and inform PRG of the findings
Year 1 – 22p
Year 2 – 22p
8. / Please give details of the steps taken to provide an opportunity for the PRG to discuss the survey findings to include:
E Mail sent to PRG –
Please find enclosed the results of our patient survey. Included with this are some ideas for our action plan and I would be grateful if you could let me know your comments, thoughts in the near future. If I have no response from you within a one week timescale I will assume that you agree with the plan.
·  The group did not meet face to face
·  The findings were divulged via e mail after being collated and formalised
·  In turn any suggestions made were collated and recorded to form the basis of our action plan.
The PRG were asked to approve the action plan or advise us of anything that they did not agree with. No further comments were received so the action plan was finalised. / DES component 4
Provide PRG with opportunity to comment and discuss findings of local practice survey practice survey. Reach agreement with PRG of changes in provision and manner of delivery of services. Where the PRG does not agree significant changes, agree these with the PCT
Year 1 – 22p
Year 2 – 33p
9. / Please give details of the action plan setting out how the finding or proposals arising out of the local practice survey can be implemented and, if appropriate, reasons why any such findings or proposals should not be implemented.
The results of the survey were on the whole positive in terms of GP and appointment availability and indeed the surgery premises.