Participant Profile – Daryl Lee Spiewak, CEM, TEM, TCFM

I am the current President of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) and serve on the CEM Certification Commission. I served as Chair of the IAEM Communications Committee for nine years, as the President of the American Society of Professional Emergency Planners, as the 2nd Vice President of the Emergency Management Association of Texas, and as a Board Member of the Texas Gulf Coast Emergency Management Association.

In my full-time job I serve as the Emergency, Safety, and Compliance Programs Manager for the Brazos River Authority in Waco, Texas. I have been with the Authority since I retired from the US Army as a Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer in 1992. Some of my major duties include: maintaining and exercising emergency action plans on four Authority-owned reservoirs; developing and implementing the Risk Management Programs for six water and wastewater treatment plants; coordinating flood notifications with local, state and federal officials; and managing the Authority’s security, safety and compliance programs. Nights and weekends are taken up with teaching online management courses for the University of Phoenix Online. In my spare time I evaluate WMD terrorism exercises in Texas as an Adjunct Instructor for NERRTC and the Texas Engineering Extension Service under the auspices of Texas A&M University.

I hold a Master of Arts degree in Management from Webster University and a

Bachelor of Science degree in Liberal Studies from the University of the State of New York. I am an honor graduate of the US Army’s Command and General Staff College.

I am interested in new developments in emergency management course curriculums and in developing a Common Body of Knowledge for professional emergency managers.

Daryl Lee Spiewak, CEM, TEM, TCFM

Emergency, Safety, & Compliance Programs Manager

Brazos River Authority

PO Box 7555

Waco, TX 76714-7555

(O) 254-761-3136

(C) 254-640-1076