Minutes of the Pitton & Farley Parish Council meeting held on 13 March 2008 at Farley Village Hall


Geoff Lowndes (chairman)

Alan Shaw (Vice Chairman)

David Cole.

John Ellis

David Goulden

Nigel Lilley

Caroline Moore

Catherine Purves (The Clerk)

County & District Councillor Bill Moss and two members of the public, Mr Bossom and Mr Morgan, were also in attendance.

Prior to the start of the meeting, Mr Bossom gave a presentation to members regarding the progress of the construction of the parish website. The project was about half way through, and Mr Bossom was able to show members a mock-up of the proposed final website. Uploading information and maintenance would be made easy by using attachments rather than typing information straight onto the site. It was hoped that the website would be launched at the end of May. Mr Bossom also queried the large increase in the precept for 2008/2009.



Mike Hart (on business) and Allan Jenkins (on holiday). Membesr noted District Councillor Chris Devine's absence.

The Chairman introduced Nigel Liley to members, and welcomed him onto the Council.

14.08 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of 10 January 2008 were approved and adopted as a correct record of the meeting (prop GL, sec JE, all in favour).

15.08 Declarations of Interest

None were declared.

16.08 Matter raised by the public

Members thanked Mr Bossom for the work done so far on the website, and felt that it would be an excellent parish facility. There is a possibility that a party will be arranged to launch the site formally.

Mr Lowndes briefly explained the budget, and how the precept figure had been calculated. Mr Cole commented that the precept had been kept low for a number of years, which made any necessary increase seem much larger than it might otherwise have been.

17.08 Matters Arising


18.08 To receive reports from

a. The County Councillor for Winterslow - Richard Munro had recently been appointed to liaise with parish and town councils regarding the possible devolution of services. Mr Munro had attended the January Southern Area Committee meeting, but regretably had given a less than satisfactory presentation due to his newness in the position. The County Council Leader and Chief Executive Officer will attend the February Southern Area Committee meeting. Mr Lilley queried whether the rumour was true that planning applications were to be decided by parish councils under the Unitary Authority, but Cllr. Moss advised that this was not the case, as parish councils did not have the knowledge, power or expertise, nor would they want such responsibility. South West Area Grants will continue post 2009, and the new Area Board will likely cover the same area as the present Southern Area Committee.

b. The District Councillor for Winterslow

None received.

c. The Council's reprentative on the Pitton Flood Action Group - The Flood Warden had advised that in mid January, the water levels at Lopcombe Corner were below average, so unless there were constant rainfall, he was confident there would be no flooding in the village this winter. Qoutes for the installation of the electricity supply were currently underway.

d. Chairman's Report - Mr Lowndes advised he had attended a public meeting arranged by the Plymouth Brethren regarding their purchase of the former Methodist Chapel. Their plans for its use as a school seemed acceptable, and were within the current planning rules. Concerns regarding increased traffic during the morning and afternoon drop -off times had been allayed by the proposed use of four mini buses to convey the children to and from the village, and the drop-off times would be staggered with those of the Village School, so as not to conflict. The Plymouth Brethren seemed a friendly and co-operative group of people. Mr Lowndes also advised he had attended the District Council's Parish Council Liaison meeting, where the recycling scheme and wheelie bins had been discussed, along with the Core Strategy and Strategic Land Availability Assessment documents had been mentioned. Both documents were currently out for consultation.

e. Parish Clerk's Report -

Southern Area Committee

The District Council has advised that the Southern Area Committee, is making efforts to adress more community issues and increase community engagement. Parish Councils have certain rights and opportunities in relation to the Committee. These are:

·  Parish Councillors may rise items for consideration by the Area Committee in the same way as District Councillors, ie 10 working days in advance of the meeting, with sufficient supporting documentation to allow and informed discussion to take place.

·  Speak at meetings on any matter affecting their parish or the area in general.

·  Vote on certain issues of community interest at the discretion of the chairman.

