TABLE A – Zone 3


Contract No. / Prime or Sub / $ Value /

Date Completed

/ *Performance Zones To Be Considered In / Mission Areas For Which Function Was Performed
/ Government POC (Phone Number)
Functional Area
(SOW 3.1-3.22
3.1 R&D Support / DASG60-99-C-0268 / Prime / $29.4M / 12/31/2008 / 3 / Amtec prime contract with U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command for NAVSEA-Crane Division – Strategic Systems / Clyde Elliott (256) 955-3757
3.2 Engineering Support / W9113M-08-C-0004 / Prime / $74.9M / On-going / 3 / Amtec contract with U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command for developing RH technology / Clyde Elliott (256) 955-3757
3.3 Modeling / DASG60-99-C-0268 / Prime / $29.4M / 12/31/2008 / 3 / Amtec Contract with RedstoneTechnicalTestCenter supplying programmatic development and application modeling and simulation (M&S) technology to the overall T&E process. / Mr. John Gerdes (410) 278-0969
3.4 Prototyping / M-10217-9 / Sub / $0.15M / 01/01/2009 / 3 / Global Tooling Systems (GTS) subcontract to United Launch Alliance for Atlas V launch vehicle component / Mr. Larry Quinn (303) 977-7081
3.5 System Des Doc/Tech Data / W9113M-07-C-0214 / Prime / $24M / 05/19/2010 / 3 / Amtec prime contract with U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command supporting system engineering and documentation for JIEDDO for counter-IED technology / Ms. Laurie Granda (256) 955-5392
3.7 RM&A / W9113M-07-C-0214 / Prime / $24M / 05/19/2010 / 3 / Amtec prime contract with U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command supporting reliability assessment for JIEDDO for counter-IED technology / Ms. Laurie Granda (256) 955-5392
3.8 Human Factors Engineering Support / W9113M-07-C-0214 / Prime / $24M / 05/19/2010 / 3 / Amtec prime contract with U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command supporting human factors integration on a mobile test-bed for JIEDDO for counter-IED technology / Ms. Laurie Granda (256) 955-5392
3.9 System Safety / W9113M-07-C-0214 / Prime / $24M / 05/19/2010 / 3 / Amtec prime contract with U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command supporting system safety requirement for JIEDDO for counter-IED technology testing / Ms. Laurie Granda (256) 955-5392
3.10 Configuration Management Support / W9113M-07-C-0214 / Prime / $24M / 05/19/2010 / 3 / Amtec prime contract with U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command supporting configuration management and software integration for JIEDDO for counter-IED technology / Ms. Laurie Granda (256) 955-5392
3.11 QA Support / In-process / Sub / $TBD / In-process / 3 / Scientic subcontract to APT Research, Inc. support Missile Defense Agency’s MiDAESS Quality, Safety, and Mission Assurance Support contract #HQ0147-10-D-0028 / Ms. Saralyn Dwyer
(256) 327-3377
3.13 Inactivation/Disposal Suppport / DASG60-03-C-0032 / Prime / $49.8M / On-going / 3 / Amtec is currently providing integrated engineering, planning, and technical support for the Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center(AMRDEC)and the Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) Demilitarization Program Office (G3). / Mr. Jeffery Wright (256) 876-6262
3.14 Interoperability/T&E/Trials Support / DASG60-99-C-0268 / Prime / $29.4M / 12/31/2008 / 3 / Amtec Contract with RedstoneTechnicalTestCenter supplying programmatic development and application modeling and simulation (M&S) technology to the overall test and evaluation process. / Mr. John Gerdes (410) 278-0969
3.15 Measure Facilities/Ranges/Instrumentation Support / W9113M-07-C-0214 / Prime / $24M / 05/19/2010 / 3 / Amtec prime contract with U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command supporting reliability assessment for JIEDDO for counter-IED technology / Ms. Laurie Granda (256-955-5392
3.16 Logistics Support / W9113M-07-C-0214 / Prime / $24M / 05/19/2010 / 3 / Amtec prime contract with U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command supporting logistics for JIEDDO for counter-IED technology / Ms. Laurie Granda (256) 955-5392
3.17 Supply & Provisioning / DASG60-03-C-0032 / Prime / $49.8M / On-going / 3 / Amtec is currently providing integrated engineering, planning, and technical support for the Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center(AMRDEC)and the Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) Demilitarization Program Office (G3). / Mr. Jeffery Wright (256) 876-6262
3.18 Training / P.O. #3068 / Sub / $325M / On-going / 3 / MIT Subcontract to Northrop Grumman Corp. for T&E support / Ms. SandyHricik
(540) 428-4431
3.19 In-Service Eng / W9113M-07-C-0001 / Prime / $74.3M / On-going / 3 / Amtec prime contract with U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command support end-of-life servicing of MLRS rocket system / Julian Cothran (256) 658-6998
3.20 Program Support / W9113M-08-C-0004 / Prime / $74.9M / On-going / 3 / Amtec contract with U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command for developing radiation hardened technology / Clyde Elliott (256) 955-3757
3.21 Administrative Support / SLI-TPED-10292007 / Sub / $TBD / On-going / 3 / Amtec’s Test Planning, Evaluation, and Documentation (TPED) subcontract to Sierra Lobo provides comprehensive T&E support for the Redstone Test Center (RTC) Test Management Directorate to include test planning, preparation, execution, assessing, reporting, and documentation such as detailed test plans, test procedures, and reports for the numerous aviation and weapon system being tested at RTC. / Mr. John Guertin (256) 882-0836
* To be considered in one or more of the Seven (7) Zones the Offeror must have or had a prime contract or subcontract or currently have a local office staffed by the prime or a sub in the Zone or Zones.

