Parner Pre-Schools
ThirdQuarterly Report
(1st April2008 to 30th June 2008)
Submitted to
1st July, 2008
Progress Report of Parner Pre-Schools (1st April to 30th June 2008):
The highlights of this quarter were the following.
- Forty six pre-school children (29 girls & 17 boys) who completed six years of age were admitted intogovernment primary schools.
- Fourteen new children (8 girls 6 boys) joined the pre-schools.
- A five-day-training (June 23rd to 27th) of pre school teachers and helpers was held in Pune.
- Monthly meetings wereheld wherein review was taken of the progress of each pre school and issues arising thereof were discussed.
- Milind visited Shelwak and Godsedara pre-schools.
The timing of pre-schools was temporarily changed because of high temperaturein summer months of April and May. With the after-noon temperaturestouching 40-410 C and our schools having tin roofsthe timing for children was changed to 7.00 am to 12.00 noon and the teachers worked from 7.00 am to 2 pm. From 1st June however, all the pre-schools have started functioning at normal timings i.e. 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Visits to Shelwak and Godsedara:Milind and Dilip visited Shelwak pre-school on 6th May and Godsedara pre-school on 27th May. Progress and problems of children were discussed with teachers and the attendance and progress records were checked. Some photographs were taken at these schools which are being mailed to you separately.
Training of Teachers: The third quarterly trainingof teachersand helpers washeld from 23rd to 27th June at MASUM's office in Pune. This training workshop includedpractical demonstration by resource persons and practice sessions by participant teachers on how to conduct language, mathematics, science and art lessons for groups of children.This practical training in early childhood education methodology was facilitated by three senior pre-school teachers from'Grammangal' organization of Thane District of Maharashtra. BesidesM/s Vaijayanti Deolalkar, Yogita Devre and Suman Kokani, other resource persons for this workshop were Shrikant and Anandi from MASUM and Psychologist Vijaya Kadam.
Admission of children into primary school: All the students, who completed6 years of age, were admitted into first standard of the primary schools nearby. The number of such students is given below:
Sr. No. / Name of the pre school / No of students admitted in 1st std.Boys Girls Total
1. / Bhosarmal / 1 7 8
2. / Gurhewadi / 8 2 10
3. / Shelwak / 1 6 7
4. / Godsedara / 3 8 11
5. / Limdari / 4 6 10
Total / 17 29 46
A regular follow-up of these children with respect to their attendance and progress in studies will be taken by meeting their respective class teachers once a month. This would help us in taking early corrective measures to prevent their dropping out from school.
New children in pre-schools:
Sr. No. / Name of thepre-school / New admissions
Boys Girls Total
1. / Bhosarmal / 0 2 2
2. / Gurhewadi / 2 2 4
3. / Shelwak / 1 1 2
4. / Godsedara / 2 2 4
5. / Limdari / 1 1 2
Total / 6 8 14
Now from June, the total number of students in each school will be as follows:
Sr. No. / Name of the pre school / Total No. of studentsBoys Girls Total
1. / Bhosarmal / 10 6 16
2. / Gurhewadi / 12 8 20
3. / Shelwak / 9 7 16
4. / Godsedara / 8 7 15
5 / Limdari / 14 8 22
Some migrant families are likely to come back to the villages in the hope of getting local employment as wage labour in agricultural activitystarted with the onset of rainy season.Their children of 3-6 years will be admitted to our pre-schools.
Attendance Record:Average attendance on two random dates in the last quarter has been around 78.5 %.
School / No. of children presentApril / May / June
9th / 26th / 5th / 24th / 3rd / 21st
Bhosarmal / 22 20 / 21 20 / 16 16
Gurhewadi / 22 19 / 20 23 / 19 15
Shelwak / 12 15 / 14 14 / 12 11
Godsedara / 20 18 / 16 16 / 14 11
Limdari / 25 24 / 23 24 / 20 20
Child-wise monitoring of progress: All the teachers maintain records of progressfor each child once a month. Now it has been decided that a teacher will write a note about eachchild's development in the registeronce a week and if there is a notable incidence about a child, the teacher will record it on the same day or the very next day so that these notings can be more vivid.
Some examples of children's progress:
1. Name of the student: Balubai (Girl). Age: 6 years 7 months. (Bhosarmal Pre School)
She was admitted in pre-school on 19th June 2007 by her mother. On teacher's request Balubai's mother waited with her. When mother started for home, Balubai would start crying and would gohome with her mother. Gradually she started participating in songs, stories, games etc. Later she also started bringing her two younger brothers with her. In June 2008 she was admitted into first standard and enjoys going to primary school.
2. Name of the student: Puja (Girl). Age: 6 years. (Bhosarmal pre-school)
Puja came to Bhosarmal from village Pimpalgaon. Puja came to school regularly and was very attentive enjoying every moment in the school. In one year Puja has learned to read andwrite. She makes beautiful shapes of moulding clay. She loves to act like a teacher and sing songs, tell stories, and play pictorial reading games etc to other children. Puja has now been admitted in first standard.
3. Name of the student: Krishana (Boy). Age: 6 years. (Gurhewadi Pre School)
When Gurhewadi Pre School restarted in November 2007, the teacher had to go to Krishana's house to bring him to school. He was very shy and would not speak to any one. After three months, he started speaking and enjoyed coming to school on his own regularly. In June, he has been admitted in the local primary School. .
4. Name of the student: Sushama (Girl). Age: 3 years. (Godsedara Pre School)
In December Sushama started coming school. Till then she was very silent. In first 3 to 4 months, she was not ready even to tell her name to a teacher and was not talking a single word. After 4 months, she started speaking. Now Sushma speaks confidently and she answers with a smile. Now she is so fond of the school that sometimes even on Sunday she came to school.
Financial Report {April 2008 to 30th June 2008}:
Amounts in Indian Rupees
Account Head / Budget for three months / Third quarter expenses / BalanceSalaries / 45,000 / 44,912 / 88
Aids, materials & stationery / 5,000 / 4,899 / 101
Training / 17,000 / 16,970 / 30
Travel / 12,000 / 11,858 / 142
Total Amount / 79,000 / 78,639 / 361
Opening Balance39,614
(1st April 2008)
Grant Received156,896
Less: Expenses78,639
Balance (cash & Bank)117,871
(as on 30th June 2008)