PARMA, ID 83660
208-722-5115, OPTION #1402
Cheerleaders ……………………………………………………… 4
Class Officers……………………………………………………… 3
Expectations ………………………………………………………. 5
Principal’s Message……………………………………………….. 2
School Song ………………………………………………………..4
Student Body Officers …………………………………………….3
Vision Statement PHS ………………………………………….. 5
Eligibility/Participation……………….…………………………... 19-20
Responsibility of Players…………………………………………. 20-21-22
Concussions……………...……………………………………….. 23
Attendance Policy………………………………………..……….. 13-14
Attendance Requirements…………………………………………14-15
Definitions………………………………………………………….. 14
Extracurricular Activities & Attendance………………………… 15
Code of Conduct Goals………………….……………………….25
Level I………………………………………………….………… 25-26
Level II…,,,………………………………….…………………… 26
Level III…………………….………………………………………27
Level IV…………………………………………………………. 27-28
Harassment Reporting Procedures…………………………….. 24-25
Investigation & Disciplinary Actions…………………………… 18-19
Prohibition of Weapons..…………………………………………17-18
Sexual Harassment……………………………………………….24
Student Harassment……………………………………………...23-24
Student Suspensions……………………………………………….19
Weapons………………………………………...…..……………... 18
Graduation requirements………………………………………..
Advanced Opportunities…………………………………………
General Information
Activity Money…………………………………………………… 16
Automobile Policy……………………………………………….. 17
Bell Schedule……………………………………………………..30-31
Book, Fee, Equipment, Fines…………………………………….. 9
Club/Organizations………………………………………………. 5-6-7
Dress Code……….………………………………………………. 29-30
Extra Curricular Activities……………………………………… 8
Field Trips………………………………………………………….19
Fire Drills…………………………………………………………..15
Guidance Program……………………………………………….... 12-13
Lost and Found……………………………………………………..16
Meetings……………………………………………………………. 9
Parent Responsibilities……………………………………………. 28-29
School Affairs and Dances…………………………………………. 7-8
School Lunch Program…………………………………………….. 16
Staff Responsibilities……………………………………………….29
Student Fees………………..………………………………………… 7
Student Responsibilities…………………………………………….28
Telephone………………………………………………………….. 15-16
Bus Transportation………………………………………………… 9
Additional requirements…………………..………….…………… 10-11
District Requirements……………………………………………… 9-10
Grading Scale……………………………………………………….. 11
Homework Policy…………………….…….……………………….. 12
Grading Philosophy………………………………………………… 12
Graduation Requirements………………………………………… 9
Cheating/Plagiarism………………………………………………... 12
Incomplete Work……………………………………………………13
Progress Reports……………………………………………………13
Schedule Changes…………………………………………………..13
Academic Achievement for all extra-curricular activities………5,8,21
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to ParmaHigh School, home of the Panthers! The 2016-17 year promises to be one of the most exciting, challenging and rewarding years of your life. The four years that you spend at PHS will provide you with the tools that, upon graduating at the end of your senior year, will allow you to move to the next phases of your lives, confident in your abilities and your educational experiences.
I truly believe our school is staffed by the finest group of teachers, counselor, secretaries, para-professionals, food service professionals, and custodians in the state of Idaho. We are here to assure that you have every opportunity to excel in all academic areas and achieve the success that you desire. Further, a wide variety of extra and co-curricular activities and clubs allow all students to be involved in school outside of the academic day. Research shows that this involvement is directly attributable to increased academic success.
Everyone who works at ParmaHigh School is very aware of the pride and tradition this community and school have. It is our goal to continue and even increase the excellence that many before us have worked so hard to create.
I encourage both students and parents to stay actively involved in your school. Good luck and have a great year as a Panther!
