The Board of Trustees of the Jerome Public Library met in the library conference room for their monthly meetingon December 9th, 2014. In attendance were Board members Bill Allred, Theodore Larsen,Lynn Correll, Shelley Nashand Director Linda Mecham.

The meeting was called to order by Bill Allredat 5:50p.m.

Lynn Correllmade a motion to approve the November11th, 2014meeting minutes as written. Motion was seconded by Ted Larsen. Motion passed.

November 2014 bills were approved by all board members present by signature.

Financial Report –We currently have a carryover amount of approximately $75,000 to tide us over until tax revenues begin to come in in January. All line items are within range with the exception of Videos. We made DVD purchases that were intended to go on the 2014 FY, but the ship date was after the end of September and bills were applied to the 2015 FY. We will be adjusting the book budget to reflect this.

Director’s Report:

  • Monthly statistics were presented. During Fine Forgiveness Month, patrons with existing fines had to pay half of that fine, and we forgave the remainder. The library collected nearly $550 in fines. This means that we were able to clear more than $1,000 worth of old fines from the system and to recover missing or overdue items without charging fees. Circulation was lower partially due to the cancellation of 4 Head Start classes, and the fact that we were closed for the holiday.
  • Update of new programs.
  • Spilling Ink increased from 4 to 7 participants.
  • MineCraft – 25 participants today. We will be watching to see if there is an increase of children’s cards so that students can play MineCraft on days other than Tuesday.
  • This & That has outgrown the Teen area and has been moved to the meeting room. Alison has been working with the older students while Kasi has charge of the younger ones.
  • Jr. Make It has been opened up to students from Heritage Academy as they are off on Fridays.
  • After requesting surveillance footage, the police officer suggested that we consider turning off the Wi-Fi after hours. We will monitor the activity over the next several months. Director will check out the Wi-Fi availability status throughout the city.

The meeting was adjourned by Bill at 6:27 p.m.