People First / March 3, 2011
University Conference Call
Location / Department of Management ServicesDate / March 4, 2011
Time / 11:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
Facilitator / Jimmy Cox, DMS
Note Taker / Verla Lawson, DMS
Attendees / Florida A&M University, Florida State University, Florida Atlantic University, University of Florida, University of Central Florida, University of West Florida, University of North Florida, New College of Florida, Florida International University, University of South Florida, Florida Gulf Coast University, Celeste Pullen, Sherrie Wyrick, Shelby Jefferson, James West and Dave Pierce of NGA.
Purpose: To share information and to provide a forum for communication.
The meeting was called to order and Jimmy Cox began the discussion. All universities were represented & several members from NGA’s staff.
· DMS/NGA: Determine why life insurance is being calculated differently for the SUS than for warrant agencies.
· DMS/NGA: Determine if access to salary information can be given to SUS. Currently salary for SUS is stored in the back-end of SAP and is not visible in People First.
· Universities: All Universities were asked to go back and check their plan codes being submitted on the BNI_123.
· Universities: DMS asked all Universities to send out a communication informing their employees who has the MyMRA Card to submit any pending documentation from January to the present. If the documentation is not received immediately, the card will be deactivated March 31, 2010. Employees should have received e-mail notification on March 1st or 15th advising them their card would be turned off at the end of March if they do not submit documentation for outstanding claims pending documentation.
· NGA: DMS asked NGA to make sure the customer service representatives know that $3.93 is not the correct life insurance premium for an employee on LWOP.