David Carson, Principal
Principal David Carson
CounselorCory Fortin
Athletic DirectorMonique Jensen
Office ManagerBobbi Krohn
PHS Staff
Larry Haddock Patty Hutton Mick Sharkey
Susan Beck Amanda Harmon Becky Mee
Jake Walgamott Frank Campbell Jane Dykas
Carole Cox Pam Larsen Michelle Dennett
Toby Leonard Stephanie Windle
Luke Renfree Amy Nichols
Paula Leppert Dale Steiner
Shelly Staniec Joel MacKenzie
Jessica Haddox Yolanda Ramirez
Shirley Coffman Rebecca Blanscet
Student Body Officers
President– Jeryn Walgamott
Vice President– Briton Parker
Secretary–Jamie Hudson
Treasurer–Ethan Sterling
Sgt-at-Arms–Wyatt Neal
School Board Representative–Cora Sharkey
Senior Class
President –Hanna Hayes
Vice President – Frankie Bautista
Secretary – Lydia Stevenson
Treasurer – Paige Powers
Historians – Shelbee Gentry, Dana Seward, Kassidy Forsberg
Junior Class
President: Benj Compas
Vice President: Sierra Pesnell
Secretary: Liz Landeros
Treasurer: Mikayla Jensen
Sophomore Class
President- Sydney Sterling
Vice-President – Annalise Han Khorn
Treasurer – Courtney Weber
Secretary - Matt Jackson
Representative – Alex Peterson.
Freshman Class
President - Jr Rodriquez
V Pres - Regan Braden
Secretary - Adyson Harris
Treasurer - Benett Richards
Historians - Justina Barba and Katie Jackson
Representatives - Sydney Atkinson and Joe Shaw
Varsity Cheerleaders
Shelbee Gentry Hanna Hayes
Yakelin Arteaga Cailey Cullen
Mariah Davis Annalise Han Khorn
Sydney Sterling Gabriellle Gentry
Samantha Steinhaus Nikki Baird
Nadine Herrera Melody Capistran
Denae Rees Jordyn Browne
Monica Barrajas
Parma Panthers brave and strong and true
We will fight our best for you
We will back you in your mighty stand
As the bravest in the land
For we know that you are loyal sons
Of our dear old Parma High
And we’ll fight, fight, with you all the
Way on your march to victory
Our purpose encourages the development of lifelong learners utilizing the ability to think critically, act ethically and contribute to the enhancement of society
To ensure all students are adequately prepared for future success, we:
• Set clear, high expectations.
•Monitor student progress through intervention and mentor teams.
• Evaluate, reflect, and adjust using compiled data.
• Encourage a positive, respectful, safe school climate and culture
• Support strong community involvement
• Inspire extracurricular and co-curricular participation
Activities are an important part of your high school career. Good records in extracurricular activities along with a good GPA are two very excellent recommendations for college entrance and scholarship applications.
Academic Achievement Requirement for all Extra-curricular activities at Parma High School
All students involved in extra-curricular activities at Parma High School must have a passing grade in every class to be eligible to participate in any games, field trips, club or group activities.
Every two weeks a D/F report will be sent to each coach, teacher, and/or advisor.
Each coach/advisor monitors their athletes.
If a student has an “F” on the report, they will be on probation for the next two weeks. The student will be allowed to participate in practices, games, field trips, club or group activities during this two week probation. At the end of this two week probation, if the student still has an F, they are ineligible for all extra-curricular activities UNTIL they have a “D” or better in that class. They may still participate in practices, but not in any games or performances.
A student becomes eligible when an Edline grade report is presented to the coach/advisor stating they have a “D” or better in that class.
- ASSOCIATED STUDENTS: Anyone in grades 9-12 may belong upon payment of the dues (ASB card). In order to participate in any sport, cheerleading, drama, band or choir, or to vote, you must belong.
- STUDENT COUNCIL: The Student Council is the policy making body for the students. Membership is limited to the elected officers of the ASB and representatives from each recognized group in the high school.
- BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA: Students enrolled in any office occupations course are eligible to belong to this co-curricular organization.
- FFA: A club designed for those students taking Vo-Ag. It allows students to utilize information gained in the classroom for project experience. FFA also gives the student an opportunity to participate in several judging contests, state conventions, and outdoor activities.
- FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLUB: Open to students currently enrolled in a foreign language class or have passed a foreign language class in previous high school years.
