The 2006 Annenberg / Oxford Summer Institute
Global Media Policy
Technology and New Themes
in Media Regulation
Reading List
July 17, 2006
Introduction to Technology and Policy: Framing Analysis of Processes of Change
Peggy Valcke: Article 10 ECHR
- Macovei, Monica (2004) Freedom of Expression: A Guide to the Implementation of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights 2nd edition: Germany: Council of Europe [Read]
- Directorate General of Human Rights (2001): Human Rights Files, No. 18: Case Law Concerning Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights: Strasbourg : Council of Europe [Read]
- Council of Europe Committee of Ministers (2003). Declaration on freedom of communication on the Internet and explanatory note. 28 May. [Read]
- European Parliament (2006). Resolution on freedom of expression on the Internet. Thursday 6 July. [Read]
- Peggy Valcke’s presentation [Read]
Monroe Price: A Framework for Analysis
- Price, Monroe,Media and Sovereignty: The Global Information Revolution and Its Challenge to State Power. (Boston: MIT Press, 2002) Ch. 9, "Media Globalization: A Framework for Analysis." [Read]
July 18, 2006
European Media Law and Regulation – foundation course
Peggy Valcke: Overview/Current TVWF
- Aubry, Patrice: The “Television Without Frontiers” Directive, Cornerstone of the European Broadcasting Policy: European Audiovisual Observatory [Read]
- The Council of the European Communities, (1989). Council Directive on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities. (89/552/EEC) of 3 October. [Read]
- Peggy Valcke’s presentation [Read]
Monica Ariño: Audiovisual Media Services Directive & Ofcom / UK experience
- Commission Of The European Communities,Brussels, 13.12.2005 COM(2005) 646 Fina, 2005/0260 (COD) “Directive Of The European Parliament And Of The Council Amending Council Directive 89/552/EEC”[Read]
- Howard Johnson, “Television without frontier: Timely change or premature extension” Communications Law, Vol. 10, No. 6, 2005. [Read]
- Audiovisual Media services Draft Directive, “Opinions and Recommendations from Stakeholders in the UK” April 2006.[Read]
- European Broadcasting Union, “Draft Audiovisual Media Services Directive Initial EBU Contribution to the first reading.”3.4.2006/1. [Read]
- European Digital Media Association, “EDiMA contribution to the debate on the proposal for a Directive on audiovisual media services” ED-0602-001-LCC [Read]
- Monica Ariño’s presentation [Read]
Carles Llorens Maluquer: EU Competition Media Policy: Mergers and State Aid.
- Alison Harcourt (2005) "Competition law, beyond the boundaries of the politically possible" in "The European Union and the regulation of media Markets": 41-61.Manchester, Manchester University Press. [Read]
- David Levy (1999) "The impact of European Competition policy on digital broadcasting": 80-100 in "Europe's Digital Revolution: Broadcasting Revolution, the EU and the Nation State" (Routledge Research in European Public Policy. [Read]
- Communication from the Commission on the application of State aid rules to public service broadcasting (2001). 15.11.2001 Official Journal of the European Communities C 320/5 (7 pages)[Read]
July 19, 2006
Commercial Television in Europe & Russian Media
Ross Biggam: Competition for Sports Rights
- Toft, Torben. Developments in European Law, Congress Sports and Law. European Commission. Brussels: 28 April, 2006
Ross Biggam: Association of Commercial Television in Europe
- European Commission Press Release.The Review 2006 of the EU's regulatory framework for electronic communications: Frequently Asked Questions. European Commission. MEMO 06/257 Brussels: 29 June 2006. [Read]
- Schoenthal, Max.Major Events and Reporting Rights. Iris Plus Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. Strasbourg, France: April 2006. [Read]
- Ross Biggam’s presentation [Read]
Yassen Zassoursky: Russian Media
- Richter, Andrei. Opportunities Lost. Moscow Times. June 5, 2006[Read]
- Russian Media Challenge ( Kaarle Nordenstreng, Elena Vartanova and Yassen Zassoursky),Kikimora publications, Helsinki,2002. [Read]
- Ivan Zassoursky. Media and Power in Post-Soviet Russia.2004. M.E.Sharpe, Armonk,New York.London,England. [Read]
July 20, 2006
Language and other rights of the Media
Tarlach McGonagle: Language, culture, identity and the media: European perspectives
- Guidelines on the use of Minority Languages in the Broadcast Media (2003): [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
- Tarlach McGonagle & Andrei Richter, "Regulation of Minority-Language Broadcasting", IRIS plus (Supplement to IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory), 2004-2, available at: [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
- Monroe E. Price, Television, The Public Sphere and National Identity (Clarendon Press, New York & Oxford, 1995), Chapter 3 - "National and Post-National Identity" (pp. 40-59). [Read]
- Tarlach McGonagle’s presentation [Read]
Optional additional reading:
- Tarlach McGonagle, Bethany Davis Noll & Monroe Price, Eds., Minority-Language Related Broadcasting and Legislation in the OSCE, Study commissioned by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, carried out by the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP), Oxford University and the Institute for Information Law (IViR) of the University of Amsterdam, April 2003 (published: September 2003), available at:- "Overview". [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
- Monroe E. Price, Television, The Public Sphere and National Identity (Clarendon Press, New York & Oxford, 1995) - generally.
