Tianjin University]


  1. General information

Name of University:
Faculty of Science, University of Zurich
Mailing address of the office in charge of International Exchange Program:
Beat Peter, Deans Office Faculty of Science, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Contact details of the person for Incoming students (name, title, e-mail, phone and fax):
Beat Peter, Coordinator Office of the Dean of Studies, , +41 44 635 41 45
Website for International/Exchange students:

  1. General academic calendar

1st Semester : Fall Semester, calendar weeks 38-51
2nd Semester: Spring Semester, calendar weeks 8-22
  1. Admission

No. of students you would accept from Tianjin Universityfor academic year 2018/2019:
Max. ( 4) students for each semester or (2) students for one academic year
Length of the exchange period:
One academic year only One semester only X Both one year one semester
We would highly appreciate, if you could send us more students in spring semester. (Student housing rooms are scarce in fall.)
Qualifications for incoming exchange students:
Undergraduate only Graduate only X Both undergraduate & Graduate
Please provide us with the updated application form or the link to relevant website:

List of the documents required for admission:
Curriculum vitae
A letter of motivation describing your study or research plans of between 1 and 2 A4-pages
A tentative list of courses you plan to attend (at least 20 ECTS credits per semester).
A letter of recommendation by a member of the teaching staff at your home university Current transcript of records: Graduate students must also send a copy of their undergraduate diploma. Diplomas issued in any other language than German or English should be accompanied by a certified translation.
If you intend to take courses taught in German: Proof of proficiency in German at level C1 (according to the Common European Framework), issued by the Goethe Institute or the German department at your home university.
If you intend to take courses taught in English: Proof of good English language skills (approximately level B2 according to the Common European Framework).
Passport-sized photograph (max. 500x500 pixel)
A copy of your passport ID page
Visa application form, in case a visa for your stay in Switzerland is required.
The visa application form will be sent to you by the student advisor at UZH in due time.
Application due date for Spring and/or Fall of academic year 20/20:
1st semester:Fall Semester March 31
2nd semester:Spring Semester September 30
Where will you send the admission letter to?
To Tianjin University XTo individual student
Do you have any requirements for exchange students in regards to the admission?
Good academic standing, letter of recommendation
  1. Course

Are there any areas of study that will not be opened to exchange students?
Courses offered by the Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine (“Vetsuisse”) are closed.
Are there courses taught in English?
All courses on MSc and PhD level offered by the Faculty of Science.
Website link to find classes online:

  1. Scholarship

Is there any scholarship available for exchange students?
XNo Yes
If yes, when is the scholarship application deadline?
1st semester:
2nd semester:
Please provide us with the scholarship application form or the link to relevant website:
  1. Accommodation

Are exchange students guaranteed housing for incoming exchange students? If so, what kind of housing is it?
No Yes: On-campus Off-campus
How much is the accommodation fee?
Do students need to apply for housing?
No X Yes
If yes, when is the housing application deadline?
1st semester: 30.06.
2nd semester:15.11.
Please provide us with housing application form or the link to relevant website:
(see: Housing for Exchange Students)
If students are not arranged with housing, how do they find their accommodation?
We have a contingent of student rooms available for exchange students in different student hostels run by a joint ETH and UZH housing office. We send the students a link in due time to sign in for such a room. It is up to them to decide to take one of those rooms or if they want to look for a room by themselves. We strongly recommend students to rent a room through this link. Yet, there is no guarantee that they will get a room. They have to sign in by themselves, we do not sign any student in to guarantee that s/he gets a room. Students from overseas are given priority when the housing office allocates the rooms.In the past, students from Non-European countries could be accommodated if they were not older than 28 years and signed in on time.

G. Others

Does your university require insurance for all international students?
No X Yes, health insurance is mandatory, a liability insurance is recommended
Are students required to buy your university insurance?
X No Yes
If yes, how much is it and where can we find information about it?
UZH does not provide any health insurance policies. The students have to buy a private one. They can apply for an exemption, if they have a insurance in their home country which covers them sufficiently. Students get information about health insurance at the Welcome Day.
Is there a pick-up service upon arrival?
No Yes
If yes, are there any required fees from exchange students?Students may apply for a buddy at the Erasmus Student Network (ESN):
Any additional information you would like inform us?
Cross-faculty course module booking is allowed. Yet, students have to book most of the courses in the field(s) they are enrolled at their home university.

Thank you so much for filling out this form!