The Script
December 2017 – January 2018
Pastor’s Letter
Incarnational Living
The lead up to Christmas is a deeply emotional time. This means that as December approaches, memories often come flooding back to us. We remember things from our childhood, or reinterpret them in a new way. We remember images of parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, children, and friends who either may or may not be present this year. At this time of the year, we are acutely aware of the difficulties that life may bring. We understand that there is a reason why we can’t all still be together. But, it still hurts. We know that separation and divorce happen. We realize that death is inevitable. We understand that people relocate for educational opportunities or employment. And we acknowledge that loved ones move, either because they are needed as caretakers or because they are in need of additional care themselves.
Because Christmas is about the incarnational presence of God with us, we recognize both who is and who is not present with us now. Some families are joyfully welcoming a soldier home. Sadly, others recently laid one to rest. Some families are celebrating baby’s first Christmas. Others long to expand their family and wonder why even invasive medical treatments have not allowed them to conceive. The list goes on and on.
Our challenge and call during the Advent and Christmas seasons is to remember that if God is with us, then we are not alone. We are not alone in our sorrows, and we are not alone in our rejoicing.
As Christians, we believe in the incarnational presence in Jesus, and we seek to model that in our own lives. This means that as we gather around various holiday tables this year, we need not feel guilty or ashamed about sharing the peaks and valleys that we bring with us –an emotional potluck, if you will. Instead, we can model an acceptance of everyone who is present, wherever they are in life’s journey, by demonstrating that there is plenty of room for both sorrow and rejoicing at the same table.
Thanks be to God,
Worship Celebrations
Sunday, December 17 at 10:30 a.m.
Children’s Christmas Pageant
and gift giving for Children’s Services Holiday Toy Room
Sunday, December 24 at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday, December 24 at 5:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Sunday, December 31 at 10:30 a.m.
Lessons and Carols Service
Education for children, tweens and youthwill NOT be held on
Sunday, December 24 and December 31.
Classes will resume on Sunday, January 7, 2018.
Adult Education WILL be offered December 24 and December 31. Please see the adult education section for details on class offerings.
Pageant Rehearsal,
Potluck and Advent Workshop
Join us on Sunday, December 3 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. for a potluck dinner after the first pageant rehearsal which begins at 4:00 p.m. The meat and beverages will be provided by the Discipleship Committee. Bring a dish to share for eight hearty appetites and your own place settings. We will then decorate a container for the “Advent Family Dinner Conversation Starter” to take home and share during Advent! Please sign-up at Connection Point in Wright-Herberich Hall and let us know you are coming!
WPC Christmas Food Baskets
We Need Your Help!
Our annual Christmas Food Basket campaign is underway. We need many volunteers for deliveries! OnSaturday, December 16 we will be delivering 225 Christmas food baskets to worthy families all over Akron. The groceries purchased from Acme #1 will be assembled in the church parking lot beginning at7:30 a.m.with deliveries beginning at9:00 a.m.We need your help to make this a success! Make another family’s holiday brighter by helping us with deliveries. Please stop by and sign-up to volunteer for basket assembly and/or delivery at the Connection Point in Wright-Herberich Hall. We also need monetary contributions.Each basket is valued at $50, but donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Special donation envelopes will be in the pews and online giving is also available for your convenience at, under “electronic giving.” For those on your Christmas list who have everything, consider donating a basket in their name.Acknowledgement letters will be available at Connection Point for you to send to those in whose names baskets were donated. Thank you.
Our Giving Tree
At the beginning of Advent, Westminster will be beautifully decorated for Christmas by our volunteers. But there will be one thing in the front of the sanctuary left bare for all of us to decorate – OurGiving Tree – ready to be adorned with our gifts of colorful mittens and gloves, hats and scarves for children in need of their warmth and comfort this winter. After Christmas, all our gifts will be taken to ACCESS right here in Akron. ACCESS serves our area’s homeless women and children, providing emergency shelter and support services for 400 clients each year, more than half of them children. It is dedicated to helping these women and children through programs of housing, advocacy and empowerment, encouraging the development of their self-esteem, and helping them attain self-sufficiency. So as we do our own Christmas preparations in the next few weeks, please remember these children and consider adding some colorful and much needed gifts to Our Giving Tree.