Tarlach McGonagle: Hate Speech: growing divergences between European and US Approaches
Required Readings
- T. McGonagle “Basic International Law Provisions for the Protection of Freedom Of Expression (Including Relevant Limitations)” [Read]
- Jersild v. Denmark, Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 23 September 1994, Series A, No. 298. [Read]
- Garaudy v. France, Decision of the European Court of Human Rights (Fourth Section)of 24 June 2003, Reports of Judgments and Decisions, 2003-IX. [Read]
- Gündüz v. Turkey, Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (First Section)of 4 December 2003, Reports of Judgments and Decisions, 2003-XI. [Read]
(The full text of each of these cases is easily accessible via the HUDOC Database on the website of the European Court of Human Rights).
- Tarlach McGonagle’s presentation [Read]
Optional additional reading:
- Tarlach McGonagle, "Wresting (Racial) Equality from Tolerance of Hate Speech", (2001) 23 DublinUniversity Law Journal (ns) 21, pp. 21-54 [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
(In the course of my lecture, Iwill draw on some of the theories and practice described in this article.)
Wolfgang Schulz: Self Regulation
Required Readings
- Baldwin, Robert / Cave, Martin (1999) Understanding Regulation. Theory, Strategy, and Practice:OxfordUniversity Press; Ch. 10: Self-Regulation [Read]
- Campbell, Angela (2003) Self-Regulation and the Media: Four Years Later [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
- Hans Bredow Institute / Institute for European Media Law (2006) Study on co-regulation measures in the media sector. [Read Executive Summary] [Read Alternative]
- Hans Bredow Institute / Institute for European Media Law (2006) Study on co-regulation measures in the media sector. Chapters 2.1 Co-Regulation as a form of modern government and 6. [Read Conclusions] [Read Full Report]
- Wolfgang Schulz’s presentation [Read]
Optional additional reading:
- Campbell, Angela (1999) Self-Regulation and the Media: 51 Federal Communications Law Journal 711
July 21, 2006
Content Regulation (decency, terrorism) & Switch from Analogue to Digital
Michael Starks & Damian Tambini: Digital Switchover
- Maria Trinidad Garcia Leiva, Michael Starks & Damian Tambini. Overview of digital television switchover policy in Europe, the United States and Japan. Info Vol 8 No 3 2006 p.32-46 [Read]
- Galperin, Hernan. New Television, Old Politics.CambridgeUniversity
Press: Cambridge. (2004), Ch. 12 & 14 [Read] - Erlbaum Mahwah, Lawrence. (edt Brown & Picard).Digital Television in Europe. New Jersey. (2005), Ch 7 & 15. [Read]
- Iofidis, Petros. Digital Switchover in Europe. The International
Communication GazetteVol. 68 No 3 (2006). p. 249-268 [Read] - websites: ;
- Michael Starks’ presentation [Read]
Hu Zhengrong: Internet Policy / Broadcasting Policy in China
- Zhengrong, Hu. Towards the Public?:The Dilemma in Chinese Media Policy Change and its Influential Factors. JoanShorensteinCenter on the Press, Politics and Public Policy: HarvardUniversity (2005) [Read]
- Hu Zhengrong’s presentation [Read]
David Levy: Switch from Analog to Digital
- House of Commons, Culture, Media & sport Committee on Analogue Switchoff - Volume 1 [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
- Department of Culture, Media & sport, A Public Service for all: the BBC in the digital Age, Chapter 4 [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
- Government Response to Culture, Media and Sport Committee Report on analogue switchoff [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
- David Levy’s presentation [Read]
July 24, 2006
Infotainment, European Regulatory Agencies & South Asia
DayaThussu: Infotainment as ideology
- Bourdieu, Pierre (1998) On Television and Journalism. Chapter ‘In front of the camera and behind the scene.’ London: Pluto Press. [Read]
- Gitlin, Todd (2002) Media Unlimited: How the Torrents of Images and Sounds Overwhelms Our Lives, Chapter 1 “Supersaturation, or, the media torrent and disposable feeling.” New York: Metropolitan Books. [Read]
- Mindich, David (2005) Tuned Out: Why Americans Under 40 Don’t Follow the News,Chapter 2, “How tuned out are they?”New York: OxfordUniversity Press. [Read]
