October 3, 2016Minutes

Call to Order: 7:12pm

Flag Salute

PTO President Welcome: Heather LaCognata: Welcome back everyone. We have had a very successful start to the new school year. I have been on the PTO board for the past two years serving a vice president and this is my first year as President. I would like to encourage everyone to ask any questions you may have at any time. Please ask these questions via phone so that no information is misconstrued via text or email. Also please always remember to be respectful of others and their thoughts and opinions. Thank you so much. We are all looking forward to having a great year. Let me take another moment to introduce the rest of my board. All others introduced themselves.


Ms. Mazzola – HighMountainSchool

  • Opening Day at HighMountain ran very smoothly and the students have had an amazing first few weeks. Thank you to all the teachers for your heard work and preparations.
  • School security Drills & Fire Drills– complete and ongoing - All were completed successfully with the assistance of the North Haledon Police Department.
  • School Pictures scheduled for Wednesday, October 5th. The rain date is October 13th. Thank you to all the parent volunteers.
  • Student Council essays were read in Social Studies classes and the representatives for each grade level were voted on and chosen by the classes. It was a very difficult decision in many cases, as all of the students put a tremendous amount of time and energy into their essay. Congratulations to all the new members of student council. Elections for officers will be held on Friday, October 14th.
  • Back to School Night was a great success. Thank you to Mrs. LaCognata and Mrs. Davidson for your time preparing for our streaming. The Meet and Greet was also incredibly successful – thanks to all for participating.
  • HighMountainSchool will be observing the Week of Respect the week of October 3rd – October 7th. To recognize the importance of character education, school districts are required to observe the week by providing age-appropriate instruction focusing on preventing HIB. Students will be participating in activities and lessons throughout the week that will focus on the Week of Respect. Thank you to Ms. Rosen for organizing.
  • Thank you to the PTO for the welcome back first day breakfast. Much enjoyed and much appreciated!
  • Little IvySTEMAcademy is set to launch its Fall programs at HMS on October 3rd. We are looking forward to bringing this enrichment program to our students as an after school activity. There is still time to register if interested.
  • Upcoming event at HMS: Grade 6 field trip to BuehlerScienceCenter on October 11th and 12th.
  • Thank you to all the parents for their support. Thank you to the PTO in advance for all you do.

Mrs. Tait – MemorialSchool

  • MemorialSchool had a great opening day and great start to the school year. All students are doing a wonderful job each day and working hard in their classes.
  • School security Drills & Fire Drills– complete and ongoing - All were completed successfully with the assistance of the North Haledon Police Department.
  • School Pictures scheduled for Wednesday, October 5th. Thank you to all the parent volunteers.
  • Memorial’s 1st School Spirit Day was September 23rd wear school colors. A reminder to continue to review our School Spirit Day schedule throughout the school year. October 14th Bright Future Day – wear shirt of future college or high school.
  • Back to School Night was a great success. Thank you to Mrs. LaCognata and Mrs. Davidson for your time preparing for our streaming. The Meet and Greet was also incredibly successful – thanks to all for participating.
  • Thank you to the very talented Mrs. Averso and Mrs. Lombardo – MemorialSchool’s showcase decorators – the students love to walk by to see the Halloween décor.
  • MemorialSchool will be observing the Week of Respect the week of October 3rd – October 7th. To recognize the importance of character education, school districts are required to observe the week by providing age-appropriate instruction focusing on preventing HIB. Students will be participating in activities and lessons throughout the week that will focus on the Week of Respect.
  • September Birthdays joined Mrs. Tait for their monthly birthday lunch. October birthday lunches scheduled for October 11th.
  • Thank you to the PTO for the welcome back first day breakfast. Much enjoyed and much appreciated!
  • Thank you to all the parents for their support. Thank you to the PTO in advance for all you do.

Minutes of June 6, 2016 Meeting: Please review. Please remember that a limited number of copies are provided at meetings. Agendas and meeting minutes are posted on the nhpto.org website.

Approved: Connie Aginsky

Seconded: Dinorah Raineri

PTO Treasurer’s Report: Angela Bua: Ending balance of $94,520.66

Approved: Nadyne Averso

Seconded: Cyndi Cavagnaro

8th Grade Treasurer’s Report: Jackie Roscio & CyndiCavagnaro: Cyndi reported an ending balance of $6166.97

Correspondence Report: Giselle Micchio: We received a thank you note for the welcome back breakfast.

Web Coordinator: Tawnya Stojakovic:

  • NHPTO website: Please update your family information on the website as soon as possible. This includes your child’s grade and teacher. In doing this, you then will be able to receive the PTO email blasts that go out to keep you apprised of what is going on in the district. Please keep in mind that we are a paperless PTO so forms that you may need can be found on the PTO website.
  • Shopping through the website: You can shop several stores online such as Khols, Macys, WalMart and Amazon through the PTO website.
  • School Directory: Please complete your school directory form if you’d like to be included in the directory this year.
  • Paperless PTO App: You can purchase the NHPTO smart phone app for $3 and have access to the PTO Directory, up to the minute access to the PTO calendar as well as volunteering information.
  • Facebook: NHPTO has a Facebook page that we encourage everyone to utilize for information about current and upcoming PTO events.
  • Stop n Shop: This will be set up in the next few weeks.

NHEF Report: Heather Davidson: Heather introduced herself to the group and explained about NHEF. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month. At North Haledon Day, 400 Taco in a Bag were successfully sold. In November there will be an Alex and Ani fundraiser. Casino Night will be held this year on December 2. Santa will be coming to town on December 7.


