Patient and Public Involvement Reference Group (PPIRG) Meeting
Wednesday 24 August 2016 at 2:00-4:30pm, Meeting Room 4
Wandsworth CCG, 73-75 Upper Richmond Road, London SW15 2SR
Carol Varlaam (CV) / PPI Lay MemberColin Smith (CS) / PPI and E&D Development Manager
Dr. Sian Job (SJ) / PPI Clinical Lead
Jennifer Sangalang (JS) / PPI Coordinator
Derrick Douglas (DD) / Adult Social Care, Wandsworth Borough Council
Joan Robinson (JR) / PPI Representative – Community
Ricky Lucock (RL) / PPI Representative – Community
Dermot Cremin (DC) / West Wandworth PCG
Jeremy Cowper (JC) / Wandsworth Healthwatch
Simona Shaygan (SS) / Wandsworth Borough Council
Sarah Rackham (SR) / Katherine Low Settlement
Item / Topic / Action
1 / Welcome & introductions
CV welcomed all and introductions were made.
2 / Apologies and Personal Matters
Apologies were received from: Dermot Cremin, Clovine Morris, Daisy Camiwet, Kate Swinburn, Marion Endicott and Sue Marshall
Well wishes were passed on to Daisy Camiwet as she moves onto her new role at NHS England South.
3 / Declarations of Interest
None raised.
4 / Minutes of previous meeting held on Wednesday 27 April 2016
• Minutes P1-4: All agreed as correct.
• Matters arising not on the agenda
PPIRG Terms of Reference have been circulated.
5 / Team Reports
• PPI Chair Report
Report was circulated there were no further questions or comments.
• PPI Team Report
Report was circulated. The main thing happening at the moment is the recruitment of a new Engagement Manager. The PPI team are planning a two stage interview process with a commissioning scenario assessment followed by a formal interview.
• PPI Clinical Lead
No written report was circulated due to family commitments. However SJ is currently preparing a presentation for the task and finish group on how to take forward PPI in general practice. SJ has spoken to Jamie Gillespie from Healthwatch as well as various other people regarding this. Sian will come back to update at the next PPIRG meeting.
• Healthwatch Report
There is a written report regarding the strategy for carers. JC thanked the PPIRG for their comments and feedback on the Healthwatch Annual Report. Healthwatch was involved in Challenge with young people at Battersea Park this month. Their big issue at the moment is the recruitment for a new Healthwatch manager, the recruitment process has taken place but there has been no announcement yet. JC is optimistic that the new post holder will be announced within the next few weeks. There has been a Healthwatch presentation with working with young people and JC will feedback anything interesting to the group at the next meeting.
6 / Minutes Thinking Partners Group Meeting
The draft minutes for the Thinking Partners Group meeting was circulated. There is a continuing dialogue for joint planning arrangements on who will lead on the issues for patients and discharge arrangements. DC has written a co-design proposal and this will be taken to the management committee in September. If management team agree, then a workshop about how the approach of co-design in commissioning services will be organised. Eday will take place in November. Working together with Lauren Ashley-Boyle - voluntary sector coordinator, the first few Seldom Heard Grants have been agreed.
7 / • PPI Annual Report 2016
This will need to be submitted to NHS England regarding PPI activities. The report circulated was the one presented to the board last year and now minor amendments to this need to be made to ensure that it meets with statutory report. The PPIRG were asked to read the report and provide feedback on whether or not they think it meets the need of annual reporting from the guide to the legal duty report.
There will be two changes to the report, one is the section from Healthwatch which will be sent at the end of the month and the second is the SWLCC report.
SR asked to make a change on the KLS Learning Lunch on page 14, instead of ‘The girls who couldn’t climb trees’ change to ‘Community champion’s health education programme on FGM’.
The final report will needs to be submitted at the end of September.
• A Guide to Annual Reporting on the Legal Duty to Involve Patients and the Public in Commissioning
PPIRG members were asked to look at this document and see if it is reflected the PPI Annual Report. If there is anything further that needs to be included, please contact the PPI team.
8 / Defining and measuring Quality in GP Practices
EG locality manager for Battersea went through the paper with the PPIRG. It was agreed that it is a difficult task to review quality. All three localities have a chair which is a GP quality lead, Primary care commissioning/development manager and it was suggested that there should also be a patient rep and a healthwatch rep.
EG asked the PPIRG how they think they can develop patient engagement to continue with the quality work. The PPIRG members were asked what they want to see and how they would like to engage. Comments included:
- Hearing from a GP who has benefitted in this process who works in practice and not involved in the process.
- Receive concrete examples of where comments have come in to monitor improvement.
- Capture themes so that you can get lots of comments to go under one heading and look at standards to feedback tangibly.
EG will to come back to a future PPIRG meeting to update the group on progress made.
9 / Feedback from Members
Derrick Douglas: Share staffing arrangement between Wandsworth and Richmond is on track and will be in place from 1 October. DD is due to finish work with Wandsworth Borough Council on the 21 October, but leave on 27 September due to A/L. DD reported that this is his last meeting. PPIRG wished DD well.
Healthwatch: JC reported that the Healthwatch Assembly will be taking place on 28th September.
WCCG AGM will be taking place on the 21st September.
Simona Shaygan reported that they are going through a transition. Had an away day where they were informed about logistics - which projects to keep or postpone. Currently focusing on quality, contracts and audits. Alistair Johnstone is leaving in November.
10 / Evaluation- Feedback about how attendees experienced the meeting
All agreed an interesting and useful meeting.
11 / Date of next meeting
Wednesday 26 October 2016, 2:00pm-4:30pm Meeting Room 4.