The20 cuts below feature a 3-minute fully-produced piece followed by the scripts and bites that comprise that piece, for your own voicing.
AGRICULTURETODAY FEATURES1 / ALFALFA WEEVIL PREDICTOR (fully produced) (Eric Atkinson) Q…K-State Radio Network. / 3:00
The alfalfa weevil is the most prominent and costly insect that routinely infests alfalfa stands, year after year. Growers know the importance of early control of this pest. To help with that, specialists at K-State have come up with an on-line alfalfa weevil predictor tool for growers to use. K-State crop entomologist Jeff Whitworth explains that this tool is housed at K-State’s Weather Data Library web site.
Track 2 (:24) Q…for alfalfa weevils.
Specifically, the tool provides real-time updates on growing degree days at numerous locations around Kansas. That information can then be used to forecast early alfalfa weevil activity.
Track 3 (:59) Q...out in the alfalfa.
Based on what this tool indicates, the grower will then know when to go out into the stand and visually scout for signs of weevil hatching and feeding, to determine the need for treatment.
Track 4 (:26) treat or not.
TAG: That’s K-State crop entomologist Jeff Whitworth. Again, this alfalfa weevil predictor tool can be found at
5 / WILDFIRE PASTURE MANAGEMENT (fully produced) (Eric Atkinson) Q…K-State Radio Network. / 3:00
Once again, tens of thousands of grassland acres in Kansas have been stricken by wildfire over the past two months. Looking ahead to the grazing season, pasture managers need to assess those situations carefully, and where need be, adjust grazing plans accordingly. K-State pasture management specialist Walt Fick says that some native grasses in Kansas are more vulnerable to early-year wildfire damage than others.
Track 6 (:22) Q…go hand in hand.
And persistent dry weather simply complicates the matter. Fick advises those with pastures burnt by wildfire to take plenty of time to size up the recovery of that grass.
Track 7 (:52) turn out there.
In the case of a partial pasture burn, managers need to consider that cattle will tend to intensively graze the burned areas over the unburned grass. Making a contingency grazing plan may be in order, says Fick.
Track 8 (:39) Q...the pasture that burns.
TAG: That’s K-State pasture management specialist Walt Fick. Seek out the just-updated K-State publication “Rangeland Management Following Wildfire” through the local Extension office, or at
9 / ADJUSTING GRAZING RATES (fully produced) (Eric Atkinson) Q…K-State Radio Network. / 3:00
It appears that the pasture grazing season will get off to a slow start in Kansas, because of the extremely dry winter. A K-State pasture management specialist is advising pasture managers to have a drought contingency plan in place, should the dryness persist through the spring. Helpful rains may still come, says Walt Fick…but if they don’t, producers should be ready to adjust their grazing plans.
Track 10 (:55) Q…difference where you’re at.
Fick recommends that producers establish some trigger points at which they’ll decide whether or not to reduce stocking rates. Those should be based on the state of grass growth.
Track 11 (:26) Q...reduction in stocking rates.
And in order to make that decision, having an in-pasture means of comparison can certainly help.
Track 12 (:31) Q...probably not there.
TAG: Your local Extension office has further recommendations from K-State on managing pastures in drought conditions. That was K-State pasture management specialist Walt Fick.
13 / CORN SEEDING DECISION (fully produced) (Eric Atkinson) Q…K-State Radio Network. / 3:00
As the calendar reads, it’s nearly corn planting time in Kansas. However, in view of the drought that has canvassed the state the last few months, a grower needs to give extra thought to their corn planting plans, in the opinion of a K-State crop production specialist. Ignacio Ciampitti (IG-naw-cee-oh CEE-am-PIT-tee) advises corn producers to wait for favorable seeding conditions.
Track 14 (:44) Q…a much better condition.
Another reason for waiting on corn planting is the inconsistency of both ambient and soil temperature right now, which can delay crop emergence.
Track 15 (:48) get your plant.
And “dusting” the corn crop in is a significant gamble, according to Ciampitti…one which can really cost the grower in eventual yield.
