Plant Form and FunctionName:______

IB Biology II

Part 1: Basic Plant Structures

Label as many structures as you can on the diagram, min of 10

Part II: Roots

1. Examine the examples of the two root systems on display and sketch them in the space below. Describe how taproot systems are different from fibrous root systems.

Taproot System / Fibrous Root System

2. Which type of root system (tap or fibrous) is adapted for:

a. Absorption of deep water?______

b. Strong anchorage?______

c. Fast absorption of surface water?______

d. Holding soil / prevention of erosion?______


4. Examine the herbaceous plant on display and identify the following structures.

a. Nodes are regions of the stem from which leaves, buds, and branches

arise, and which contain areas of cell division.

b. Internodes are the regions of the stem located between nodes.

c. Terminal buds are located at the tips of stems and branches. They

enclose the short apical meristem which gives rise to leaves, buds, and

is where the stem grows in length.

d. Axillary or lateral buds are located in the space between the attachment point of the leaf and the stem. These buds may give rise to lateral branches.

5. Match the parts below with the correct letter from the drawing.

______Axillary bud



______Terminal bud

6. Examine one of the woody twigs on display and identify the following parts:

a. Terminal bud

b. Terminal bud scar is the mark left by the terminal bud. It represents

the location of the terminal bud during the previous growing season.

The age of a woody twig can be determined by counting the number of

spaces between terminal bud scars.

c. Node

d. Internode

e. Axillary or lateral bud

f. Leaf scar represents the point at which a leaf was attached during the

previous growing season.

g. Bundle scars are found within the leaf scars and indicate where

vascular tissue exited the stem and entered the leaf.

h. Lenticels are circular to oval

7. Match the following parts with the correct letter from the diagram.

______Axillary bud

______Bundle Scar

______Leaf Scar


______Terminal Bud

______Terminal Bud Scar


10. Examine the leaves on display. Identify the blade, the broad, flat part of the leaf, and the petiole, the stalk that attaches the leaf to the stem. Label the blade and petiole on the drawing below.

Is this leaf an example of a monocot or a dicot?______How do you know?

11. Examine the monocot and dicot leaves on display. Draw a sketch of each and list how monocot and dicot leaves are different?

Monocot Leaves / Dicot Leaves

12. Examine the simple and compound leaves on display. Draw a sketch of the examples below and list how simple and

compound leaves are different?

Simple Leaves / Compound Leaves

Part V: Monocots & Dicots

Use the drawings to complete the following chart.

Characteristic / Monocot / Dicot
# of cotyledons
(1 or 2)
Root System
(tap or fibrous)
Leaf Veins
(netted or parallel)
Flower Parts
(multiples of 3 or multiples of 4/5)
Stem cross section
(vascular bundles scattered or arranged in a ring)