The object of the National Honor Society is to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in all students of ParmaHigh School. Membership is open to juniors, seniors, and 2nd semester sophomores and is based upon scholarship, service, leadership, and character as defined by the National Honor Society.
- DRAMA CLUB: Drama club is open to all students who have been enrolled in one semester of drama. Drama club members are involved with providing entertainment for school and community activities.
- PUBLICATIONS: Publications class is involved in developing of the school yearbook.
- LEO CLUB: Service organizationopen to all students.
- FHLA:Hispanic Service and leadershiporganization
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes: is a group of athletes and activists who are brought together by their common faith of Christianity. FCA is a worldwide organization with a chapter here at Parma High School.
TextbooksNo charge unless damaged or lost.
ASB Card$30.00. Required for students in any sport, cheerleading, drama, band or choir. Allows students to enter all regular season home sports contests for free, $l.00 off adult prices at away sports,games/matches, voting privileges in student body elections, attendance at National Assemblies.
Annual$61.00Class Dues
Driver Educ.$150.00Freshman: $20
*IDLA$75 (per class)Sophomore: $20
Juniors: $20
Seniors: $20
*The district will pay the course fee for each student enrolled in Idaho Digital
Learning Academy (IDLA) courses, if the course is part of the student’s full-
time enrollment. The district may require a student to pay a course fee if a
student enrolls in additional courses beyond full-time enrollment, or a student
elects to participate in summer school courses. District policy #638
Disclosure of Student Directory Information
ParmaHigh School in accordance to District policy #681 may disclose
directory information after giving written, public notice annually to parents and students.
Limited Open Enrollment
In accordance to district policy #631Parma High School can accept out of district students on a case by case basis.
The principal or activities director, and only they, can grant permission to schedule an activity or place an event on the school calendar. Students/advisors are advised to ask permission for an activity as far in advance as possible. The regulations confine attendance to the members of the student body with this exception: a member of the student body may bring a guest, if the guest is approved prior to the event by the principal or his or her designee.
No students will be allowed to enter the dance after l0:00 p.m. No dance will extend beyond l2:00 midnight. Students leaving the building during the dance will not be permitted to re-enter.
All participants in extra curricular activities must purchase an activity card. Athletes must have proof of insurance, current physical exams prior to the 9th and llth grade year and be eligible under IHSAA standards. This includes having passed at least six (6) classes the previous semester and an age limit.
Academic Achievement Requirement for all Extra-curricular activities at Parma High School
All students involved in extra-curricular activities at Parma High School must have a passing grade in every class to be eligible to participate in any games, field trips, club or group activities.
Every two weeks a D/F report will be sent to each coach, teacher, and/or advisor.
Each coach/advisor monitors their athletes.
If a student has an “F” on the report, they will be on probation for the next two weeks. The student will be allowed to participate in practices, games, field trips, club or group activities during this two week probation. At the end of this two week probation, if the student still has an F, they are ineligible for all extra-curricular activities UNTIL they have a “D” or better in that class. They may still participate in practices, but not in any games or performances.
A student becomes eligible when a Family Link grade report is presented to the coach/advisor stating they have a “D” or better in that class.
Any homeschooler planning to participate in Parma High School activities must contact the Athletic Director, at 779-4069 ext. 1430 to make arrangements to meet IHSAA eligibility requirements. It is recommended that homeschool students take the ISAT test that will be given in the spring. If this is not possible students will need to submit test scores from any nationally-normed test such as the PLAN, PSAT, ACT, SAT or COMPASS. A minimum composite, core or survey test score within the average or higher than average range as established by the test service is required for participation in activities. Another option is to submit a portfolio that meets IHSAA standards as described on the website,
When bus transportation is provided students must ride over and back on the bus. The only exception is when other arrangements are made(in writing) between the parent, principal, coach/advisor, or activities director.
All meetings of any class or club must be approved by an advisor(s). Meeting times and date should be placed in the daily bulletin.
All social functions must have the approval of the class or club advisor and the principal one week in advance.
Before final approval of a function will be given, the class or club must be able to verify that they have made adequate plans for the event, including clean up and getting it on the master calendar.
