Mr. White |Page | 1

PATHWAYS Lakeland Regional High School

Email:205 Conklintown Road

Phone: 973.835.1900 ext. 153.Wanaque, NJ 07465

Your grade in this class will be assessed using A Total POINT SYSTEM

Assignments and tests will be worth different points, depending on the difficulty level of the assignment, and then averaged together. Your final exam is 10% of you grade.

Some examples of the assessment techniques used in this class are:

-Tests and Quizzes-Visual Projects-Current Events Reports

-Essays-Homework/Notes-Research Papers

-Group Work-Creative Projects-Oral Presentations / Speeches

-Class Participation -Activity Sheets- Teacher Observation



You may not leave your seat without permission.

There is no eating, drinking,gum chewing or use of phones in class.

Follow directions the FIRST time they are given.

RAISE YOUR HAND and wait to be recognized before speaking in class.

RESPECT yourself and respect others. You should show respect and consideration for the needs, opinions, and rights of your teacher and you classmates. (At its basic level, keep your hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself.)

When you leave the classroom every day, it should look the same as when you entered.

ALL School procedures and regulations are to be followed while in class.


Come to class EACH DAY with, a pen, a covered textbook, and assigned work.

When the final bell rings, you should be in your seat, quiet, and ready to begin.

It is expected that ALL students will participate in ALL activities and discussions.


Plagiarism is an unacceptable practice and will result in automatic failure of an assignment.


It is the RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENTS to inform themselves of homework assignments that are due for the class. The assignments will be announced in class and posted on my faculty page. Students are responsible for all homework assignments.

All work assigned for the class is due on the assigned day. If there is an exceptional circumstance, I will make a decision on a case-by-case basis.


Homework is due on the date shown on my faculty page. If you do not have the work on that date.

I will accept the assignment the next school day (1 additional day). Put the work in my mailbox in the West Building by 2:40PM. If not there by 2:40PM it stays a zero (unless you are absent the whole day, in which case the assignment is due the next class day).

For IEP and 504 students: where EXTRA time for homework is indicated in the plan.

Homework is due on the date shown on my faculty page. If you do not have the work on that date. I will accept the assignment the next class day (2 extra days).


According to Current School Policy as stated in the STUDENT Handbook


If you are late to school or in school, but not in class for an excusable reason, find me and arrange to take the test at a mutually acceptable time.

If you are absent the day of a quiz or test, plan to take it the NEXT DAY.

For extended illnesses, consult with me to arrange an acceptable time frame.

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I will make every effort to return assignments that I collect in a timely fashion.

I am available for extra-help after school on Wednesday from 2:40 pm to 3:30 pm.

I will make myself available if needed otherwise at a mutually convenient time. You can arrange for extra help by speaking with me after class, by leaving a note in my mailbox (located in the West Building teacher’s lunch room), or by sending me an email.

Parents and students can reach me via email at . I will usually respond to your email within the day or the next day. Parents can also reach me by leaving a message on my voicemail at extension 153. If possible, I prefer communication via email. I check it several times a day, and it is the quickest and most reliable way to communicate, other than in person.


Individual achievements are accomplished through group effort. This class should be a place where we all feel comfortable coming together once a day to share and exchange ideas. There is no such thing as a stupid question… a question is valid if you do not know the answer… so do not be afraid to ask!

I believe that communication is a vital factor in a student’s success. I hope that both students and parents do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns they may have.

This Information is available for review on my homework site.

RETURN SIGNED for Student’s File

PATHWAYS DAY______Block______Room ______

I have read and acknowledge Mr. White’s rules and regulations as stated on my Faculty Page regarding proper behavior in the classroom and the requirements for the course especially Late Work Rules.

Student’s Name ______

(Please Print)

Student’s Signature ______Date ______

Parent / Guardian (circle one) Name ______

(Please Print)

Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______Date ______