A Standing Item called " Community Update" has been introduced on all agendas, under which District, Parish and other community representatives will be able to address the Committee freely, without the need to submit advance notice.( However, see bullet point 1 above).

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.

A reminder that under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006, all public authorities have a duty to pay due regard to biodiversity in all of their functions. A leaflet and poster are provided, plus a short qustionnaire on what the parish Council is doing already. The Trust plans to hold a workshop regarding this subject on the basis of answers received.

Wiltshire County Council

The Clerk has received a letter from the County Council inviting the Parish Council to enter into a licence arrangement to maintain highway land (typically to cut grass). Under the licence, the land continues to form part of the highway.

Training events

A reminder:-

District Council Planning Department Training seminar, Friday 25 January 2008.

District Council Parish Council Liaison Meeting Monday 10 March 2008.

WALC Training Day Saturday 15 March 2008.

Core Strategy and Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

The Clerk had received notification about both these consultation exercises, and the members decided the Parish Council should hold a Special Meeting on 3 April to discuss specifically these two documents.

19.08 Finance

a. A schedule of accounts in the sum of £484.60 was approved for payment (prop GL, sec AS, all in favour)

b. It was noted from the 2007/2008 Budget monitoring form that there would be an overall surplus of £194.00.

20.08 Planning

A list of applications received, and decsions notified was noted.

Applications Received


Proposal: Full Application - lighting to menage.

Location: Pitton Hill Farm, White Hill, Pitton.

Members support this application, subject to every effort to be made to minimize lighting pollution.


Proposal: Full Application - temporary standing of mobile home and occupation by a person employed within the equestrian business.

Location: Land at Whitehill Farm, White Hill, Pitton.

Members support this application, subject to any permissions being attached personally to the applicant and not to the land, the continuation of the equestrian business, and should the business be sold, the mobile home should be removed. The permission should last no longer than three years.


Proposal: Full Application - single storey rear bedroom and ensuite extension.

Location: 2, Island Cottages, Church Lane Pitton.

Members support this application.


Proposal: Trees in Cons. Area - fell conifer hedge.

Location: Parsonage Farm, White Way, Pitton.

Members support this application.


Proposal: Full Application - erection of three dwellings.

Location: Land at Pitton Road, Farley.

Members support this application, and note that the boundary trees and hedges are to replaced/replanted, it is hoped with mature specimens.


Proposal: Full Application - extension to dwelling and addition of pitched roof to garage.

Location: The Spinney, White Hill, Pitton.

Members support this application.


Proposal: Full Application - construction of two storey extension and single storey extension to existing dwelling with inclusion of annexe in building.

Location: Manor Farm, Pitton Road, Pitton.

Opinion awaited.

Decisions Notified.


Proposal: Full Application - single storey extension at rear.

Location: 2, Manor Cottages, Black Lane, Pitton.

Permission granted.


Proposal: Full Application - replacement dwelling and Change of Use of adjacent agricultural land to residential use.

Location: Beecroft, Parsonage Hill, Farley.

Permission granted.


Proposal: Full Application - two storey extension to rear of property to form kitchen diner and master bedroom.

Location: 7, Davids Garden, Pitton.

Permission granted.


Proposal: Full Application - extend front of bungalow towards road.

Location: White Banks, White Hill, Pitton.

Permission granted.


Proposal: Full Application - increase height of chimney to enable renewd use of fireplaces (currently capped off) - retrospective.

Location: Taylor's Farm House, High Street, Pitton.

Permission granted.


Proposal: Trees in Cons. Area - felling of mature lawsons cypress.

Location: Church Farm, Townsend, Pitton.

Permission granted.


Proposal: Full Application - lighting to menage.

Location: Pitton Hill Farm, White Hill, Pitton.

Permission granted.


Proposal: Trees in Cons. Area - fell various trees within property.

Location: Parsonage Farm House, White Way, Pitton.

Permission granted.

