Request for Tender
Denbigh Street Reconstruction
Contract No. 2014/15-17
Part C
C1. Instructions
C2. Tender Form (Returnable)
Tendering Form – Part C 8
1. Instructions
Prospective Tenderers are to complete the document contained within Part C2 detailing their offer to Council and submit it to Council in accordance with the Tendering Conditions.
Note that Council has chosen to set out this document in a particular way, taking into account the evaluation process. Do not alter the layout of this document and confine your responses to each particular issue in the sequence given. Responses are to be answered in the form provided not elsewhere in your submission.
You must only lodge the Tender Offer and supporting material in the electronic tender box (tender box) in accordance with the Quote conditions (Refer Part A). It must be lodged by the Closing Date and time. Tender Offers submitted to Council officers or Council sites will not be accepted.
Each document forming the Tender Offer must not be great than 20 Mb in size.
You must not withdraw the Tender Offer once lodged for a period of 60 days.
Tendering Form – Part C 8
2. Tender Form
2.1 Tenderer’s Details
Contract No:Contract Name:
Dated this / day of / 20
Full Company Name
Trading Name
Registered Office /
Business Address
Mailing Address
Contact Person
Office Telephone
Mobile Telephone
Facsimile Number
Email Address
Tendering Form – Part C 8
2.2 Lump Sum Price
For the carrying out of the services/works under the Contract, the lump sum tender prices is:
$ / (price excluding GST)$ / GST amount
$ / Total (including GST)
Amount in words
NOTE: This is a Lump Sum Contract and therefore includes all disbursements including but not limited to printing, photocopying, postage, travel time and costs.
The Contract Sum payable by Council is not subject to rise and fall in the costs of labour, materials, or any other items and is subject to variation only in accordance with the Contract.
2.3 Cost Savings
Please detail any cost savings that could be made to the proposed Contract including details of material, quality, quantity changes and the finance and/or time savings that could be made.
2.4 Bill of Quantities
This BILL OF QUANTITIES is provided only as a guide to assist Tenderers in submitting a price. TENDERERS ARE REMINDED THAT THIS IS A LUMP SUM FIXED PRICED CONTRACT.
Note that the quantities shown have been taken out with all due care by the Frankston City Council, however no responsibility is accepted for their ultimate accuracy.
The tenderer is expected to take out their own quantities for each item. This Bill of Quantities is NOT a fully detailed plant, labour, materials and activity list of the works as expressed on the construction drawings and associated detailed project and authority specifications, relevant Acts, Regulations and Codes. The submitted Lump Sum to perform the works shall include all the costs that the tenderer would incur to perform the construction as proposed and collate those costs relevant to the items of this schedule. The tenderer is expected to take out their own quantities for each item. If the tenderer believes that there are activities and or expenses that are inappropriate to any of the scheduled items, then the tenderer shall utilize "ADDITIONAL ITEMS", expressing a brief detail and the tendered cost.
(a) / Site preparation and clearing including but not limited to clearing of road, removal and proper disposal of all rubbish, temporary removal/storage of existing roadside furniture, removal of trees as indicated on plans, setting out of works, establishment of site shed and sanitary facilities if required, investigation and protection of existing services, fences, retaining walls, structures, spotter for overhead electricity, reinstatement or reinstallation of roadside furniture, all in accordance with the approved plans, and to accord with Council standards and specification.
Note: Frankston City Council Project Sign SD600 to be included under this item / 1 / Item
(b) / Sawcut, breakout, remove and dispose offsite to an approved landfill, existing road pavement (approx. 400mm depth) at the proposed kerb outstands. / 41 / m3
(c) / Sawcut, breakout, remove and dispose offsite to an approved landfill all kerbing and vehicle laybacks as indicated on the plans. / 1000 / Lm
(d) / Existing asphalt to be milled to the indicated depth. / 4085 / m2
(e) / Reinstate disturbed nature strips including filling and shaping to match new kerb and existing footpath levels as per design plans and top dress with 150mm depth topsoil. / 1780 / m2
(a) / Class 2 Crushed Rock Backfill (pipes under road pavement, footpath, driveway and behind kerb & channel)
Construction of drainage lines including excavation, supply, lay, bed, join, fine crushed rock backfill, disposal of surplus spoil and de-watering of trenches all as specified and in accordance with Council requirements. Road pavement to be reinstated.
