A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on August 18, 2009 in Council Chambers located at 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Il.
Mayor Kevin R. Meade opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. by asking for roll call. Aldermen in attendance – Rick Reed, Eric Schenck, Craig West, Larry Sarff, Jorge Rivero, Gerald Ellis, Jim Hartford, Jason Strandberg. Absent – None.
Others in attendance – Mayor Kevin R. Meade, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Aaron Anderson, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Police Chief W. Dan Taylor, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Maurer Stutz - Keith Plavec (City engineer and Zoning Officer), Public Works Director Cliff O’Brien, City Administrator Jim Sniderand Joe Ginger Video Services.Absent: Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt.
In the audience was news media of John Froehling from the Daily Ledger, Mark Bixler from the Journal Star, Stacey Creasy from The Democrat, Kevin Sampier from the Journal Star; also DCEO Sr. Acct Manager Tony Rolando, SRPED Executive Director Mark Rothert, ESDA Director Phil Fleming, Michael Slaight, Gary Rickert.
Minutes of Council meeting held August 4, 2009.
Minutes of Clerical Committee meeting held August 11, 2009.
Alderman Sarff made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, and was duly seconded by Alderman West. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.
Alderman Strandberg made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented, and was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.
Alderman West made the motion to pay the bills as presented, and was seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Discussion. Additional bill from the Illinois Department of Transportation which is for sidewalks on Route 78 in the amount of $25,055.83 was added for payment. Keith Plavec said originally the amount was $36,000 but the bid came in lower than that. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Hartford, Ellis, Rivero, Sarff, West, Schenck, Reed. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Council Action
Maurer Stutz Inc. Invoices for July.
Alderman Schenck said this is one very nice report. This is progress from the Public Works department and I did not know if council wants to continue that. The council members gave their consensus of yes.
TIF Debt Certificate.
Aaron Anderson gave an update. The interest rate is being done by the underwriter and he is working on, and now knows it won’t be locally. I will bring information to the council meeting next month.
Greg Foose Construction of Invoice for $19,531.50 and $1,040.00 for the Fire Department Parking Lot.
Alderman Schenck made the motion to pay the invoice for $19,531.50 and $1,040.00 to Greg Foose Construction, and seconded by Alderman Sarff. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Reed, Schenck, West, Sarff, Rivero, Ellis, Hartford, Strandberg. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Bids received of TV mounted Aries Pathfinder Televised Pipeline Inspection System.
Public Works Director Cliff O’Brien said the low bids offer very good trucks. So were looking at the best maintenance. I will bring the decision to the Public Works, Water & Sewer committee meeting next week.
Liquidated Damages – Leander Construction.
Alderman Ellis made the motion do know action by council, and have the City Administrator Jim Snider, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, and City Treasurer Aaron Anderson to have them proceed with any action they consider necessary, and was duly seconded by Alderman Rivero. Discussion. Alderman Strandberg stated that council makes the decisions. Mayor Kevin R. Meade stated we are making this group an appeal process. Alderman Strandberg said this is a very good way to deal with it. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.
Legal & Ordinance.
Council Action
Discussion of Feaster’s/Odd Fellows Building on West Side Square at W. Chestnut Street.
City Attorney Chrissie Peterson had invited Ron Weber from the Odd Fellows, and Tom Herbst from the former Feaster’s to attend this meeting. They could not be here and Tom called and said he felt there was some progress that has been made. Anyway there is some movement and Tom Herbst feels this could be done in 30 days.
Community & Industrial Development.
Update SRPED Executive Director Mark Rothert.
Mark Rothert presented the following –
Downtown/Former IH Site:
- Cook Canton has just announced an opening for Facilities Manager. That notice went out first to over 850 people who are signed up through the website on 8/10/09.
- We are working with Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs on an economic impact analysis of the Cook project.
- The Lewis Pharmacy building, which was successfully nominated by the SRPED to be on the Landmarks Illinois Top Ten Most Endangered List for 2009, was purchased by Mr. Cook earlier this month.
- Canton Main Street plans to apply for Illinois Main Street awards by September 1, 2009 for projects that have taken place this year in our downtown that includes the revitalization of the Randolph Building, listing of the Lewis Pharmacy building on the Landmarks Illinois Top Ten most endangered sites, and the various special events that have occurred in the downtown such as the Open Air sites, and the various special events that have occurred in the downtown such as the Open Air Markets which have drawn hundreds of people to our downtown each month.
- The downtown CDAP façade grant program is in full swing. We are expecting to get architectural cost estimates and drawings for several of the downtown buildings on Monday August 17th. Once we have these drawings the City and SRPED can look at bidding options to help downtown business owners fix up their facades.
Special Events/Tourism:
- Attached is a marketing and tourism update from Dana Smith, the new marketing and tourism staff member of the SRPED, on recent marketing efforts and activities since she started in that role in July.
Business Attraction and Support:
The SRPED is working with the following business development opportunities:
- There is a national chain retailer looking to expand in Canton.
- There is a regional DIY chain looking to expand in Canton.
- There are three small businesses (service, retail and restaurant) looking to expand to Canton.
- There is an industrial development interested to expand to Fulton County.
- Timbuktech recently moved to a new location at 486 N. Main Street.
- We have been working with WMBD on a marketing campaign that will help highlight Canton as an attractive place, not only visitors, but also for business. This commercial should be airing the week of August 17, 2009 and will be uploaded to the community’s homepage
Grant Work:
- We are currently awaiting word from the US Economic Development Administration for our $1.6 million grant submission that will help pay for infrastructure at the IH site related to the Cook Canton project. Since this is such a large grant award, we are at the discretion of the US EDA to announce the award. I have made inquiries this week and last to the status of the announcement. Each time EDA staff said they would try to expedite the awarding of the grant. I have also been in contact with Congressman’s Phil Hare’s office whose staff have also called EDA Washington D.C. office.
