Activity 2: Fascist Italy

You may choose to work on this activity individually or with a partner.

Part 1: Read the Decalogue of Fascism (1938)

The Decalogue of Fascism was a set of rules for Benito Mussolini’s followers. It was later made part of Italy’s government. As you read, think about what you would have to if you lived in Italy under Mussolini’s rule. After each item, a re-written version can be found in [brackets]

  1. Remember that those who died for the revolution and for the empire march at the front of your lines.[Follow the people who died to make Italy a fascist country. You should follow their example and give everything for your country. Let them be your leaders.]
  2. Your comrade is your brother. He lives with you, thinks with you, and is at your side in the battle.[You should trust each other completely. You are the same as they are and must count on each other at all times]
  3. Service to Italy can be rendered at all times, in all places, and by every means. It can be paid with labor and also with blood.[Everything you do should be making Italy a better country. You may work to make Italy better or you may fight to make Italy better. Serving Italy is the only thing you need to focus on]
  4. The enemy of Fascism is your enemy. Give him no mercy.[Anybody who is against fascism must be gotten rid of, no matter what it takes]
  5. Discipline is the sunshine of armies. It prepares for and illuminates the victory.[You must train to be best fascist that you can be. Militarism will be part of our society from now on]
  6. He who advances to the attack with confidence has victory already in his grasp.[Don’t think about being wrong or about the choices you are making. Be confident that your orders are correct]
  7. Conscious and complete obedience is the virtue of the Italian soldier.[Do what you are told. You are part of a group that is more important than you are. It is your job to follow orders]
  8. It is not your place to worry whether things are important or unimportant. There is only duty.[The leader will decide what you need to think about. Your job is to do your part for the group.]
  9. The Fascist revolution has depended in the past and still depends on the bayonets of its soldiers.[You are important to fascism because you are part of an important group. Fascism needs you to make it strong]
  10. Mussolini is always right.[Mussolini is always right]

Part 3: Document Focus

Divide your paper into three sections.

  1. In the first section, draw someone in Italy following Rule 3 in the Decalogue of Fascism. Color your drawing
  2. In the second section, draw Rule 8 from the Decalogue of Fascism. Color your drawing.
  3. In the third section, draw Rule 10 from the Decalogue of Fascism. Color your drawing.

Part 3: Questions

Answer each question completely. Make sure to answer all parts of each question

  1. Imagine that you were someone living in Italy. How would this document have an impact on you?
  2. How does this document show nationalism, which was an important part of Fascism?
  3. How did Italian fascists show that individuals are not important in fascism because the group is more important?
  4. Why does the 10th rule in the Decalogue (Mussolini is always right) make Italy a totalitarian country?