Flower Memorials and Gifts for Christmas
Your gift in memory or in honor of loved ones enables the Flower Committee to provide a beautiful setting in the sanctuary for Advent and Christmas. Send the name of the person(s) you are remembering along with your donation (there is no set amount) to the church office, attention Eileen Martinez. Checks should be made payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church. The deadline is Friday, December 8, 2017. You may also give electronically under “chancel flowers” and then emailing Eileen at with your memorial wording.
Hanging of the Greens
Hanging of the Greens is scheduled for Sunday, December 3 following worship. Please meet in Wright-Herberich Hall. Items will be placed on tables, so we just need help decorating. The more the merrier, so join in the fun! And put Sunday, January 7 on your calendar for clean-up!
WPC Loves Games!
Saturday, January 27, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Looking for warm fellowship on a chilly winter afternoon? Bring your favorite board, card, or other game -- and a friend, if you want -- to Wright-Herberich Hall. All ages welcome. Drinks and snacks provided. Sponsored by the Discipleship Committee. Contact Lisa Bansen-Harp with questions at
WPC Men’s Group
The Men's Club will meet at the Olive Garden in Montrose onMonday, December 11 and onMonday, January 8, 2018. We meet at11:30 am. All men of Westminster are welcome. If you would like to be added to the reminder list, please call Art Schooley(330-666-3816) or Joe Henninger(330-867-5938).
Book Discussion Group
The group will meet for a potluck on Monday, December 11 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss Miss Perigrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs.Join us at Kristy Yates' home at 541 Aqueduct, Akron.
Monday, January 8will highlight, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevinled by Cathy Melver. February 12 we will discuss Origin by Dan Brown.
Good Neighbors/First Sunday Food Collection
The cooler weather is here, along with the holidays, and Good Neighbors is really stretched this time of year. Please continue to support our food missions by bringing food to church on December 3, January 7 and February 4.They also can use your paper and plastic grocery bags. Place them in the box marked Good Neighbors that is in the coatroom.
Join us during the winter months on December 17, January 21 and February 18 as we welcome our Akron neighbors. We encourage our members to attend and invite a friend or neighbor. Food is a wonderful way to stay warm, but a friendly conversation also warms the heart. Come…talk…eat!
Bereavement Committee
Our bereavement committee meets only when there is a funeral service in our church.We usuallyplan and serve a memorial reception for the family and their guests. This year we served six receptions for the Brideweser, Schumacher, Lawhon, Martindale, Spindler and Rusnanowsky families. We are happy to do whatever each family wishes.
Pictorial Church Directory Update
Photos Still being Accepted
The Membership Committee is pleased to announce that 99 families had their photos taken for our new pictorial directory. If you were not able to attend the photo sessions at the church, you may still submit a photo to be included in the directory. There is a $10 dollar charge. Contact Germaine Wilson in the church office for more details.
The committee is also working hard on the rough draft of the directory, selecting pictures for the cover and editing ministry pages. In December we hope to see an initial proof of the completed book to approve. We will keep you posted on when printing and distribution will take place.
Children’s Sunday School takes a holiday on
December 24 and 31.
Classes resume on Sunday, January 7, 2018.