TABLE A- Zone 3



Functional Area
Proposed / School / Discipline / Proposed Position / Contingent
(Yes or No) / Employer/
Location / Brief Description of Experience Relevant
To Functional Area Within Past 3 Years / Minimum Company Qualifications to Hold
Jim L. Davidson / PhD/3.1 / ColumbiaUniversity / Physics/
Materials Science / PI / No / VanderbiltUniversity
/Nashville, TN / Lead Technical for Nonvolatile Memory R&D Effort on Army contract #W9113M-08-C-0004 / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Math, Materials Science or Computer Science;15 years with MS/PhD and specialized expertise in development of new SOA technologies
John L. McClain / PhD/3.2 / University of Alabama in Huntsville / Physics/
Engineering/ / PI / No / Scientic/
Huntsville,AL / Team Technical Lead for Sensors on Army contract #
W9113M-07-C-0214 / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Math, Materials Science or Computer Science;15 years with MS/PhD with experience with warfighter/weapon systems
von Laven / PhD/3.3 / Stanford University/Dartmouth / Physics / PI / No / Scientic
/Huntsville,AL / Team Technical Lead for mechanical analysis of High Energy Laser Technical Demonstratoron Contract #
W9113M-07-C-0177 / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Math, Materials Science or Computer Science;15 years with MS/PhD using a variety of modeling & simulation tools.
Robert J. Axtman / PhD/3.4 / University of Michigan/
HamiltonUniversity / Physics/
Engineering Management / PI / No / GTS
/Macomb Township, MI / Team Technical Lead for Digital Manufacturing Solutions with specialized skills in robotics and robotic automation in the fabrication process. Supported the ARES 1 ORION Capsule under contract # 4500075803 (Zones 4 & 5) to LMC. / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Math, Materials Science, Computer Science, or Engineering Management;
15 years with MS/PhD with specialized skills in automated fabrication and industrial quality assurance endeavors.
Richard J. Bradshaw, Jr. / MS/3.5 / Auburn University/University of Alabama in Huntsville / Physics/
Engineering / PI / No / Scientic/
Huntsville,AL / Team Technical Lead forHigh Energy Lasers and Electronic Warfare support on Army contract #W9113-08-C-0004 / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Math, or Computer Science;15 years with MS/PhD with familiarity with DoD design documentation and technical support.
Barry A. Posey / BS/3.7 / AlabamaA&MUniversity / Engineering / PI / No / Scientic/
Huntsville,AL / Team Technical Lead for Mission Assurance supporting MDA through contract # W9113-08-C-0004 / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Math, Materials Science, or Computer Science;15 years withMS/PhD with experience with Reliability, Maintainability, Mission Assurance, Availability for DoD/commercial applications
Julia R.
Galyan / MS/3.8 / WrightStateUniversity / Engineering / PI / No / MIT
/Lake Orion, MI / Senior Human Systems Engineer/Project Manager with specialized expertise in Human Systems Integration (HSI), Human Computer Interaction (HCI), and Man Machine Interaction / 15 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Math, or Computer Science;10 years withMS/PhD with experience for DoD 5000.2-R, Mil-Std-1472, and MIL-HDBK-46855 compliance
Nathan C. Moore / MS/3.9 / WesternKentuckyUniversity/
Florida Institute of Technology / Engineering / PI / No / Scientic/
Huntsville,AL / Team Technical Lead for Mechanical & Electrical Design of High Energy Laser Technical Demonstrator Enclosure on Army contract #
W9113M-07-C-0177 / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Math, or Computer Science;15 years withMS/PhD with experience with explosives handling and HAZMAT remediation
Earl E. Hughes / PhD/3.10 / U.S.MilitaryAcademy/
Southeastern Institute of Technology / Physics/
Technology Management / PI / No / Amtec/