Track 16 (:30) Q...for really poor stands.
TAG: Thoughts on being patient with corn planting from crop production specialist Ignacio Ciampittii of K-State Research and Extension.
17 / ADJUSTING CORN SEEDING (fully produced) (Eric Atkinson) Q…K-State Radio Network. / 3:00
This spring has started out unusually dry in the central plains. And unless conditions change, corn growers may want to think about adjusting their corn seeding approach to compensate for the lack of moisture. K-State crop production specialist Ignacio Ciampitti (IG-naw-cee-oh CEE-am-PIT-tee) says that the first thing to consider is a very modest hike in corn seeding rate.
Track 18 (:32) Q…emergence and germination.
However, a grower shouldn’t overdo that bump-up in seeding rate. Otherwise, a number of stand issues could well develop if one goes too far with their seeding numbers.
Track 19 (:31) Q...very poor yields.
Also, Ciampitti stresses that corn needs to be planted to moisture…which may require deeper seed placement. He cites a recent K-State field study on the impact of corn seeding depth.
Track 20 (:52) and two inches.
TAG: With those thoughts on corn seeding management in view of dry planting conditions, that’s K-State crop production specialist Ignacio Ciampitti.
The 5 features below are soundbites only
FAMILY AND CONSUMER21 / SPRING CLEANING THE KITCHEN–Spring cleaning is part of our culture, making it almost impossible not to vacuum, dust and clean the windows. However, tackling the kitchen is a different story. Having to mop the floor, clear off and wipe down counter tops, clean the refrigerator, cabinets and oven – especially the microwave – is probably not at the top of most “to-do” lists. If you’re looking for a starting point, K-State Research and Extension food scientist Karen Blakeslee suggests the kitchen cabinets. have in there.
Tag: Blakeslee says any cans or jars that are damaged or past their expiration date should be thrown out. Also, check spices and other baking products, such as baking powder and baking soda to make sure they’re still fresh. / :24
22 / GET YOUR CABINETS ORGANIZED–Since everything in the kitchen cabinets had to be taken out to clean the shelves, Blakeslee suggests organizing what goes back in and thinking about how that space can be maximized. your cabinets.
Tag: Blakeslee says stacking shelves that rotate are especially good for spices and other small bottles and containers. / :26
23 / TIME TO CLEAN THE BBQ GRILL–Warmer weather also means we can start preparing some meals outdoors. However, before putting the burgers and vegetables on the grill, Blakeslee says to make sure it’s clean.
Q...down to a minimum.
Tag: If you don’t have a meat thermometer, buy one! Blakeslee says that’s the only way to tell whether meat has reached a safe minimum temperature. / :33
24 / SHOPPING AT FARMERS MARKETS–In addition to cleaning, spring is a great time to visit a farmers market. Not only do they offer fresh fruits, vegetables and other products, the money stays local and helps supports area farmers. Blakeslee recommends treating the farmer’s market like a trip to the grocery store; set a budget, make a list and don’t be afraid to try something new.
Q...that you like.
Tag: Blakeslee also recommends taking reusable bags to farmer’s markets to cut down on the use of plastic bags. And, to avoid any cross-contamination, those bags need to be laundered before they’re used again. / :25
25 / LOCALLY GROWN AND VERY FRESH–In addition to supporting local farmers, many people go to a farmers market because of the abundance of fresh produce. In many cases, Blakeslee says it’s almost like harvesting it from your own garden.
Q...practices, at home.
Tag: If you’re planning to do any food preservation, Blakeslee says fresh is best. And, now is the time to have canning gauges checked at local Extension offices and to start planning what to preserve. This is also a good time to see what’s still on the shelves from last year and to stock up on jars, lids and everything that’s needed to complete the job later this spring and summer. More information on food preservation is available on Kansas State University’s Rapid Response Center website: . / :24
The features below are self-contained and fully-produced
KANSAS PROFILE26 / CARLY WHORTON–CECIL K’S–When a local grocery store in a small Kansas town closed its doors, two entrepreneurs stepped up to give their community something new – but still kind of old. Ron Wilson, director of the Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development, has the story of a local business that’s helping feed their community.