WPC Events 2017-18
December 2017
Children & Youth Pageant Rehearsal,
Advent Potluck and Workshop
December 3, 4:00-7:00 pm
Christmas PageantDecember 17 during worship
January 2018
Ice Skating & Children’s Museum
January 7, 3:00-5:00 pm
February 2018
Tween Service Event with Good Neighbors
February 24, 11:00-3:00 pm
March 2018
St Patrick’s Day Party
March 17, 5:30-8:00 pm
April 2018
ALL CHURCH EASTER EGG HUNT April 1 at 10:00 am
Tween Earth Day Service EventApril 21, 10:00-12:00 pm
MAY 2018
Teacher Appreciation and
Last Day of Church SchoolMay 27
Christmas Pageant December 17during 10:30 Worship
Come join in the fun this Advent season by participating in the Children’s Christmas Pageant taking place on Sunday, December 17. Zack Troyer and Ron Hazelett have many roles to fill from shepherds and angels, to the stable animals and, of course, Mary and Joseph. We also need narrators to help tell the story of that very special night, the birth of Jesus. The first rehearsal will be on Sunday, December 3 at 4:00 p.m. All parts will be assigned prior to that day. We will finish in time to head to Wright-Herberich Hall for the festivities of the Advent Dinner and Workshop. Come and take part in the telling of this beautiful story.
Presentation of Gifts for Children’s Services
Again this year,on Pageant Sunday, we will bring gifts forward during the offertory to help stock Children’s Services Holiday Toy Room for foster families to give to their foster children. We have much to share, the story of Christ Incarnate and our abundance with others.Check out our Advent flier with gift ideas of the most needed items. Fliers will be inserted in the bulletin on Sunday, December 3 and will also be placed in the church literature racks.
Ice Skating at Lock 3 on January 7
All are invited to join in with our Ice Skating at Lock 3!
Ice skating is $2.00 with your own skates or you can rent for $4.00. There are lots of other activities at Lock 3, including the Children’s Museum which is warm and fun if you don’t want to skate! $5.00 admission.
Children’s Ministry Classes and Contact Information
Our Sunday offerings are at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday morning. Contact Sheila Svoboda, Director of Children and Family Ministry, at to answer any questions you might have.
AcOlOrFuLyear is Unfolding….
DECEMBER 10: Youth Christmas Party
Youth are invited to a Christmas party onSunday, December 10,from5:00–7:00 the church. We will have dinner, cookie decorating, and a gift exchange. Youth are just asked to bring a side dish to share. Please RSVP by emailing to .
FEBRUARY 4: Super Bowl subs fundraiser AND tubing trip to Brandywine.
APRIL: Youth Lock-In at the church and service project at Good Neighbors, date TBD.
JUNE 7: End of School Youth Trip to Kalahari Water Park.
Adult Education
Upcoming Opportunities
On December 3, 10, 17, and 24, Pastor Hauerwas will facilitate a discussion ofWalter Brueggemann's book calledNames for the Messiah: An Advent Study.
Then, beginningDecember 31and continuing on January 7, 14, 21, and 28, Pastor Hauerwas and Kate Clark will guide a five-week series called Exploring the Psalms.
We hope that you can join us at9:30 a.m.on Sunday mornings in room 106 for each of these new, adult education offerings.
PW News
PW Holiday Luncheon and Social
All women are invited to attend a relaxing, festive Christmas event at the church onSaturday, December 2. Lunch includes an assortment of sandwiches, salad, fruit and of course, holiday cookies and costs $10 per person. Please RSVP by calling or texting Kris Keller at330-802-1032or Margo Works at330-396-0408. Childcare available.
Acme Cash Back Program
Please ask family and friends to save Acme receipts from August 10 – December 30, 2017. Drop the receipts in the boxes at the church doors. The Presbyterian Women earn 5% on all Acme products purchased and use the proceeds to support missions. Thank you for your support.
Prayer Quilt Ministry
The Prayer Quilt Ministry is taking December off, so NO Prayer Quilt Ministry meeting in December.But, if you are wondering what the Prayer Quilt Ministry is, why don't you come to our first meeting for the year onJanuary 16 at 9:30 Wright-Herberich Hall?We usually put together one quilt per meeting, then we send these pieces home with someone who sews them together.If you are looking for other ways to participate,please consider cutting squares, ironing fabric, or just watching the creative minds put together a quilt.Come and try us out!