  • PTO Audit: Jessica Tomasi: The PTO executive board held the annual audit on June 28 and all records and accounts added up and were correct.
  • 8th grade audit: The 8th grade audit was held on July 19 with all accounts adding up correctly.
  • North Haledon Day Wrap Up: Heather LaCognata: Despite the weather, there was a very good turnout. Special thanks to Mr. O’Marra, Mr. Schneider, Michele Manning, Ike Matos and Troy Longo for being great sports and being dunked. There was a $482 profit from the dunk tank.
  • Membership: Angela Bua: As of this morning, membership was up to 309. Several people signed up tonight as well.
  • School Coordinators:
  • HMS: Jackie Roscio & Memorial: Giselle Micchio: PTO Committee Chair and Class Captain/Parent Kick Off Meeting: To be held immediately following this meeting.
  • 5th Grade Ice Cream Social Wrap Up: Michele Manning & Jackie Roscio: Jackie reported the ice cream social went very well. The banner is currently on display with all the children’s hand prints.
  • Fall Fundraiser: Jen Abatiello: The fall fundraiser was due this past Friday. Last minute orders may be dropped off at Jen’s home at 18 Ivy Court no later than Wednesday or may be sent into school to be put in the PTO mailbox. The cookie and pie sale will be coming out next.
  • Halloween Trunk or Treat: Nadyne Averso & Maria Marino: Nadyne thanked everyone who participated in bringing a bag of candy to donate to the trunk or treat. A drawing will be held at the end of this meeting for a $100 gift card to Prohibition. The date for Trunk or Treat is 10/29 with a rain date of 10/30 from 2-4 pm. The Mad Science program will begin at 2:45pm. Notices will be going out tomorrow for this event.
  • 8th Grade Activities: Michele Manning & Karen Nurminen: Cyndi Cavagnaro reported that the first parent meeting is scheduled. They are awaiting several outstanding Kid Stuff books and the Yankee Candle fundraiser is under way.
  • Sunshine:
  • HMS: Gini Panzera: Nothing to report.
  • Memorial: Cherie Van Zile: Nothing to report.
  • Book Fair: Jen Percelli:Monday October 17 is the Book Fair Family Night. Emails for volunteers will be going out very soon. Classes will begin to shop on October 18.
  • Tricky Tray: Heather Davidson & Allison Winkler: Allison reported that the Tricky Tray will be held on Tuesday, May 2. We are working on setting everything up on Monday, so that there may be a preview Monday evening and Tuesday afternoon. We are hopeful that this will help with reducing the lines we had last year. Additionally, there will be a double valet line and people will be able to park in the school lots with shuttle services. The committee would like to begin soliciting for donations earlier this year. The committee is hopeful to be able to use the former bait and tackle shop again this year for basket wrapping. The theme this year will be superheroes. Jessica Matos inquired if baskets are needed. Allison answered yes.
  • Dining Out: Diane Kucera: There is nothing planned quite yet but things will be starting up next month.
  • Spirit Wear: Angela Bua & Cherie Van Zile: Spirit wear forms will be going out in about 2 weeks.
  • Wine Tasting: Evelyn Mannino: The event will be held at the Brick House this year in Wyckoff. In addition to wine tasting, there will also be vodka tasting as well. There is a possibility of moving the date because of conflicts with baseball and a Boy Scout event. Should dates at the end of February be explored? Be a show of hands it was determined to let the date remain.
  • TREPS: Heather LaCognata reported for Karen Nurminen: There is a tentative date of 12/9. Mr. Schneider will be the teacher assisting this year.
  • SchoolKits: Heather LaCognata: Much thanks to Nadyne Averso and Lisa Lombardo for the display window done last spring for the SchoolKits display contest. Our window won an honorable mention prize that gives us $100 off the order for next year. Thank you and congratulations.


  • 2016-2017 PTO Budget: Angela Bua: Angela reviewed the hand outs with the various line items for the events and activities. The operating budget for this school year is $76, 490.49. This will be voted on – see below.
  • Shoparoo: Heather LaCognata: Using the Shoparoo app is very easy and non time consuming. It is an incredibly easy way to earn money for the PTO. This year we are trying something new and having a battle of the schools. When in the app, you can chose which school you would like to support – High Mountain or Memorial. We thought this would help get more people involved and using the app. The app is free.


  • 2016-2017 Budget:
  • All in favor: all
  • All opposed: none
  • Trunk or Treat: Nadyne Averso and Heather LaCognata spoke about this to the group. Vote to raise the price of admission to $5 per child.
  • All in favor: All
  • All opposed: none
  • Sweetheart Dance: Heather LaCognata, Jessica Matos: We spoke last year about creating a new event for Memorial School- having a sweetheart dance, mother/son, father/daughter, that would be held around Valentine’s Day. This would be an event for Memorial students only. Looking to have a photo booth, DJ, flowers. A $500 budget is being asked for.
  • All in favor: all
  • All opposed: none


  • Jessica Matos raised a question about scheduling the Family Fun night at the Ice Vault in Wayne. Would scheduling this event on a Friday be better? The school calendar is different this year. People felt this would be fine to do.
  • Nadyne Averso asked Heather LaCognata to pull the winning ticket for the gift card for $100 for Prohibition. Thank you again to all those who donated a bag of candy toward the Trunk or Treat.

NEXT PTO MEETING: Monday, November 7 at 7 pm @ HMS

Meeting adjourned: 7:55pm

Respectfully submitted: J. Puskas