Humanitarian Scholarship
Application Form
Important informationAll sections on the application form must be completed and it is the responsibility of the applicant to provide relevant supporting documentation at the time of submission or the application may not be considered.
Applicant Details
First Name: / Click here to enter text. / Surname: / Click here to enter text. /
Preferred Name: / Click here to enter text. / Student ID: / Click here to enter text.
Contact Phone no: / Click here to enter text. / Student Email: / Click here to enter text. /
Please ensure that your correspondence address details are updated on SIMO
- Have you applied for admission and accepted an offer for an ECU undergraduate Bachelor degree course commencing this semester?
☐No – Sorry you are not eligible for this scholarship
- Are you enrolled in a minimum of 30 credit points (usually 2 units)?
☐No – Sorry you are not eligible for this scholarship
- If offered the scholarship would you be willing, at the end of the academic year, to write a statement describing how you used the funds?
☐No – Sorry you are not eligible for this scholarship
- Are you a refugee or the first generation descendant of a refugee?
☐No – Sorry you are not eligible for this scholarship
Applicants must be a refugee or the first generation descendant of such a person, who experienced forced migration and may have entered Australia in a number of ways
5.Please indicate which response relates to you
☐I am a refugee
☐I am a first generation descendant of a refugee because one or both parents entered Australia
as a refugee.
Which of the following best describes how you and / or your parent/s entered Australia?
☐Off-shore approved Refugee or Humanitarian entrant
☐Onshore, community based Asylum Seeker or refugee
☐Temporary Protection Visa holder
☐Family Reunion
☐Other – Please provide
Country of Origin: Click here to enter text.
Date Entered Australia as refuge: Click here to enter text.
- Please indicate which is your current nationality/visa status
☐the holder of an Australian Permanent Humanitarian Visa
☐the holder of An Australian Permanent Resident Visa
Financial and Personal Circumstances
- Do you have a disability or ongoing illness that significantly affects your ability to study?
- Are you the primary carer for someone with a disability, special needs or ongoing illness?
- Are you currently in receipt of any other scholarships or awards?
Click here to enter text. / ☐Yes ☐No
- Please provide information about your current personal and living circumstances by marking with a ‘x’ those responses most relevant to you/your situation.
Single with dependents / ☐ / Living in shared accommodation / ☐ /
Partnered with no dependents / ☐ / Working full time / ☐ /
Partnered with dependents / ☐ / Working part time / ☐ /
In receipt of single or partnered parenting payment / ☐ / In receipt of Youth allowance or Austudy / ☐ /
In receipt of Disability Support Pension or Carers allowance/payment / ☐ / In receipt of Rental assistance from Centrelink / ☐ /
Number of adults (18 years old and over) in the home / ☐ / Number of Children (17 years old and under) in the home / ☐ /
- What is your fortnightly income?
Your personal fortnightly Salary/Wages(nett/take home pay) / $Click here to enter text.
Your Fortnightly Centrelink payments/allowances / $Click here to enter text.
Other financial assistance you personally receive / $Click here to enter text.
If you live with other adults please provide the total family/household Income / $Click here to enter text.
- Please describe your current financial situation
Click here to enter text.
- Please provide information relating to you and your families personal and financial circumstances, past and/or present which have a significant impact on your life
Click here to enter text.
- Please provide a statement outlining your personal goals or what you hope to achieve upon completion of your studies and how this scholarship will help you achieve these goals.
Click here to enter text.
- Checklist – Please tick to indicate that you have attached the following supporting documentation to this application form.
16. ☐Evidence of Citizenship or residency status (copy of certificate/visa/passport) attached
- Applicants of the Humanitarian Scholarship must attach evidence of theirs or their parent’s refugee status when submitting their application.
Please list what documentation you have attached as evidence of you refugee status.
Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /
Please note: - If any of the relevant parties are known under a different name to that on their immigration documents then further evidence of the name change will need to be provided
18. ☐Evidence of name change attached
19.Where did you hear about this scholarship?
Click here to enter text.
- Student Declaration
I consent to the disclosure of relevant information for the selection process of this scholarship