Dear Valued Supplier,
Changes to Kroger/Peyton 852 Data
Kroger will be making two changes to the EDI 852 transaction that you are currently receiving from us. The changes will be effective on the 852 transmission you receive from Kroger ON: Wednesday November 3, 2010.
The first change is Kroger will be utilizing the OQ code in the ZA segment to send the planned order quantity. The data will be sent from our Kroger KMA’s/Divisions. There is no change to the shipped cases. The “AM” or Original Store Orders is being added for all items for all VMI vendors. OQ will not be provided when unavailable or zero. Peyton divisions will normally not provide OQ data. OQ will be more useful for fresh meat and produce vendors.
The second change will be to send the Kroger/ Peyton internal item number for each item in the LIN segment with a PI qualifier. Over the years, several of our VMI partners have requested this additional data be sent. The PI qualifier will be sent in all 852 data for all commodities. Please note: the field length for the internal item number differs between the Kroger and Peyton ordering systems. Kroger is 8 and Peyton is 9:
Return your completed form no later than Oct 1, 2010 via email to or via Fax: 203-724-4393
Please indicate Yes next to the questions below / YesI have read and understood all the information provided in the letter.
I understand this is a change to the Kroger /Peyton 852 maps to send the OQ information in the ZA segment and to send the internal item numbers in the LIN segment with a PI qualifier
I am on the full VMI program with Kroger. (852 and 855) If needed, my company’s internal systems will have all the necessary changes made to the Kroger Peyton 852 maps by Nov. 3, 2010 to assure there are no disruption to Kroger’s service level.
I cannot be ready to make the changes by the Nov. 3, 2010 deadline and would like to be contacted by Kroger EDI to provide my reasons.
I Do Not understand the information provided in the letter(s). I would like to be contacted by Kroger EDI for clarification.
Your Company Name:
EDI Contact:
City State Zip:
Kroger ISA ID Information / Please include your companies ISA ID information so we may identify the Trading Partner returning this form
Qualifier / 08
ISA06 / 9254110060
GS02/03 / 5137624388
Bill-to DUNS+4 / Varies by Division
VAN / Sterling Commerce or GXS
3Rd Party Provider