Annual Report

of the

Parochial Church Council

year ending

31 December 2015

Incumbent: Architect:

The Revd Robin Trew Peter Sheen

The Rectory 19 Home Close

Rectory Lane Bubbenhall

Allesley Coventry


Bankers: Independent Examiner:

Natwest Bank Fox Evans

Coventry City Branch Abbey House

PO Box 301 Manor Road

Coventry Coventry


Annual and Parochical Church Meeting Sunday 17 April 2016

11.30am - Church


1.  Welcome

2.  Worship

3.  Approve Minutes of the last meeting

4.  PCC

5.  Wardens

6.  Finance

7.  Elect PCC members

Church Wardens

8.  Any Other Business

Minutes of the Annual Parishioners

Sunday 19 April 2015 11.30am in the Church




Church Wardens

Michael Jones stepped down as Church Warden after six years. Robin thanked him for all his hard work in ensuring the work for the roof progressed in a satisfactory manner, the kitchen maintenance was kept, and the many other issues Michael dealt with as a matter of course.

Linda Currin also acknowledge with gratitude all the encouragement and help he gave during this first year of her role as Church Warden.

Paul Payne was unanimously elected for the first time as Church Warden, Linda being elected for a second year.

Meeting ended 12.00pm

Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Sunday 19 April 2015 at 12pm in the Church




Sheila Carvell, Ruth Hawker, Andrew and Denise Littlewood

Matters arising


Electoral Roll

In Ruth Hawker’s absence it was stated that four members on the electoral roll had died and some others had moved away.

Robin thanked Ruth for maintaining the electoral roll and to Alison Glover in assisting in the administration.


Marie Hudson gave a summary of the accounts that were prepared by Fox Evansand independently examined.

All Saints had a successful year in 2014 with an overall increase in income of £11,154 against 2013. Gross income increased by 8.1% which was in the main due to the Bree Legacy of £30,000. This off-set the reduction in gift aid donations and other planned giving which fell by 12.7%. Although the wedding and funeral fees reduced by approximately £9,000 the figures were still similar to that of 2012.

Marie made clear that tithing is on all unrestricted income as stated on page 4 of the accounts.

While the total expenditure had reduced by 7.8%, the majority of this relates to the expenses incurred fpr the church roof restoration. This is now completed.

Marie noted her concern that the restricted fund for the youth worker giving still does not meet the outgoing.

Marie Hudson, Treasurer


The question was asked as to how much is needed for the youth worker. Marie stated she will need to look at this again and would advise.

Fey Holtum thanked Marie for a good report.


This year has seen a lot of tidying of the church, hall and grounds.

It will cost £68,000 to address the ceiling in the church. The church applied to Places of Worship, who have available £40 million. Unfortunately we were not successful in securing any funds this time however we have been advised to apply again which will be done as soon as possible.

Deanery Synod

Alison Glover, church representative to the Coventry North Deanery Synod highlighted some of the meetings that have taken place over the year.

The meetings at bi-monthly and apart from the deanery business, guest speakers were invited to come and give talks to the group. Among these were Graham Wright of Stewardship who gave a talk on giving, both individually and as a church. Tim Coleman from Radio Plus spoke about the how the radio station is run by Christians, but is not a Christian radio station, however their aim is to bring different Christian forums together to work as one for the whole of the city.

Alison explained how coming together, the churches with the Deanery were able to share ideas and work to together to build a closer knit community.


Deanery Synod

There were no places up for election


There were two vacancies.

Michael Jones stood to be elected for the three year period and was voted on unanimously.

Sides’ persons

All the sides’ persons were happy to continue for another year.


Michael Jones proposed Fox Evans should to be the examiner for the church accounts. Linda Currin seconded. The proposal was carried unanimously.


Christine Cooke asked about the damage to the Yew Tree in the churchyard and could anything be done to improve the appearance. While the church wardens agreed it did not look nice, it was felt that this should not be a drain on church resources as it would need some form of metal frame inside the tree to try to improve the look of it. It was suggested that fundraising could be arranged. Donald Hamilton asked if the insurance could pay for the tree, however the excess in this instance would be more that the cost of repair, so this was not seen as viable.

Janet Docker asked if the PCC could report back to the church members’ details of the meetings. This was not considered feasible, however the main points are passed on, not in a report but through the work and bulletins as necessary. If anyone had any questions they are welcome to talk to Yelena Williams, PCC Secretary to Robin.

Meeting closed 1.35pm


What are we here for?

“To Worship God”
Regular public worship continues in a variety of styles. We are greatly blessed in our Organists and Music Group who lead us into worship with sensitivity and flexibility. Many people help to lead our worship through small groups and various rotas and a special thanks are due to Revd Elizabeth Kerr and our wardens. Those who work behind the scenes are also greatly appreciated – our cleaners, flower team, computer operators and in particular Di Oliver and our Verger Angela Taylor who offer many hours of service to the church.

