(Private and Confidential)
Application for the post of:


Please complete this form fully and return it to:

Allan Millan

Venture Trust
Argyle House
3 Lady Lawson Street

Or by e-mail to:

Please note: CVs will not be accepted

Where did you hear about this vacancy?

Do you need a work permit to work in the UK? Yes No
à If ‘Yes’, do you have a work permit to work in the UK? Yes No N/A

Have you previously applied for any post with the Venture Trust? Yes No
à If ‘Yes’, which post, and when?

For essential car user posts only – please see job description.

Do you hold a current driving license? Yes No
à If ‘Yes’ when did you pass your test?
Has your driving license ever been endorsed? Yes No
à If ‘Yes’, please provide details:

(All convictions, including those regarded as ‘spent’, must be declared under the Rehabilitation Of Offenders Act 1974)

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? Yes No
à If ‘Yes’ please provide full details below. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.


Do you have any disabilities that might affect your application? Yes No
à If ‘Yes’ please tell us if:
a. There are any reasonable adjustments we can make to assist you in your application.

b. There are any reasonable adjustments you feel should be made to the job itself that would help you carry it out.

Please give details of any relevant qualifications. Please also include any records of achievement such as courses attended, certificates attained, and membership of any relevant Professional or Technical Associations. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Subject / Title / Date / Grade / Level / Examining / Professional Body

Please summarise any other skills you hold and / or training you have received that may be relevant to the position applied for, e.g. languages spoken, First Aid training.

Please provide the name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of two referees, including their relationship to you. These should not include relatives or friends. One referee must be the name of your present / most recent Line Manager, or your Departmental Head or Tutor if you are a higher education leaver.
References will not be sought until after an Offer of Employment has been made to you.

Referee 1:
Relationship : / Referee 2:
Relationship :
Contact details:
Contact details:

Please provide below, details of your current (or most recent) employment, including your current salary and reason for leaving.

Dates From
/ To / Employer’s
Name / Position Held
& Current Salary / Duties &
Responsibilities / Reason for
Leaving /

Please provide below, details of any other previous employment, including your reason for leaving.

Dates From
/ To / Employer’s
Name / Position
Held / Duties &
Responsibilities / Reason for
Leaving /

Please use this section to give further information to support your application, including your reasons for applying. Please give details of the skills, experience and knowledge that you would bring to the post – including how these meet the criteria in the person specification for the post – and your views on the needs of young people at risk. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

I hereby state that I have no past convictions, cautions or bind overs, and no pending cases, which would affect my suitability for working with young people.
Signature Date
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given on this form, and on any other documents supporting this application, is true and correct. I understand that any false statement may result in termination of an appointment made from this application.
Signature Date


Venture Trust is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity in its employment policies and practices. We therefore ask that you fully complete the form below so that we can monitor how effective our recruitment procedures are in supporting equal opportunities, and to help us to improve our Equal Opportunities Policy. Your answers will not form any part of the selection process and will be separated from the rest of your application. All information will be treated as strictly confidential.
Please select the answers that, in your opinion, reflect your circumstances most closely.
Name: Position applied for:

Where did you hear about this vacancy?

Ethnic Monitoring
Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship; it is about broad ethnic group. Information you provide here will help us to ensure that our policies and practices do not inadvertently discriminate against you because of your ethnicity.

What is your ethnic group? Choose ONE section from A to E, and then cross [ x ] the appropriate box.

A. Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British
[ ] Bangladeshi
[ ] Indian
[ ] Pakistani
[ ] Any other Asian background,
please specify:

C. Chinese or other ethnic group
[ ] Chinese
[ ] Any other ethnic group,
please specify:
E. White
[ ] British
[ ] English
[ ] Irish
[ ] Scottish
[ ] Welsh
[ ] Any other White background, please specify:

B. Black, Black Scottish or Black British
[ ] African
[ ] Caribbean
[ ] Any other Black background, please specify:
D. Mixed Heritage
[ ] White and Asian
[ ] White and Black African
[ ] White and Black Caribbean
[ ] Any other Mixed background, please
F. Undisclosed
[ ] Prefer not to say

Disability* Monitoring
Venture Trust is committed to creating an environment where barriers are removed for disabled people and they can give their best to succeed. Employees with a disability or long-term health condition are entitled in law to ‘reasonable adjustments’ to address their needs for support in the workplace. Therefore we are interested in any disability or health condition that may require a reasonable adjustment to overcome such barriers.

*The DDA defines disability as ‘a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term, adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities.’

Do you consider yourself to have a disability or a long-term health condition?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

What is the effect or impact of your disability or health condition?

[ ] Prefer not to say
[ ] Described below:

Gender Monitoring
Gender monitoring is key to ensuring that all employees have access to the same opportunities, and Venture Trust is committed to work at achieving this.

Would you describe yourself as:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Prefer not to say.

Sexual Orientation

Monitoring sexual orientation in our staff and recruits is a significant step towards acknowledging gay, lesbian and bisexual staff. Please help us do this by completing the following question about your sexual orientation.

What is your sexual orientation?

[ ] Heterosexual / Straight
[ ] Gay woman / Lesbian
[ ] Gay man
[ ] Bisexual
[ ] Other
[ ] Prefer not to say

Age Monitoring
Age discrimination regulations in the workplace are designed to ensure that you are judged only by your abilities and not your age. By monitoring age we seek to uncover any assumptions in the way we work in Venture Trust.

Which age group are you in?
[ ] 16 – 21 years

[ ] 22 – 30 years

[ ] 31 – 40 years

[ ] 41 – 50 years

[ ] 51 – 60 years

[ ] 61 – 65 years

[ ] 65 + years

Religion and Belief Monitoring

Venture Trust is committed to ensuring fairness and equal access to all employees whatever their faith or beliefs.

Please cross [ x ] the box that best describes you:

[ ] Buddhist

[ ] Christian

[ ] Hindu

[ ] Jew

[ ] Muslim

[ ] Sikh

[ ] Other Religion or Belief, please specify:

[ ] No Religion

[ ] Prefer not to say

Marital Status
Are you:
[ ] Married
[ ] Single
[ ] Divorced
[ ] Widowed
[ ] A single parent

Children / Dependants

Do you have any caring responsibilities?
[ ] Dependent children
[ ] Dependent relative
[ ] Other

[ ] Not applicable