21.08 Highway/Parish Steward Matters

a. Road surfaces - members condemned the state of the road surfaces in the parish, and the Clerk advised that she had heard that the Councty Council's Highway's Department is more likely to take action to repair areas about which they receive the most complaints. The Clerk was asked to leaflet particularly the residents of Above Hedges/Black Lane in Pitton to advise them of this, and to urge them to phone the free phone CLARENCE number 0800 232323 every week until the work was done.

b. Parish Steward - the Clerk ahd been advised that the outstanding matters ( verge markers, gravel removal and inspection of drains) would be undertaken in the next financial year. Councillors wanted the grip/gullies/culverts to be cleared, the sunken trench across the Pitton/Farley Road to be attended to and the broken drain along the Grimstead Road to be mended during the next Parish Steward's visit.

c.Outstanding matters by the Rights of Way officer - again, the Clerk had been advised that these had been deferred to the next financial year.

d. The state of the trees along Lucewood Lane - the Clerk was instructed to write to Clarendon Estate office expressing concern at the possibly dangerous condition of some of the trees along that road.

e. Increased litter along the road verges - the Clerk was asked to write to the District Council to rqeuest that the litter be cleared particularly along both sides of Pitton Hill and Lucewood Lane.

f. Increased traffic through the parish as a result of the construction of the Petersfinger Park & Ride - Mr Ellis advised that he thought this fifth site unnecessary, particularly as the exisiting Park & Ride sites were all operating at a loss.

Standing orders suspended - Cllr Moss advised that the losses amounted to £100,000 per year, and it was anticipated that this would increase to £600,000 per year. The new Unitary Authority would bear the costs. The Petersfinger site had originally been earmarked as the start of a proposed Salisbury by-pass upto Wylie. Ideally, the Park & Ride site should be located at Whaddon, but this would have increased costs to £200,000 per year.

Standing orders reinstated. Mr Ellis commented that all seemed done and dusted, but he proposed that the Parish Council should write to Salisbury District Council to resgister its concerns regarding the increased traffic. Mr Lowndes seconded the proposal, but Mr Cole disagreed. The matter was put to the vote, and was lost by five votes to two.

g. Increased Sunday Pay & Display charges - Mr Ellis noted that this charge was to rise by 100% in April, and was now purely a charge raising exercise. Mr Lowndes proposed that the Parish Council should write and complain, which Mr Ellis seconded. Four members were in favour, and three were aggainst, and so the Clerk was instructed to write.

22.08 To Review other ongoing matters

a. Parish web site - further to earlier discussions, Mr Shaw advised that the sub-committee had been considering its policy regarding the proposed business directory, and the criteria for inclusion. Members were asked to e-mail Mr Shaw with their views.

b. Unitary Authority - Richard Munro had been appointed as the County Council's Liaision Officer with Parish/Town Council regarding the devolution of services. There is another "Meet & Greet" evening between the County and Parish/Town Councils to be held on 22 April 2008 at Sarum College. The Boundary Commission is presently consulting on the boundaries for the new Area Boards.

c. Parish Council newsletter - Mr Cole distributed examples of newsletters. He proposed that it should be free of personal opinion, sent out quarterly , and was intended for those who would not access the parish website. The distributors of the Dun Valley News in both villages were happy to deliver the newsletter of behalf of the Parish Council for free. It would cost £28.00 for 360 copies in black and white, £154.80 for colour. Mr Lowndes proposed a trial run in black and white, to be reviewd after one year, when feed back would be analysed. This was seconded by Mr Goulden, all were in favour.

d. Public Noticebaord - Mr Goulden had obtained a quote for £199.30, but there was some query regarding the size. Mr Shaw undertook to review this, and advise the Clerk, who would progress matters.

23.08 Dates of Next Meetings

Special meeting - Thursday 3 April at 7.30pm in Pitton Village Hall.

Annual Parish Meeting - Thursday 8 May at 7.00pm in Pitton Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting - Thursday 8 May at 7.30pm in Pitton Vilalge Hall.

Parish Council Meeting - Thursday 10 July at 7.30pm in Farley Village Hall.

End of meeting 9.40pm