- The IDOT Transportation Enhancement Grant funds have still not been awarded, however I was contacted earlier last week by an IDOT staff person seeking additional information on our project.
- I have been asked to help write a broadband grant in partnership with Spoon River Electric Cooperative, Fulton County, and other partners such as Spoon River College and the D-911 board. These funds will help to get wireless internet access to regions of the County that are unserved or underserved.
- Residential Development – I had several meetings over the last month with a residential developer from Chicago who is looking to develop workforce and affordable housing.
- I prepared a nomination for Mr. Cook to Landmarks Illinois to recognize his work here in Canton.
- I attended the Illinois Development Council in Lisle, Illinois on July 16-17.
- I have been researching ordinances and resolutions related to the City’s TIF passage so that such materials can be transferred over to Tom Jacob and Associates for review.
- Met with the Canton Union School District information Technology/Marketing staff person to discuss ways to collaboratively market the community and school district.
- Spoke on a panel at the Illinois Resource Net/CMAP Brownfields seminar about Canton’s story with IH and redevelopment.
- Attended the Midwest Community Development Institute to lead a session on how to “Use Your Hometown Advantages.”
Mark Rothert stated that there will be 30 second commercials on 31 and 25, and this speaks positive for our community.
Mark Rothert than talked about the Hotel/Motel Tax Report for events held from May 1 through August 8, 2009.
Antique Tractor Show & Pull
Estimated Attendance: 300.
Total Budget $2,700.00 Actual Cost $2,753.78 Difference $ (53.78)
Estimated Attendance: 500 – 600
Total Budget $2,950.00 Actual $2,295.57 Difference $ 654.43
Music in The Park
Estimated Attendance - All Events: 900 – 1000
Total Budget $5,500.00 Actual $5,200.72 Difference $ 299.28
Mother’s Day Spectacular
Estimated Attendance: 275-350
Total Budget $2,900.00 Actual $2,598.63 Difference $301.37
Chalk the Walk (Kid’s Fest)
Estimated Attendance: 400-500
Total Budget $2,500.00 Actual $1,666.52 Difference $853.48
Sidewalk Sales & Open Air Markets
Estimated Attendance June & July Events – 550-650
Total Budget $ -0- Actual $420.00 Difference $(420.00)
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel.
Council Action
Bid Opening for 61 East Side Square.
Alderman Strandberg made the motion for the City Clerk to open the bids, and was duly seconded by Alderman Reed. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.
Bids – One bid from Canton Mercantile & Garden Café of 1123 E. Sycamore, Canton, Illinois.
Real Property Bid – Sale of Property Located at 59 and 61 East Side Square, Canton.
Please consider this our official bid for the purchase of real estate located at 59 and 61 East Side Square, Canton, Illinois 61520, along with all improvements including the proposed two-story building, for the purchase price of $275,000.00. This bid is for the entire two-story building plus real estate. This bid is contingent upon the City agreeing to a twenty percent (20%) rebate of the property tax we will pay into the tax-increment finance district over the next twenty years.
The proposed use of the property would be as follows:
Upon completion of construction, the first floor would be occupied by the Canton Mercantile and Garden Café providing a unique quality choice for people looking for garden supplies and associated gifts as well as providing guest speakers on many garden topics. Our unique gifts and ornaments include a wide variety of bird baths, planner pots, garden clothing, tools, trellis, bird supplies and many other indoor/outdoor gardening items and lawn accessories. Our café will have an outdoor patio appearance offering a variety of soups, salads, sandwiches and desserts. It is our intention to open the business within thirty days of final construction.
The second floor would be divided into residential units and leased to the general public. It is our intention to have final construction of the residential units completed within twelve months from the date we open the Canton Mercantile and Garden Café.
Signed - Susan L. Walters & Katherine Edwards.
Alderman Strandberg made the motion to send the bids to staff, and was seconded by Alderman Hartford. The motion carried by voice vote.
Mayor Kevin R. Meade stated the groundbreaking ceremony for the Rebuilding Downtown Project at 61 East Side Square in Canton on Friday, August 28th at 9:30 a.m. In case of rain, the event will move to the lobby of the Opera House.
Intergovernmental Agreement to provide Canton Union School District #66 with portable radios from ESDA.
Phil Fleming is wanting to loan from ESDA 6 portable radios and one radio will be given to each of the 6 schools.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to allow ESDA to loan 6 portable radios to 6 schools in the school district of Canton
Consideration of new officer – Police Academy.
Mayor Kevin R. Meade said we will hold off of this for now.
Not on the agenda.
Mayor Kevin R. Meade said the US Economic Development Administration awarded $1.6 million grant that will help to pay for infrastructure at the IH Site which is related to the Cook Canton project. This is another shot in the arm and brings our total to $3.4 million on that site and another feather in our cap.
Shawn Lawrence was in town this morning and we talked about the city, and she commented that no one knows who she is and she sees why you call your town the City of Friendship.
Mayor Kevin R. Meade announced that today his father is celebrating his 91st birthday.
ORDINANCE – AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 2 (LICENSES) ROOFING. First reading, and read by title.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing Personnel; Pending Litigation, and adding on Fire Negotiations, and was duly seconded by Alderman Reed. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.
The mayor asked for Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Police Chief W. Dan Taylor and Maurer Stutz Inc. representative Keith Plavec to attend the executive session.
The regular scheduled City Council meeting convened for an executive session at 7:04 p.m.
The regular session of the City Council meeting reconvened in open session at 9:04 p.m.
Being no further business Alderman Hartford made the motion to adjourn, and was duly seconded by Alderman Reed. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.
Nancy Whites, City Clerk
Kevin R. Meade, Mayor