Expanded Colloquium Journal Prompts—Kimberly Campanello

  1. Reflect on preconceptions of Colloquium and on your current conceptions of Colloquium. Where did your preconceptions come from? What caused your current conception to develop? What do you hope to gain from taking this course? What do you hope to contribute?
  2. Reflect on SOW06 reading—Have you heard about China or India lately, in what context?
  3. List 5 quotes from “The Land Ethic” that were meaningful to you. What does each one mean to you? Describe an experience you had relating to each quote.
  4. React to the poem you read. How does it relate to “The Land Ethic”? Does the speaker of the poem “agree” with Leopold? Why or why not?
  5. Compose a poem about where you live
  6. Compose a poem about your education
  7. Reflect on India/China video—How does it relate to what you’ve already learned about India and China in the SOW06 reading? How is its tone/message similar or different to the State of the World chapter? Why do you think the tone/message might be different?
  8. Summarize the Land Ethic concept and relate it to southwest Florida. What is unique about the relationship between humans and the land in SW Florida? What kind of land do you encounter on a daily basis? What is your relationship to that land?
  9. Add a reflection and quote(s) from Orr reading—What really spoke to you and your experiences? Why?
  10. Define and relate the concept of sustainability to yourself. Think about the way you were raised, the way you live now, the way you hope to live one day, and the kind of world you want for your children and grandchildren—how do all these past moments and hopes relate?

10. React to the poem you read. How does it relate to the Orr reading?

12. Reflect on SOW06 Challenge chapter reading. How would you explain the challenge to your

grandmother/grandfather? What do you think he/she might say?

13. Create two or more Corkscrew related entries. Have you been to Corkscrew before?

Why/why not? Will you go again? What part of the visit made the most impact on you?

14. Find related stories on China and India in magazines or on the internet and paste them into

your journal. What do you notice about them?

15. Summarize important points from your Challenge research.

16. Keep track of your personal consumption for 24 hours. What do you notice? Would you like

to change anything? Do you know how you might change it?

17. React to the notion of Ecological Footprint.

18. Create an entry that relates ideas from Sand County to experiences you’ve had in nature or

thoughts you’ve had about it. What would you say to Leopold if you were on a hike with him in Corkscrew or in a chosen location?

19. Compose a poem relating to your personal consumption or your relationship with nature.

20. Create one or more ECHO related entries. What part of the visit made the most impact on


21. Compose a poem or react to the poem you read, relating it to the ECHO fieldtrip.

22. Summarize the thesis of the sustainability paper. Think back to what you learned in Composition about thesis statements. Is it a good one?

23. Reflect on challenge presentations…What did you learn that can apply to your life,

career, family, home, etc.? What are some things you might do now that you have this information? Who will you share this information with?

24. Add an environmental article with personal reflection.

25. Reflect on the campus excursion. How does it relate to the Dewey reading?

26. Consider your health in terms of environmental influences. What in the environment might affect your health in the short or the long term?

27. Reflect on Witness video. What part of the video impacted you the most?

28. Reflect on the health discussion. What are some things you might do in this area?

29. Create two or more Estero related entries. What part of the visit made the most impact on you? What surprised you most about Estero’s history?

30. List 5 or more quotes from Experience and Education. What does each one mean to you? Describe an experience you have had relating to each quote.

31. React to Dewey reading. Do you agree with what he says about education and experience? Why or why not?

32. Compose a poem about your education.

33. Summarize the thesis of the Ecological Literacy paper. Think back to what you learned in Composition about thesis statements. Is it a good one?

34. Compose a poem about where you live.

35. Create two or more Downtown related entries. What part of the visit made the most impact on you? What do you think about the downtown re-development? How does it relate to Orr’s ideas about sense of place?

36. Describe your final project. Do you plan to raise awareness in SWFL concerning your Challenge?

37. Compare your original poems about your education and where you live to the ones you just wrote. How are they similar/different? Why do you think they are similar/different?