CLÁR Funding 2018- Application form and details

Local Authority Measures 1 and 2

CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) is a targeted investment programme for rural areas that aims to provide funding for small infrastructural projects in areas that experience disadvantage. The aim of CLÁR is to support the sustainable development of identified CLÁR areas with the aim of attracting people to live and work there. The funding works in conjunction with local/Agency and other Departmental funding programmes and on the basis of locally identified priorities.

€4 million is available nationally under 2 measures to be operated via Local Authorities for a range of School and Community projects.

Measure 1: Support for Schools/Community Safety Measures

CLÁR 2018 will consider support for interventions that make the school/community facility environs healthier and safer for the children attending the schools, and for children and adults using the community facilities. Appendix A outlines the grants available in CLÁR areas under this measure.

Measure 2: Schools/Community Play Areas

CLÁR 2017 will consider support for the enhancement of existing and/or the development of new School/Community Play areas. Minimum grant of €5,000. Maximum grant of €50,000

Level of grant aid and school/community contribution

The maximum grant payable will be 90% of the project cost or a maximum of €50,000, whichever is the lesser. The remaining balance of the cost is to be provided through local authority/community/other resources with a minimum of 5% cash contribution from the School/Community.

Please complete this application form in full. Note Closing date is 20th April 2018 at 5pm

Local Development Company Information (only where project is to be delivered by the LDC).

Project Name:
Contact Person:
Correspondence Address:
Correspondence Email:
Correspondence Telephone:

Project Information

State Measure you wish to apply forie Measure No. 1 or2
Name of School/Community
If applicable Roll Number
Contact Person:
Correspondence Address:
Correspondence Email:
Correspondence Telephone:
CLAR DED ID Name and Number :
Location/details of proposed works:
If application is for Measure 1- please outline the relevant intervention(s) from Appendix A: -
Detailed Description of works proposed :
Rationale for works:
Was an application in respect of this facility approved under CLÁR or any other scheme in the past 3 years (Y/N)
If yes, please provide details.
Has an application for funding for this project been submitted to any other scheme or programme in the past year (Y/N)
If yes, please provide details.
Are all necessary permissions in place (Y/N/NA)
Where necessary permisisons are in place, is documentary evidence attached (Y/N)
Where necessary permissions are not in place, please provide any relevant information.
Has evidence of ownership/lease been provided (Y/N/NA)
Total cost of project: / €
% Match Funding being provided: ______% / €
Has evidence of the availability of Match Funding been provided (Y/N)
Adminstration/Professional fees element of funding if applicable (not more than 12.5% of overall project cost) / €
Amount being sought under this CLÁR application / €
Is a full breakdown of the estimated cost attached (Y/N)
If you wish to provide any additional information to support the application : Please complete the section below or attach separately.

If you are a community group, please state if you are affiliated to Longford Public Participation Network.

Yes No

Bank/Credit Union details for electronic payment to Group:

Account Name:
Account Number:
Sort Code:

You must attach a copy of the top of your bank statement showing your name and account number.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Name in block capitals:______Position: ______

Please include the following when submitting application

  • evidence that all necessary permissions are in place
  • evidence where applicable that ownership/lease is in place
  • full estimated costings (procurement not required at this point)
  • evidence that match funding is in place where relevant
  • clear evidence of need

Appendix A

Type of Intervention / Possible Funding to be allocated / Please tick
Purchase and replacement of Flashing Amber Safety Lights. / Max €7,000 per set
Purchase of Child safety signs / Max €1000 per sign
Purchase of Speed safety signs indicating that cars are entering a particular zone. / Max €14,000 per set
Upgrade Road markings on approach roads to Schools/community facilities. / Max €1,000
Erect pedestrian crossings in small towns and villages at schools/community facilities. / Max €22,000
Construction and upgrading of access footpaths next to schools or community facilities. / Max €30,000
Car Parking facilities to access schools or community facilities. / Max €30,000
Provision of Bus Shelters / Max €25,000
Provision of Public Lighting / Max €30,000
Overall max per project if there are a number of elements above included in applications for a single location / Max €50,000

Completed applications must arrive at the address below no later than 5pm on Friday 20th April 2018

Community Development Department (CLÁR)

Longford County Council

Arás an Chontae

Great Water Street


N39 NH56

or by email to