- Postman, N. (1985) Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, Chapter 5 ‘The peek-a-boo world.’London: Methuen.[Read]
- Sparks, Colin and Tulloch, John (eds.) (2000) Tabloid Tales - Global Debates Over Media Standards.Introduction. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield. [Read]
Krisztina Rozgonyi & Dani Pataki: Shaping a regulatory agency in a period of convergence or European Telecom System from a country perspective
- National Communications Agency, Hungary, “Comprehensive forward-looking analysis of the cable programme distribution market to present the rationale and possibility of ex ante and ex post regulation,” April 2006. [Read]
- National Communications Agency, Hungary, and Boston Consulting Group “The National Communications Authority’s Strategic Concept on Electronic Communications Regulation,” February 2006. [Read]
- Krisztina Rozgony’s presentation [Read]
- Dani Pataki’s presentation [Read]
David Page: S. Asia Media
- Satellites over South Asia: broadcasting, culture and the public interest, Chapter 10, "Redefining the Public Interest" and Chapter 11, "Agendas for Change." OxfordUniversity Press: London, UK. [Read]
- Transnational Television Worldwide - towards a new media order, edited by Jean K Chalaby,Chapter 6, "The Transnational and the National: Changing Patterns of Cultural Influence in the South Asian TV Market." I.B.Taurus: London, UK.[Read]
- Price, Monroe (2002). Media and Sovereignty: The Global Information Revolution and Its Challenge to State Power.Boston: MIT Press.
- David Page’s presentation [Read]
July 25, 2006
Iraq & Mobile Radio
Simon Haselock & Doug Griffin: Iraq Media Policy
- Media Development Team. Iraq Media Development Policy. (2003) [Read]
- Framework for Change: Transforming Iraq’s Media Landscape. Athens (2003) [Read]
Andrea Millwood Hargrave: Mobile radio and Self Regulation
- Readings TBD.
- Andrea Millwood Hargrave’s presentation [Read]
July 26, 2006
Bill Dutton: Reconfiguring Access: the World Internet Project
- Readings TBD.
- Bill Dutton’s presentation [Read]
Ted Nelson: Why We Need a Different Computer Universe
- T. Nelson, "Xanalogical Structure, Needed Now More than Ever: Parallel Documents, Deep Links to Content, Deep Versioning and Deep Re-Use" at [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
- T. Nelson, "A Cosmology for a Different Computer Universe: Data Model, Mechanisms, Virtual Machine and Visualization Infrastructure" at [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
Jose Carreño Carlon & David Goldberg: FOIA
Required Reading
- Introduction to Openness and Access to Information (Danish Human Rights Institute), pp 10 - 36; 114 – 120. [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
- Coalition of Journalists for Open Government, “Federal Government Continues to Fall Behind In Responding to FOIA Requests, CJOG Finds Analysis Tracks Ongoing Slide in Information Released to the Public”, 30 June 2006. [Read Original] [Read Alternative]
Optional Readings
- Roberts A. Blacked Out: Government Secrecy in the Information Age.CambridgeUniversity Press.(2006) Ch.2
- Freedom of Information: A Comparative Legal Survey[Read Original] [Read Alternative]
- The Political Economy of Transparency: What Makes Disclosure Policies Sustainable?[Read Original] [Read Alternative]
Optional Readings on South America
- Democracia, transparencia y constitución: propuestas para un debate. Read: preface & two chapters [Read]
- David L. Sobel, Bethany A. Davis Noll, Benjamín Fernández Bogado, TCC Group, Monroe Price. The Federal Institute For Access to Information in Mexico
and a Culture of Transparency. Project for global Communication Studies at
the AnnenbergSchool for Communications, University of Pennsylvania. A
Report for the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. February 2006. [Read] - Villanueva, Ernesto. Derecho de Acceso a la Información en el Mundo. (Ch.1-Ch.4 p.1-83) & small texts related to Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru y Republica Dominicana in Chapter V (Spanish speakers only)[Read]