Pastoral Interview for New Members

Name: ______Date: ______

Spiritual Clarity:______

1)Do you consider yourself ready to become a member, or do you have more questions?

2)When did you come to faith in Christ? Describe your conversion?

3)When were you baptized in water?

4)The following questions are to diagnose the potential member’s understanding of the Gospel. Use as many as necessary to make sure there is clarity.

a)If you were to die today, come before the judgment seat of Christ and he were to say, “Why should I let you into heaven?” What would you say?

b)How would you explain the gospel to someone in one paragraph or less?

c)What do you need to do to get into heaven?

5)Is there any sin in your life for which you have not repented, or are repenting of on a regular basis?

6)Have you ever been involved in other religions such as Mormonism, Christian Scientists, Masonic orders, Eastern religion, Jehovah’s Witness, Unity, etc.

7)Are there any life challenges that you are currently facing, or that you have faced in the past, that we should be aware of to help us know you and care for you?

8)Why did you leave your old church? Did you leave in a gracious manner?


1)What talents or abilities do you have that could be used to serve the church and its ministry? ______

2)If you are a female are you willing to serve in the Nursery? (See paper work attached).

3)Do you feel comfortable with our Church Covenant? (Read and discuss)

4)Are you willing to commit to active and regular attendance at home group?

5)Are you in agreement with our statement on church discipline?

6)By agreeing to become a member here, do you understand that you are agreeing to submit to a church discipline process if you remain unrepentant in an area of sin?

Doctrinal Issues to Discuss:______

In your own words,try to explain our position on the following five subjects—


2)Biblical manhood and womanhood[ii]

3)The continuation of spiritual gifts[iii]

4)Unconditional Election (Reformed Theology)[iv]

5)Church discipline[v]


Someone should only be recommended for membership if they meet the following criteria-

1)A member must clearly understand and firmly believe the gospel.

2)A member must be baptized.

3)A member must agree with the GCF statement on church discipline the GCF church membership agreement.

4)A member must attend a home group.

5)A member must not be divisive when they disagree with GCF on a secondary theological issue.

 Receive into membership

 Do not receive into membership at this time (explain reasons below)

Additional comments or observations (use additional paper if necessary):

New Member’sSignature______Spouse: ______

Home Phone ______Work: ______

Mr. Cell: ______Mrs. Cell______



We certify that we met with the persons named above and that they gave satisfactory answers to all of the questions marked on this form.

Date , 20___


Home group leader (interviewer)


[i]For more infoGCF Position Paper on Tithing, or/and Randy Alcorns Money, Possessions and Eternity, chapters 12 and 15

[ii]For further reading see John Piper’s Fifty Crucial Questions

[iii]For futher reading see Wayne Grudem’sBible Doctrine, Chapter 29,30

[iv]For further reading see Wayne Grudem’s Bible Doctrine, Chapter 8 and 18

[v] For more information see the statement at the end of the New Membership Class workbook