Remaining Schedule for Season Twenty
April 8, 2018The Ohio State University
Men's Glee Club
May 13, 2018Mother's Day Opera/
Broadway Gala
Church Leadership
(Revised edition)
We give thanks for the service of the following Westminster members who have completed their terms:
Elders: Roger Nelson, Kyle VuchackMichael Dunbar and Todd Willis
Deacons:Lynn D'Avello and Polly Davis
NominatingKristy Yates, Bruce Stebner, Phil Fry/Deacon and Harriett Committee: Chapman/Elder
Endowment:Rae Leonard
And we welcome the leadership of those who were recently elected to serve our congregation. You will note that some of these individuals are completing second terms:
Elders: Michael Dunbar, Brad Hall, Shelley Koutnik and Todd Willis
Deacons:Sandra Gruneich, Eric Jopperi, James Lee, Susan Shellito, Barbara Thackeray, Marian Wahl and Margo Works
Nominating Stacy Franzmann, Janet Mungo, Barb Shriner,
Committee:Kate Huisingaand Sue Wallin
Trustees: Bruce Bain and Gerald Young
Information to Know
Handicap Parking
REMINDER Handicapped parking is beside and behind the church. Please respect the signs and only use if you have a handicapped permit. Those without permits are asked to park across the street.
Music Director/Organist Search Committee
Jim Mismas, our much beloved and long-serving Music Director and Organist, is retiring in the summer of 2018. Westminster's Session has narrowed the selection of church members who have agreed to serve on our new Music Director/Organist Search Committee. Updates about the search process will be provided in future publications of the Script.
Committee Moderators
As your committee meetings conclude for this year, please start thinking about your committee/project articles for the annual report.
The annual report is an opportunity tohighlight the activities of your committee for the past year. It is also a great opportunity to let our congregation know about your projects. Let us know how many volunteers worked on the project and how many people the project served. Your report should highlight your committee activities for 2017. Please do not resubmit prior years’ articles just with updated figures -- we want to know what you did that was new and different. The stewardship campaign just concluded, so the annual report will also demonstrate to the congregation how we spent their funds and served our community in faithful and creative ways.
Church Office Closed
Please note when the church office will be closed over the holiday season:
Monday and Tuesday, December 25 and 26 and Friday, December 29, 2017.
Monday and Tuesday, January 1 and 2, 2018. Please email the office with any concerns and we will reply when we return to the office.
Sympathy is extended to Margie Brideweser and her family upon the death of her husband, William Brideweser, on September 26, 2017.
Worship Attendance Statistics
September / 2016 / 201710:30 / 10:30
week 1 / 105 / 124
week 2 / 176* / 186*
week 3 / 171 / 136
week 4 / 158 / 167
October / 10:30 / 10:30
week 1 / 196 / 156
week 2 / 159 / 173
week 3 / 164 / 144
week 4 / 192 / 176
week 5 / 162 / 139
*Rally Sunday
From the Finance Office
2018 Stewardship
As of November 5, 2017, 92 households committed $283,945.
Thank you to all who have already made their
financial commitment for the coming year.
Westminster Presbyterian Church will need Pledges and Contributions totaling $456,334 to avoid spending Rowley Fund principal on operating expenses in 2018.
If you have not already pledged, pledge cards are in the literature racks and are available from the Finance Office. Please prayerfully consider your gift to Westminster for next year. Our programs and ministries depend on your generosity.
Fostering Ongoing Stewardship
The members of Westminster Presbyterian Church and the greater community appreciate and sincerely thank you for your years of faithful giving that has sustained our important ministries. Another way you can preserve the Church is through a charitable bequest. When estate planning, please search your heart to find a place for Westminster Presbyterian Church in your will or living trust. Let your bequest be a testament to future generations of the faithful. Thank you and God bless you