To Whom it may concern:

Elizabeth Babin entered into a Sales Contract and Sales Agreement SGCB0500018 on April 10,2013 with several parties but mostly with LuxxuryLeisureCollection in Los CabosSan Lucus Baja, Mexico.

Parties to this agreement Includes the following entities:

  1. Luxxury Leisure Collection
  3. JOGOLO, S.A. DE C.V. and their Owner Jose Gomez Lozano
  5. Daniel Anderson
  6. Los Cabos Golf Resort

Pursuant to Contract and Sales Agreement SGCB0500018, Ownership of several Time Share Resorts held by Robert Babin and Elizabeth Babin also those owned in her former name Elizabeth Gaukel agreed to sell and transfer these assets for considerations in US Dollars as given below to Daniel Anderson and executed by PPM the transactional escrow agent, as an ESCROW LIQUIDATION CONTRACT:

  1. Wyndam Worldmark Kona for………………………………….. $59,550.00 US Dollars
  2. Diamante for.…………………………………………………………… $60,000.00 US Dollars
  3. Temptation Resort SPA …………………………………………….. $32,800.00 US Dollars
  4. Grand Pacific Resorts at Hanalie Bay Resort……………… $68,140.00 US Dollars
  5. Kauai Beach Villas……………………………………………………… $ 0

Total Sum of Sale……………. $220,490.00 US Dollars

  • Seller give the right-Concerning the above properties, seller claims all rights to each and values set forth are of closest known value although may not be exact (approximately given). Seller therefore gives PPM the rights to conduct Due Diligence and obtain any information to ensure properties are free and clear.
  • Seller gives the Right-PPM will Liquidate Property upon the terms agreed herein
  • Seller agrees that asPPM secures clearances and liquidates properties, the terms, documents and considerations are held in Escrow until closing/disbursements.
  • Seller must give up and deliver to PPM Purchase agreements and title, whichever applies, Free and clear of any encumbrances complete notarized Documents within 45 business days.
  • One half of the full amount offered for each has already advanced to seller and applied to a new purchase with the originating resort. The remaining balance (other Half amount) is liquidated to seller within 120-180 days.

Marketing Contract:This agreement is between PPM and the owners (Rob & Xty) of 26 weeks of Signature Residence Club . PPM is now working on behalf of owners in managing 22-24 week on owners behalf and agrees forthwith to purchase 22 weeks beginning in 2014 for$1000.00 US Dollars, each week or $22,000.00 US Dollars per year for 4 years ending in 2017. Year 2013, 24 weeks were purchased and applied during the agreement origination.

Servicios Y Software VIPWorks for Luxxury Leisure Collection by issuing and will issue the owners (the beneficiaries for use) a Software License for Lifetime use, when directed be Luxxury Leisure Collection to do so. This direction will come when full payment of the License is received. Annual Fees to Maintain this License is $99.00 US Dollars annually.

The Purchase Price for this License is $180,000.00 US Dollars; The Purchase of this license is what gives the owner 26 week a year of Residential Premises. Note earlier that 22 weeks of this allotment is sold to PPM.

Purchased price of $180,000.00 US Dollars is paid with cash down payment as good faith and from the proceeds received from the sale of the resorts that seller sold to Daniel Anderson and held in Escrowby PPM.

$180,000.00 payment is paid from ½ of total estimated values of the sellers Resorts, $129,000.00 leaving balance of 50,100.00 + 1000.00 Closing Cost= $51,100.00 outstanding. A good faith deposit of $27,052.50 was paid leaving a remaining balance of$24,052.50 that is due on 10 May 2013.

Proceeds from the sale of Resorts held in Escrow $129,000.00 will be disbursed to the Seller not later than 180 day from the signing of these agreements or 10 October 2013.