Grade: /
Grade P £34,894 - £40254
Location of work: /Public ServiceReform Team, Manchester.
Directly responsible to: /Chief Superintendent Neil Evans
Directly responsible for: /N/A
Contract: /1 year fixed term contract.
Primary purpose of the job: / To support the delivery of the Domestic Abuse Complex Dependency Project.Responsible for the overall coordination, implementation and control of the project ensuring consistency with the strategy, commitments and goals of the Public Service Reform Team
Main duties and responsibilities/accountabilities:
- Toplan, manage and deliver projects to ensure the realisation of benefits, and improvementsin the way that services are delivered, consistent with the Public Service Reform Team’s priorities.
- To provide expert advice and guidance on project management to the Public Service Reform Team and partners.
- To coordinate the project, providing expert guidance and support.
- To manage project budgets and define and manage resource allocation.
- To constantly monitor and report on the progress of projects and any problems and solutions to all stakeholders.
- To implement and manage any required changes to the project to ensure achievement of desired outputs.
- To carry out quality assurance during the life of the project.
- To develop the tools and processes required to ensure effective delivery of projects involving single organisations and multi-agency partnerships.
- To ensure effective evaluation and reporting structures, including post implementation reviews, are in place to capture and apply learning points.
- The job holder must be able to travel across Greater Manchester.
- To undertake such additional duties as are reasonably commensurate with the level of the post.
- The post holder will carry out their duties with full regard to the organisation’s strategies and policies including Equal Opportunities and Health & Safety. The post holder will demonstrate a commitment to Crime and Disorder responsibilities.
Review arrangements:
The details contained in this Job Description reflect the content of the job at the date it was prepared. Over time jobs may change. This Job Description will be revised from time to time in consultation with the post holder.
Date job description prepared/revised: May 2014
Prepared/revised by: Alison Connelly
Person Specification
Job title / LocationDomestic Abuse/ Complex Dependency Project Officer
Justice and Rehabilitation / Public Service Reform Team, Manchester
(*See grid overleaf)
Essential criteria / Necessary requirements – skills, knowledge, experience etc. / * M.O.A.A project management qualification or equivalent. / A
Significant experience of successful project management in a changing environment. /
A proven ability to identify and apply appropriate project management tools and techniques. / A/IExperience of working in a multi-agency setting. / A/I
Significant experience in presenting progress reports to stakeholders. / A/I
Effective interpersonal skills and the ability to influence at all organisational levels, internally and externally. / A/I
Ability to develop effective innovative approaches to complex problems. / A
Ability to prioritise tasks with conflicting demands/deadlines. / A/I
Proven experience in change management. / A/I
Desirable criteria / Desirable requirements – skills, knowledge, experience etc. / * M.O.A.
Demonstrate an understanding of the role of a Police and Crime Commissioner in the broader policing, criminal justice and community safety landscape. / A/I
Must hold a full driving licence and be prepared to use own vehicle for business purposes. Must also be prepared to work outside normal hours if circumstances require this. / A/I
Demonstrate an understanding of the role of a Public Service Reform and in particular Troubled Families and Complex Dependency / A
A commitment to the provision of high-quality, customer-focused services and delivering service improvements. / I
Completed by / Date / Approved by / Date
Alison Connelly / May 2014 / May 2014
Method of assessment (* M.O.A.) A = Application form, C = Certificate, E = Exercise, I= Interview, P = Presentation, T = Test, AC = Assessment centre