Meeting personal financial obligations is regarded as an important attribute of a responsible adult and citizen. The personal responsibilities of students at ParmaHigh School include the prompt return of books and supplies in good condition, and prompt payment of all participation fees and fines. Students are responsible for their obligations and will be held accountable for meeting them.
All students graduating from this school district will meet this state’s and this district’s graduation requirements.
ParmaHigh School operates on the semester credit system. 52 creditsare required to graduate.
English (Writing skills emphasis)8
Careers & Speech 1
Mathematics (2 credits of Algebra I or a6
class for which Algebra I is a required pre-requisite,
beginning with the class of 2013 two credits of
geometry are also required)
Physical Science (9th grade) 2 credits required
Biology (l0th grade) 2 credits required
2 credits of science for which Biology is a
Social Studies 8
Social Studies8
U.S. History I (10th grade) 2 credits required
U.S. History II (11th grade) 2 credits required
American Government (12th) 2 credits required
Economics (l2th grade) l credit required
Sociology or 2nd semester of Economics (l2th grade) l credit required
Health and Physical Education3
Health l credit required
Physical Education/Athletic Training 2 credits required
Drama, Foreign Language, World History
Or any course that compares/contrast cultures
(Vocal or Instrumental Music or Applied Art)
Computer Class(Business Occupations,2
Publications, Information Tech.)
Required credits for core classes 38
Area of Concentration 8
- Score proficient on the Idaho Standard Achievement Test or meet the requirements of an Alternative Assessment.
- Must be enrolled for 8 classes per semester.Valedictorian and salutatorian will be determined at the end of the 7th semester. GPA determines these honors. GPA will be carried to the third decimal place without rounding.
The following requirements will be used to select the valedictorian(s) and salutatorian(s). Valedictorians and salutatorians will be required to complete the College Prep area of concentration (see below for definition of College Prep area of concentration). The top GPAs of the senior class will be valedictorian and salutatorian.
College Prep Requirements
Both the valedictorian and salutatorian must have the College Prep area of concentration. In order to complete the College Prep area of concentration, one must have the following beyond the regular Parma High School graduation requirements:
•2 years of foreign language
• 2 additional years of lab sciences, including Chemistry, Physics,
Biology II, and/or Biotechnology
• College Prep Senior English
•4 years of academic math (up to Calculus if student starts in
Geometry, or up to Advanced Math if student starts in Algebra I)
•2 years of business classes, including Bus Apps I & Bus Apps II
- May earn credits toward a ParmaHighSchool diploma through correspondence or alternative programs. Correspondence and alternative credits must be approved in advance by the principal and counselor. Correspondence credits will be limited to three (3). Alternative credits will be limited to six (6).
- May earn credits toward a ParmaHigh School diploma by passing (80%) a school formulated competency examination to test out of a course. Credits earned in this matter will be limited to 4. Pass/fail of the exam will be determined by the department head and building administrator.
- Summer school credit from an approved accredited high school program may be used for graduation. Six (6) semester credits may be accumulated and accepted as the equivalent of an academic semester meeting the eight (8) semester attendance recommendation.Arrangements for this need to be approved with the high school counselor prior to enrolling for the class(es).
- Early graduation may occur when a high school student completes the number of credits required by the school district prior to completing eight (8) semesters of high school work. The students must petition the superintendent and local school board to get approval.
- Students who complete graduation requirements early will be allowed to participate in the regularscheduled graduation and receive a diploma at that time.
Advanced Opportunities Programs
State-funded advanced opportunities include Mastery Advancement Program (MAP) and Fast Forward. MAP provides a $1,500 scholarship upon early graduation. Fast Forward allocates $4,125 for each Idaho 7th-12th grade student for overload and dual credit classes. More details about these opportunities can be found on the school website or The dual credit/advanced opportunities form must be completed and turned into the office in order to request monies.
90 – 100A
80 – 89B
70 – 79C
60 – 69D
Below 60F
Homework is assigned as an important reinforcement to the “learn-practice-apply” knowledge cycle. Zeros (0) indicate that a critical step in the process was not completed by the student. Therefore, every effort should be made to ensure that students consistently complete all homework assignments.