Huntsville,AL / Led efforts to design, construct, deliver, operate, transition, and sustain a production capability to retrofit conventional MLRS rockets with advanced payloads and accuracy corrections on Contract #W9113M-07-C-0001. / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Math, or Computer Science;15 years with MS/PhD with experience with DoD configuration management
Jeff A.
Dame / BS/3.11 / WesternKentuckyUniversity / Engineering / PI / No / Scientic/
Huntsville,AL / Team Technical Lead for Quality Assurance (QA) supporting MDA through contract # W9113-08-C-0004 / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Math, or Computer Science;15 years with MS/PhD with experience with QA and vendor certification
Steven N. Renfrow / PhD/3.14 / University of North Texas/
WesternKentuckyUniversity / Physics/
Computer Science / PI / No / Scientic
/Huntsville, AL / Test Team Leadership for MDA sponsored T&E of COTS electronics and T&E of fiber optic materials under Army contract #
DASG60-99-C-0268 / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Math, or Computer Science;15 years withMS/PhD with T&E experience utilizing engineering, scientific, and analytical disciplines.
Aka G.
Finci / PhD/3.15 / Mass. Institute of Technology / Physics/
Engineering / PI / No / NRHA
/Chandler, AZ / Team Lead for Electromagnetic Effects evaluation Test Evaluation of DoD systems. / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Math, or Computer Science;15 years withMS/PhD with emphasis on T&E and Range Instrumentation
Ronald E Giuntini / PhD/3.16 / Georgia Institute of Technology/
Florida Institute of Technology/
Southeastern Institute of
Technology / Engineering / PI / No / Amtec/
Huntsville,AL / Integrated LogisticsSupport Team Lead for the counter-IED demonstration program performing prognostics and diagnostic models to predict failures and define maintenance schedule on Army contract #
W9113M-07-C-0214. / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Math, Operations Research, or Computer Science;15 years withMS/PhD with emphasis on Integrated Logistics Support (ILS)
Charles E. Park / BS/3.17 / University of Phoenix / Business / PI / No / Scientic/
Huntsville,AL / Experienced with supply and provisioning of materials to warfighters in CONUS locations as well as overseas theater of operations. This support also includes transportation, maintenance, and inventory management including proper storage facilities. / 20 years experience with BS in Business, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Math,Industrial Management, Computer Science, or Engineering Management;15 years withMS/PhD with emphasis on supply & provisioning of members of the armed forces
Robert J. Axtman / PhD/3.18 / University of Michigan/
HamiltonUniversity / Physics / PI / No / MIT
/Lake Orion, MI / Crosby Quality Control training and instructor;
Demming Quality Control Institute certified Numerical Control Programming instructor; Certified Leadership Organization instructor / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Math, or Computer Science;15 years withMS/PhD with membership in professional organization such as Society of Manufacturing Engineers, IEEE, Institute of Industrial Engineers, etc.
James J. Sheehy, Jr. / MS/3.20 / The Ohio State University/Kansas State University / Computer Science / PM/PI / No / Scientic/
Huntsville,AL / PM/PI for managing a $75M, 10 year contract with the Army to develop new technologies for DoD satellites/missilesunder Army Contract #
W9113-08-C-0004 / 20 years experience with BS in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science, Math, or Computer Science;15 years with MS/PhD experience managing efforts of similar size and scope.
Gary L.
Grant / BS/3.21 / The University of Alabama in Huntsville / Engineering / PI / No / Scientic/
Huntsville,AL / PM for managing administrative personnel for DoD customers under Army contract #
DASG60-99-C-0268 / 20 years experience with BS in Business, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science,
Math, Computer Science with15 years with MS/PhD experience managing administrative personnel for DoD customers

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