Q...with Kansas Profile. / 4:13
27 / DISTINGUISHED DAIRY AWARD–The research dairy at Kansas State University has received the Distinguished Dairy Award for its contribution to the industry and its interaction with the community. K-State dairy specialist Mike Brouk (brook) says milk production, outreach efforts and management of the K-State Dairy were contributing factors in winning the award.
Q...(theme music) / 2:00
28 / BLUEBIRDS AND SPARROWS–Many folks enjoy watching bluebirds inhabit their backyards and other places around the home or farmstead. Some go to the trouble of putting up a bluebird nest box to attract them in. In those cases, preventing house sparrows from invading nest boxes, or even attacking bluebirds directly, would be very much in order. K-State wildlife specialist Charlie Lee talks about that this week.
Q...(theme music) / 5:00
29 / SEVERE WEATHER SEASON–Severe weather season is underway in Kansas…which means it’s time to think about what you’re going to do if and when some kind of severe weather arrives. In talking about severe weather, many think only about the dangers associated with tornadoes, but severe thunderstorms with devastating winds, lightning, and flooding can be equally dangerous. On today’s perspective program, a look at the upcoming severe weather season and some of the things you can do to protect yourself.
Q...K-State Radio Network.
Guest: Chad Omitt, the weather preparedness meteorologist at the Topeka office of the National Weather Service. / 27:00
30 / EARLY LAWN CARE–With spring officially here, homeowners should start paying attention to the condition of their cool-season lawns…especially in view of the dry conditions that persist in this region. Early-season watering of fescue and other cool-season turfgrass is especially important this year, according to K-State turfgrass horticulturist Jared Hoyle. He talks about proper watering and fertility management this week.
Q...(theme music) / 5:00
31 / SPRING CLEANING THE KITCHEN–Spring cleaning is part of our culture, making it almost impossible not to vacuum, dust and clean the windows. Spring also means trips to the farmers market, outdoor grilling and getting ready to preserve all those fresh fruits and vegetables that are soon to become so abundant. K-State Research and Extension food scientist Karen Blakeslee offers tips for cleaning the kitchen and outdoor grill, shopping at the local farmers market, and preserving foods for later use.
Q...K-State Radio Network. / 14:50
TREE TALES from the Kansas Forest Service
cut 32 contains music; cut 33 does not
32 / PINE WILT PREVENTION–Countless pine trees in Kansas have succumbed to pine wilt disease over the past decade. But homeowners and landowners can act in early spring to prevent the spread of this disease from an infested pine to a healthy pine. K-State forest health specialist Ryan Armbrust (ARM-brust) explains.
Q…(theme music) / 2:00
33 / (same as above, but without music bed)Q...K-State Radio Network. / 1:56
WEATHER WONDERS (Featuring Mary Knapp, Weather Data Library, KSU)
34 / PREDICTIONS–Modern forecasters use things like radar, weather models and global circulation patterns. But according to K-State climatologist Mary Knapp (“nap”) there was an older way of making forecast predictions.
Q...Research and Extension. / :55
35 / COLD SNAPS–Even if the calendar says spring has arrived, there are still opportunities for late-breaking cold snaps. K-State climatologist Mary Knapp looks back at three occurrences of this.
Q...Research and Extension. / :53
36 / APRIL AND MAY– K-State climatologist Mary Knapp says weather records actually do support a well-known saying about April showers and May flowers.
Q...Research and Extension. / :55
WHEAT SCOOPfrom the Kansas Wheat Commission
37 / WHEAT RESEARCH FUNDING–Recently, a group of wheat producers, leading wheat scientists and others involved in the wheat industry traveled to Washington, D.C. While meeting with lawmakers there, they stated the case for enhanced federal funding for wheat-based research. Marsha Boswell has more on this week’s Kansas Wheat Scoop.
Q...I’m Marsha Boswell. / 2:53