The Great Gatsby

Passage Analysis Grading Criteria (using Analysis Rubric)

1-2 Paragraphs; 20 Points

4—Mastery (18-20 points)

ð  Correct MLA

ð  Precise thesis statement/topic sentence

ð  Strong organization and support

ð  Fluent sentences

ð  Discussion of tone and theme

ð  Accurate interpretation of 2-4 elements

ð  At least 2 quotes

ð  Integrated quotes

ð  Few errors

ð  Strong and vivid vocab

ð  3rd POV

3—Proficient (16-17 points)

ð  Mostly correct MLA

ð  Obvious thesis statement/topic sentence

ð  Clear organization and adequate support

ð  Mostly fluent sentences

ð  Adequate interpretation of 2-3 elements

ð  Discussion of tone and theme

ð  At least 2 quotes

ð  Mostly correct integrated quotes

ð  Few errors

ð  Adequate vocab

ð  3rd POV

2—Developing (14-15 points)

ð  Incorrect MLA

ð  Weak thesis statement/topic sentence

ð  Weak organization and minimal support

ð  Some run-ons or choppy sentences

ð  Inaccurate interpretation of 1-2 elements

ð  Discusses only tone or theme

ð  Only 1 quote

ð  Orphan quotes

ð  Many errors

ð  Vague or informal vocab

ð  3rd POV

1—Unsatisfactory (12-13 points)

ð  Incorrect MLA

ð  No thesis

ð  No organization or support

ð  Many run-ons or choppy sentences

ð  Inaccurate or absent interpretation of 1-2 elements

ð  Vaguely addresses only tone or theme

ð  No quotes

ð  Pervasive errors

ð  Inaccurate and vague vocab

ð  1st or 2nd POV

The Great Gatsby

Passage Analysis Grading Criteria (using Analysis Rubric)

1-2 Paragraphs; 20 Points

4—Mastery (18-20 points)

ð  Correct MLA

ð  Precise thesis statement/topic sentence

ð  Strong organization and support

ð  Fluent sentences

ð  Discussion of tone and theme

ð  Accurate interpretation of 2-4 elements

ð  At least 2 quotes

ð  Integrated quotes

ð  Few errors

ð  Strong and vivid vocab

ð  3rd POV

3—Proficient (16-17 points)

ð  Mostly correct MLA

ð  Obvious thesis statement/topic sentence

ð  Clear organization and adequate support

ð  Mostly fluent sentences

ð  Adequate interpretation of 2-3 elements

ð  Discussion of tone and theme

ð  At least 2 quotes

ð  Mostly correct integrated quotes

ð  Few errors

ð  Adequate vocab

ð  3rd POV

2—Developing (14-15 points)

ð  Incorrect MLA

ð  Weak thesis statement/topic sentence

ð  Weak organization and minimal support

ð  Some run-ons or choppy sentences

ð  Inaccurate interpretation of 1-2 elements

ð  Discusses only tone or theme

ð  Only 1 quote

ð  Orphan quotes

ð  Many errors

ð  Vague or informal vocab

ð  3rd POV

1—Unsatisfactory (12-13 points)

ð  Incorrect MLA

ð  No thesis

ð  No organization or support

ð  Many run-ons or choppy sentences

ð  Inaccurate or absent interpretation of 1-2 elements

ð  Vaguely addresses only tone or theme

ð  No quotes

ð  Pervasive errors

ð  Inaccurate and vague vocab

ð  1st or 2nd POV