“Make Disciples”
We are blessed with gifted preachers, teachers and Small Group leaders led by Paul Payne and Becky Clarke in our monthly Cell Support sessions. We have worked with Laurence Singlehurst of CellUk to review the progress of Cell Church in the UK culture. There is some change in emphasis from the original “grow and multiply” group model and a wider understanding of what a holistic small group might be. We have started using the term “Small Group” as an alternative to “Cell Group”. We continue hold Alpha courses for adults and young people and very much appreciate the work of our professional Youth Worker, Kate who has instigated outreach to unchurched young people through visiting Allesley Park and starting a Youth Club. Darren and Kate Gardener have developed a team to run Messy Church each month and many have grown in faith through this new initiative.
Transform Communities”
Annelie Jones had again led us in cooperating fully with the Allesley Festival committee and we thank her for all her efforts as she hands over to Julie McDonald in the role of Church Rep. Amanda Slater has continued to develop our Parish Magazine this year and it is a much loved local resource – even if seems hard sometimes to get church members to make contributions in time. Thank you Amanda.

Parent & Toddler groups continue to thrive and growth in Church Hall on Wednesdays – and with Mainly Music on Saturdays we see more and more families – and Dad's in particular – coming into the church family. activities. Ru and our Mainly Music group ran a session for the Coventry North Deanery Synod which saw the Archdeacon of Coventry swinging his scarf with the best of them to “Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me”!

Ongoing support for 5 charitable causes continues though our long term project in Ethiopia with World Vision has come to its end and we have adopted the local charity “Embrace” which works with vulnerable women on Coventry streets. Friendship Group in partnership with AgeUK continues with a keen – if ageing – team of volunteers. It has been great to have Colin & Fey Holtum on extended stay here from Kenya – but not so good that it is health issues that keep them here. We continue to pray for these to be resolved.

I am very grateful to our Wardens Linda Currin and Paul Payne for their hard work this year and I am so grateful to all the volunteers who have offered support during the year. We have sadly said “au revoir” to several loyal members of the church family this year: Jan Taylor, Hazel Bell, Lew Morse and Ann Raschke have all made significant contributions to the life of the church over many years. May God grant them his peace until we meet in Christ.

Robin Trew

From the Church Wardens

This has been a busy year for both Church Wardens, at least one of us being present at most services and helping to keep things running as smoothly as everyone has come to expect. Much of the work done keeping the church and its environs in such good condition is down to volunteers, both those who meet regularly, including the Friday cleaning team, flower arrangers and churchyards (we have two) tidy team and many others who are willing to help out as and when required. A special thank you to our verger Angela Taylor, who looks after many of the jobs Church Wardens are expected to do in other churches.

The kitchen continues to be well-used, with the thermostat being replaced in the oven to (hopefully) reduce the amount of burnt offerings being made. People seem to have got used to the idea that the water heater must be left on and kettles are no longer required.

The grant application submitted last year for funds to repair the church ceiling was not successful, but we are trying again this year. It seems that if the roof isn't physically leaking, then our case isn't serious enough to warrant a grant. Thanks go to Michael Jones for putting together these applications and we are praying for success this year.

Our lovely sewage pumps both reached the end of their working lives just before Holiday Club in August, but thanks to Chris Parker ('the pump man') and a temporary pump and pipe heading towards the Rectory, Holiday Club was still able to go ahead. Needless to say, we now have two new pumps, but several thousand pounds less in the church bank account...and an annual servicing agreement. The gutters were cleaned during the summer, removing some old roofing material, moss, leaves and a couple of well-established saplings that were interfering with rainwater flow.

Several lights have been replaced (not the LED ones mentioned last year, which still have 18 years life left), both inside the church and outside, with a new heater being installed in the vestry to provide a little local heat when working near the sink.

Plans for the (near) future include replacing the sixth bell with one secured for us by our Tower Captain, Ian Thompson. Sounds simple, but the installers will need to cut new access trapdoors in the ceilings of both the vestry and ringing room. It took seven months to secure the Faculty we need in order to proceed, mainly because I hadn't applied for one before.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my co-warden Linda Currin for all the support she has given me, the hard work she has put in, particularly with paperwork for the Diocese, keeping the church log up-to-date and showing me what I am expected to do and when. I wish her all the best as she steps down from this very rewarding role.

Paul Payne

PCC Secretary

The PCC met in 2015 five times to discuss practicalities such as church building, grounds, and other general in church maintenance. The question of Health and Safety was discussed and the PCC made sure the policies are all up to date and in line with current Diocesan procedures. The PCC also endeavoured to work out how best All Saints can outreach to the wider parish community, not only opening the doors of the church, but how the church can step out and meet the community. This was not decided by PCC alone, but together is the MLT and the congregation. As a result the PCC gave a lot of thought and preparation for the Christmas services, the Big Lunch, half marathon, messy church to name but a few. The events and projects the PCC discuss could not happen without the volunteers who give their time to make them work, and for that the PCC are very thankful. The PCC also acknowledge the groups that come together in the church that help out with the maintenance of the hall. This year the windows were cleaned inside and out and the hall carpet was cleaned by the generosity of the Bereavement Group. For this, the PCC give much thanks.

If you have anything you would like to bring to the PCC, please get in touch.

Yelena Williams

07986 702585/7659 3546

Email –

Safeguarding at All Saints