(i) / 300mm dia. (Class 4 R.R.J) / 76 / Lm
Drainage Pits
Drainage pits and endwalls to include excavation, bedding, formwork, supply of all labour and materials, pit lids and connection of pipes in accordance with Council's standard drawings for the various pits unless noted otherwise.
(b) / Grated Entry Pits (GEP)
(i) / 900 x 600 as detailed on sheet 20 of construction drawing / 3 / No.
(c) / Junction Pits (JP)
(i) / 900 x 600 / 2 / No.
(d) / Reconstruct exsting side entry pit lids and lintels to match new kerbs and levels. / 7 / No.
(e) / Adjust exsting junction pit cover levels to match new pavement levels. / 5 / No.
(f) / Reconstruct existing pit (Ex2 and Ex3) invert to design levels including base channel, step irons, etc to Council standards. / 2 / No.
(g) / Existing concrete pit cover to be replaced with Terra Firma fibreglass lid. / 3 / No.
(h) / Reconnect existng house drains to new kerbs. / 2 / No.
Construction of concrete works is to include the supply of all labour and materials necessary for the following items in accordance with Council's standard drawings and specifications.
(a) / Concrete kerbing and channelling
(i) / Barrier K&C SD401 / 1004 / Lm
Supply of all materials, plant, labour and testing to authority standards for the construction of the pavement courses detailed in the schedule.
(a) / Asphalt overlay
(i) / Wearing Course Asphalt - 40mm depth Type N (Size C170) / 3360 / m2
All of the items listed under this item should include an allowance for supply, excavation, lay, bed, join and backfill as specified, installation as required and allowance for appropriate plant, labour and materials in order to facilitate the construction of the same.
(a) / Reinstate linemarking. / 1 / Item
(b) / Install permanent survey marks / 2 / No.
(c) / Backfill behind proposed kerb outstands with sandy loam topsoil and compacted 'no fines' gravel as per kerb outstand details. / 14 / No.
(d) / Install bollards at kerb outstands as detailed. / 28 / No.
(e) / Install RRPM's and linemarking at kerb outstands as detailed. / 1 / Item
(f) / Construct Watts profile road humps as per FCC SD350 page 1 / 1 / No.
(g) / Construct Flat Top profile road humps as per FCC SD350 page 2 / 1 / No.
(h) / Supply & Install Traffic Regulating Signs
(i) / W4-3A / 4 / No.
(ii) / W5-10A / 1 / No.
(i) / Traffic management including VMS boards / 1 / Item
6 / D-spec & R-spec / 1 / Item
As-constructed survey data to be provided for Asset Management specification
The quantities for the following items are provisional and shall be deducted from the contract price. Payments shall be made for the actual quantity authorised by the Superintendent and measured during construction.
(a) / Construct asphalt kerb as directed by Council Supervisor / Rate Only / Lm
(b) / Relocate and adjust existing underground gas and water service crossings for cover to new road subgrade levels. / 7 / No.
(c) / Relocate and adjust existing underground electrical crossings for cover to new road subgrade levels. / 7 / No.
8 / Contingency (10%) / 10% of contract
2.5 Trading History
Please provide a brief history of the Tenderer, including description of primary business.
Please state the ownership of the Tenderer and List other financial interests held by the Tenderer.
How many years has the Tenderer been in the business under its current business name?
How many years experience has the Tenderer had in the type of service it would be required to provide under the contract?
Please list any trade or professional associations that the Tenderer is a member off?
