November 4, 2013

The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00am. All members were present.


The Board discussed schedules for upcoming meetings. K. Skoog provided a hydrology update.


PUD Commissioners Rick Larson, Dan Peterson, Curt Knapp and Risk Manager Kim Gentle and the Board discussed the Columbia River Treaty. Also present was The Miner reporter Don Gronning. M. Manus noted this Treaty will be discussed at the Eastern Washington Council of Governments meeting Wednesday in Davenport. He also provided an update on last week’s Quad County (Ferry, Okanogan, Stevens and Pend Oreille Commissioners) meeting and their discussion of the Treaty. K. Skoog discussed the Federal Land Policy Act and the NEPA process and noted U.S. entities are advisory to the State Department. D. Peterson asked what the counties wanted out of the Treaty and the necessity of water for agriculture and domestic use was discussed. Also discussed were: power interests, the eco-system and fish passage. K. Gentle stated there is a 10-year negotiation period and noted the Pend Oreille River contributes about one-third of the water running into the Columbia River.


The Board recessed for lunch.


Public Works Update –Present were: Public Works Director Sam Castro and County Engineer Don Ramsey. S. Castro discussed the roof repairat the Fairgrounds and recommended acceptance of Town and Country Builders’ bid in the amount of $7,370.00. Motion was made by K. Skoog to accept the bid of Town and Country Builders. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss and passed unanimously.

S. Castro discussed a Solid Waste Emergency Cash Balance Policy noting the purpose is to maintain a reserve fund for Solid Waste in the amount of $50,000.00. He noted this is a user-paid generated fund and does not involve current expense monies. He requested approval of this Policy. Motion was made by S. Kiss to establish the Solid Waste Division Emergency Cash Balance Policy. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog and passed unanimously.

Solid Waste Division Emergency Cash Balance Policy


Roads – S. Castro provided an updateregarding Chain Lakes’ residents and communication with Spokane County Engineer for maintenance of the last 300 feet of Darnell Road.

D. Ramsey discussed, as a first touch, the Eagles Nest maintenance agreement for the improvements being done. He noted the Department of Transportation has requested this maintenance agreement.

D. Ramsey discussed the engineering speed study done on a segment of Fertile Valley Road.

S. Castro discussed the LeClerc Creek Bridge timber meeting and the right of entry agreement given to Stimson and Fish and Wildlife. It was noted their goal is to begin a three million board feet harvest on Nov. 15th.

Other items discussed were: Indian Creek Culvert Elimination project, Diamond Lake parking controls and it was noted the fire districts will be meeting on November 7th.

Buildings and Grounds – An update was provided for the HVAC within the Hall of Justice.

Other – S. Castro discussed meetings and training some staff will be attending and he also presented the Board with the official certification for the Courthouse listing onto the Washington State Historic Registry.


Prosecutor Tom Metzger provided a legal update. Among the items discussed were purchasing guidelines and carbon credits.


Public Comment Period–Present was Ronald Sacco. He discussed speed limits, signage and traffic concerns near his residence on Fertile Valley Road. Also present were Sheriff Alan Botzheim, T. Metzger, and D. Ramsey.


ITS Director Chad Goodhue provided an update. Among items discussed were: Superior/District Court – trial court improvement regarding projection device; attendance at a recent technology security conference; update on server migration, project management and inventory software in the Maintenance Department; fibre at Road Shop 1 and the Deer Valley Transfer Station. New World Next Gen migration is underway with a going live date of December 2nd – 5th.


Motion was made by K. Skoogto continue the meeting to Tuesday, November 5, 2013. Motion was seconded by Kiss and passed unanimously.

November 5, 2013

The meeting continued and all members were present.


T. Metzger discussed grants and forest management reforestation. The Board will review reforestation proposals when Northwest Management, Inc. recommends that reforestation take place.


EXECUTIVE SESSION – Human Resources Coordinator Shelly Stafford requested an executive session to discuss collective bargaining pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(a) for ten minutes from 9:25 a.m. to 9:35 a.m.


Community Development Director Mike Lithgow provided an update for the month of October. He noted issuance of conditional use and building permits are up in numbers. He provided the Parks Board minutes and noted the Park is closed for the season. Other items discussed were the draft Parks plan, disc golf and coordinating with the Forest Service regarding Batey Bould. Other department projects discussed were: researching medical and recreational marijuana laws; Town of Cusick’s Comp Plan Update; working with Professor Gregg Dorhn and EWU Graduate students regarding Rustler’s Gulch Recreation Area; Building Inspector Rick Cruse has been working with the State Fire Marshal on fire suppressions systems for the new POVA building; the Survey Crew has completed part of the survey for the equestrian trail; Natural Resources Planner Todd McLaughlin has been working with the Road Department on the Indian Creek Crossing, Skookum Creek Culvert Elimination, Coyote Trail Road, Wet Branch LeCl4erc Creek Bridge, Sandy Shores, Sullivan Lake and review of maintenance projects in relationship to a General HPA and an HPA for culvert maintenance during the fish window. T. McLaughlin attended the FERC license required board tour of the Box Canyon reservoir with Tommy Petrie of the PUD. He also has been working on permitting of the fish ladder at Box Canyon Dam. The yearly Comprehensive Plan update has been published and hearings have been scheduled.


Weed Control Coordinator Sharon Sorby discussed their grant application for eradication of flowering rush, entity cost sharing, treatment and spread of flowering rush. Also noted was that Flathead Lake is infested with flowering rush.


S. Castro requested approval of the lease agreement addendum between the County and Pend Oreille Valley Network for use of the site on Cook’s Mountain. He discussed the renewal and noted the addendum contains the required Title VI language. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the addendum. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss and passed unanimously.

Lease Agreement Addendum between Pend Oreille County and Pend Oreille Valley Networks, Inc.



The Board recessed for lunch.


Consent Agenda - Motion was made byK. Skoogto approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss and passed unanimously.The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, the minutes of the Board’s October 28, 2013 meeting and the following items:

Aquatic Weeds Management Fund Grant Application –DOE- for the Eradication of Flowering Rush


Washington State Patrol Interagency Agreement with Sheriff’s Office for Marijuana Eradication 2013


Department of Ecology Community Litter Cleanup Program Grant Agreement with Pend Oreille County Solid Waste


Investment Earnings: $8,553.64



11.01M. Conner, Tri-County Economic Development District-2014 Budget Request Letter-TEDD Membership Dues and Support

11.02US Department of Commerce US Census Bureau-Suspension of the 2014 Boundary and Annexation Survey

11.03Northeast Tri County Health District-Special Meeting of Board of Health November 14, Colville

11.04Pend Oreille County Fair Board-November 5th Agenda and October 1, 2013 Minutes

11.05P. Gibson, AT&T-Transfer of Lease (on Cooks Mountain)


As of this date the Board approved for payment the following vouchers as listed and made available by the Auditor's Office:

Salary and Claim

FundFund Amount

Current Expense$ 19,191.59

Counseling Services$ 1,717.31

Fair$ 617.39

Trial Court Improvement$ 1,152.53

Solid Waste$ 47,066.35

IT Services$ 731.08

Sheriff’s Trust$ 884.00

TOTAL:$ 71,360.25


Motion to adjourn was made by K. Skoog. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss and passed unanimously.

ATTEST: s/______APPROVED: s/______Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board

Commissioners’ Minutes, November 4, 2013. Initial _____ Page 1 of 1