Borough of Poole Equality Impact Assessment
Function: / Blue Badge ParkingService Unit: / Transportation Services
Names & roles of officers/ partners undertaking EQIA: / Unit EQIA Working Group consisting of:- Jason Benjamin - Parking Services Manager, John McVey – Passenger Transport & Accessibility Manager, Ken Pearce – Local Transport Plan Manager.
Date screening completed: / 8th March 2011
Aims of the Function
The parking service aims to support the Council’s transportation and economic strategies, balancing the needs of all users. It promotes inclusive communities and ensures access for all, particularly in relation to community safety.
All drivers of vehicles whether they are residents or business users or visitors to Poole benefit from the service. It also creates a safer environment for pedestrians and cycle users.
Poole’s blue badge aim is to provide a sufficient amount of convenient and accessible dedicated disabled parking areas for blue badge holders in our off street car parks. The capacity usage of dedicated disabled areas is reviewed bi-annually by the parking services team to ensure that we are meeting our aims.
In addition, every year the parking services team attends a Getting About Poole meeting to discuss with stakeholders whether blue badge provision is adequate and what actions are required in the town.
Jason Benjamin, Parking Services Manager is responsible for the functions of the Parking Services Section, which include not only car park management but also enforcement of on and off street parking regulations through the issue of Penalty Charge Notices. The parking services team also manage any complaints regarding blue badge abuse and works closely with social services and the Police to prevent this happening.
Equality Strand / EQIA Evidence / SMART Actions / Performance Measures
People from different age groups / Key Findings
-Blue badges are issued by social services irrespective of age (except if the person is under 2 years old). They are issued on the basis of mobility needs
-The majority of Blue badge holders are over the age of 60
-Adult Social Services issue over 7,000 blue badges a year. Each badge lasts for 3 years / Monitor proposed timetable for new government regulations to take affect.
Current mitigating actions/positive actions
-In February 2011, new Government proposals to ensure that age does not affect entitlement.
-Lifts and ramps are provided in the multi storey car parks for less mobile customers, and a popular shop mobility service operates from the Dolphin multi story car park. These are being upgraded to ensure they are DDA compatible.
Disabled people / Key findings:
-There are over 200 dedicated disabled parking spaces in the borough. This number is reviewed twice a year to ensure it meets the needs of disabled drivers. The latest survey was undertaken in July 2010 and the outcome suggested that the provision of disabled parking was adequate. In addition, blue badge holders can park free of charge up to 3 hours in on-street parking bays. / Parking Services team undertake bi-annual surveys in April and July/August. / POP satisfaction survey. Insert sub question to reflect reasons why people are satisfied or dissatisfied with service.
Current mitigating actions/positive actions
-Disabled parking spaces are located at strategic points within the car parks to enable users to gain easy access to facilities. Some car parks have extra wide bays for wheelchair users. In 2010 the Council doubled the amount of DDA bays in Quay visitors car park and in March 2011 doubled the number of DDA bays in the Dolphin shopping centre car park.
-The Parking Services Manager met and consulted with the Getting About Poole Group on the 18th February 2011to discuss new charging policy. The feedback from the group felt that blue badge parking should remain free of charge in car parks. The PSM stated that this concession was no longer viable given the current financial climate. However, the council’s proposed actions to create more DDA bays and improve accessibility in all car parks were welcomed by the group. The GAP group also insisted that adequate signs be placed in the car parks so that blue badge holders know that have to pay from 1st May 2011 and that tax exempt holders can still park for free. / Clearly worded and sited signs will be displayed in all car parks stating that blue badge holders will have to pay for parking from 1st May 2011.
Also warning notices will be issued in the first week of enforcement rather than Penalty Charge Notices.
. / If 50% of all DDA bays are at full capacity usage when surveyed then this will be the trigger point for further review of DDA provision
-The new payment machines installed in the four multi story car parks are all accessible for wheel chair users and compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act. / Monitor how many PCNS issued in blue badge bays for non compliance or fraudulent use.
-Lifts and ramps are provided and an extensive lift refurbishment programme has taken place in recent years. Further lift refurbishment work took placein 2010. In addition a popular shop mobility scheme operates from Dolphin car park, which is supported financially by the Council.
-Help Points are available 24/7 in all car parks for people needing assistance. Induction loops will be installed in the multi story car parks to assist those with hearing difficulties.
-Charges currently apply in multi story car parks for disabled badge holders, however in surface car parks higher rate mobility users (tax exempt) are exempt from charges for the first 3 hours. A review of the council’s charging policy for blue badge holders was completed in 2009/2010 and reviewed again in 2010/11. Disabled parking requirements are about access to services and not about the ability to pay.
-As part of the development of Seldown surface car park, an additional 5 disabled parking spaces have been created.
-In 2010, we installed pedestrian routes in the Quay visitors car park to separate pedestrians from moving traffic. This also meant wheelchair users could access exit ramps and lifts without having to constantly look behind.
People of different faiths or belief / Key findings:
-No evidence that there will be a negative impact on people of different faiths or beliefs
Current mitigating actions/positive actions
- / None
Men, Women,
Trans people / Key findings:
-No evidence that there will be a negative impact on people of different faiths or beliefs.
Current mitigating actions/positive actions
- / None
Black and minority ethnic people / Key findings:
-Blue badge symbol is an international recognised sign so that people from different nationalities living in the UK are likely to know the meaning.
-No evidence that there will be a negative impact on BME people
Current mitigating actions/positive actions
- / Monitor any proposals to change symbol
Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual people / Key findings:
-No evidence that there will be a negative impact on Lesbian, gay or bisexual people
Current mitigating actions/positive actions
- / None
Review date[1]: / Sent record to PERD Rep and Improvement and Policy Officer – Equalities
Author: Sue Newell, Policy and Improvement Officer
January 2007
[1] In at least 3 years time