9.1939 thru 8.1945 Page1

U. S. O.: Am (EC2) 1943 7,176gt

1944: 3/31; 10/27 1945: 4/20

U.S.S.R. VICTORY: Am (VC2) 1944 7,612gt

1945: 4/23

UCAYALI: Peru S/S 1917 2,784gt

Arr 1940: 7/19 1942: 1/14

UDDEHOLM: Swe M/V 1934 3,628gt

Arr 1940: 3/29; 7/9

7/6/1942: Mined and sunk in the Skagerrak about 40nm southwest of Kristiansand, Norway at 57 39N-07 10E.

Voyage: Buenos Aires, and Santos for Gothenberg with cotton and animal feed.

UFFINGTON COURT: Br S/S 1929 4,976gt

Arr 1940: 4/25 1943: 12/24 1945: 4/11; 4/19

ULUA: Am S/S Pass-Reefer 1917 6,494gt

1942: 10/16R

5/1943: At San Francisco, to USN as store ship renamed USS Octans (AF-26).

ULYSSES: Am S/T-Whale Factory 1915 12,395gt

Arr 1940: 5/10 1941: 1/25; 8/11

1942: Transferred to Argentina renamed San Blas.

9/27/1944: As Argentine ship San Blas, caught fire, exploded and sank in the La Plata River.

ULYSSES: Du S/S 1918 2,666gt

1939: 11/3 Arr 1940: 8/5 1941: 10/23 1942: 1/8; 4/29

4/12/1943: Torpedoed and sunk by U563 southeast of Cape Farewell at 54 30N-30 30W.

Voyage: Halifax in convoy HX 232 for Avonmouth with general and Government cargo.

UMBERLEIGH: Br S/S 1927 4,950gt

1941: 6/3 1943: 4/20

UMGENI: Br S/S Pass-Reefer 1938 8,149gt

1942: 11/2

1943: 1/14; 8/19; 10/31

1944: 7/17; 8/24

1945: 4/7

9/7-9/1940: Badly damaged in night air raids on South West India Dock, London when a dud bomb fell into a hold

flooding it. Incendiary bombs burnt the hatches. Cargo from Beira had been partially discharged.

UMTALI: Br S/S Pass-Reefer 1936 8,135gt

1942: 12/11 1943: 8/19; 10/16

9/7/1940: Damaged in a night air raid on South West India Dock, London. Damaged again on 9/11 when a bomb

exploded alongside. Cargo had been partially discharged.

5/21/1941: At sea, the ship’s gun crew shot down an attacking four engined Focke-Wulfe bomber.

UMTATA: Br S/S 1944 7,288gt

1944: 3/16

UMVUMA: Br S/S 1914 4,419gt

1943: 3/12

7/20/1941: Damaged in air attack off number 57 buoy, North Sea. Ship proceeded to the Humber with disabled steering

gear and damaged engines. Voyage: London for Beira with general cargo.

8/7/1943: Torpedoed and sunk by U181 10 miles southwest of Port Louis, Mauritius at 20 18S-57 14E.

Voyage: London, Freetown, and Durban (lv 7/29) in convoy DN 54, leaving it to sail independently for Port Louis

with passengers, sugar, general and military cargo.

UNACO: Am S/S 1918 4,078gt (ex GOLDEN SWORD*Am 1941)

1944: 6/8; 7/14

UNGAVA: Br S/S (War) 1918 1,949gt

1941: 3/22; 5/2; 7/8; 8/6; 11/7

1942: Transferred to Panama renamed Bunting*.

1944: Transferred to UK renamed Bunting II.

UNICOI: Am M/V 1920 5,873gt (ex EXCELSIOR*Am 1942; UNICOI-Am 1939)

1939: 10/24 1942: 6/23

7/15/1942: Vessel was in convoy KS 320 off Cape Lookout headed for Key West when the convoy was attacked by U576.

The U boat had just torpedoed three ships, sinking two, now seeking to make Unicoi it’s next victim. A round fired

by the ship’s gun crew hit the U boat, then proceeded to ram it. U boat was sunk by depth charges from a patrol plane.

4/20/1945: To USN as mobile dry storage ship USS Unicoi (IX-216).

UNITED STATES VICTORY: Am (VC2) 1944 7,612gt

1945: 3/14- Returned from sea-recleared 3/22

UNIWALECO: Br S/T Whale Factory 1905 9,755gt

1941: 9/2

3/7/1942: Torpedoed and sunk by U161 about 50nm west of St. Vincent at 13 23N-62 04W. Broke in two and sank.

Voyage: Sailed independently from Curacao for Freetown with fuel oil

URANIENBORG: Dmk S/S 1922 3,300gt

1939: 12/7

1940: Transferred to UK.

12/18/1944: As British ship, in a collision with tanker British Character (Br) which ran into her, damaging her bow while

anchored in Walton Bay. Repaired at Cardiff.

URANUS: Swe M/T 1942 10,370gt

1945: 8/13

URDANETTA: Venezuela S/T 1927 2,647gt

1941: 4/18

URITSKI: USSR S/S 1929 2,336gt

1943: 4/16

URUGUAY: Am S/S Pass-Reefer 1927 20,183gt

1939: 11/17; 12/29

Arr 1940: 2/6; 3/19; 4/30; 6/8; 7/23; 9/3; 10/15; 11/26

1941: 1/10; 2/21; 4/11; 5/24; 7/3; 8/15; 9/29; 11/8; 12/20

1943: 2/15-USAT; 5/14

1944: 5/11; 8/11; 9/19; 10/29; 12/8

1945: 2/26; 4/7; 5/197

2/12/1943: In collision with tanker USS Salamonie (AO-26) while in convoy off Bermuda.

URUGUAY: Brazil M/V Reefer 1926 929gt

1939: 10/6

USSURI: USSR S/S (War) 1919 2,498gt

1943: 3/17; 5/6

UTAHAN: Am S/S 1919 7,031gt

1939: 11/22 Arr 1940: 4/17; 12/16 1941: 1/10 1942: 10/17; 11/4R 1943: 3/27; 6/19 1944: 6/3; 9/17