Have any civil court or tribunal judgements been obtained against the Tenderer in the past 7 years? If so, provide details.
2.6 Methodology
Please provide intended methodology for the caring out of this Contract
Please provide evidence of use of this type of methodology on other projects
Tendering Form – Part C 8
Demonstrate the Tenderer’s ability to complete the contract within any specified timeframe specified in Council’s Specification, and if applicable, state the Tenderer’s earliest possible start date for the provision of services under this contract
What do you consider to be the key issues with management of the Contract?
List the qualifications, skills and experience of the principal individuals the Tenderer intends to engage in providing the service.
2.7 Local Content
Frankston City Council has made a commitment to growing its local economy (for further detail regarding this please refer to the Frankston Industry Participation Plan (FIPP) ).
Prospective tenderers are requested to provide detail with regards to, local employment opportunities, local goods and services and skills and technology that could be anticipated as part of their tender submission.
There are a range of Council services available to all tenderers to assist with addressing local content.
a) Employment Creation Opportunities
Please provide detail of the anticipated employment opportunities created in the Frankston City municipality as a result of your tender. Please also specify if you will be hiring or employing apprentices and/or trainees (Express the number of jobs by Equivalent Full Time (EFT)).
To assist Apprentices & Trainees are defined as:
Apprentices & Trainees – Are those employees engaged in a State of Federal Government approved apprenticeship or traineeship. (approved by the Department of Education, Employment and Work place Relations of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development).
b) Local and Imported Content
Please detail below in table 1 the anticipated local and imported content as a percentage of your overall contract price. Please note that this is an estimate (only) and should focus on key inputs into the contract.
To assist ‘Local and Local Content’ is defined as:
Local – covers businesses located in Frankston City (Frankston, Frankston North, Carrum Down, Langwarrin, Seaford, Skye, Sandhurst and Karingal)
Local Content – products sourced from a business located in Frankston City. It does not refer to the origin of the product. Example: timber purchased from a timber yard in Seaford is considered local content even though the product origin is Tasmania).
Table 1 – Local and Imported Content as percentage (%) of contract price:
Locally sourced contentItem / Supplier/s / % / Description
e.g Granite / XYZ Quarry Langwarrin / 10% / Stone
Imported content (not local)
Item / Supplier/s / % / Description
e.g Piping / Smith & Sons Plumbing Chelsea / 2% / Plumbing
c) Skill and Technology Transfer
New and innovative skills, methods or technologies can contribute significantly to a local industry. Without disclosing intellectual property or trade secrets, briefly describe if and how you intend to utilise innovative skills or technology in the completion of this project.
To assist ‘Technology and Skills Transfer’ is defined as:
Technology/Skills Transfer – relates to new machinery, equipment, processes and skills used on a project.
2.8 Tenderer’s Resources
Please state the resources that will be allocated to the performance of the Contract, including equipment and personnel.
Will any sub-contractors be engaged by the Tenderer in performing this contract? YES / NO If YES, provide the following details:
Please provide details of all proposed sub-contractors and suppliers below:
Concreting/ Kerbing
Traffic Management
2.9 Contract History of the Tenderer
The Tenderer shall submit details describing its previous relevant experience and achievements in performing similar or comparable work, together with names of clients or authorities for which work was undertaken, including telephone numbers of contact persons and the date when such work was carried out.
Description of contract:Location of contract:
For whom contract performed:
Contact details of client:
Indicative value of work:
Commencement date:
Completion date:
Tendering Form – Part C 8
Description of contract:Location of contract:
For whom contract performed:
Contact details of client:
Indicative value of work:
Commencement date:
Completion date:
Description of contract:
Location of contract:
For whom contract performed:
Contact details of client:
Indicative value of work:
Commencement date:
Completion date:
Note: Council will treat the contact persons set out above as the Tenderer’s referees and may contact any or all of the nominated personnel or any other relevant person representing the nominated organisation. Any information provided by the referees will be treated as having been given as commercial in confidence.