1994 US CMS 273 members 37 institutes

DOE contribution 200M cms 200M atlas 100m LHC

CMS Total 465.6 CHF ($372m) magnet 121.9 CHF (25%)

Atlas magnet (40%)

Me = 9.11e-31 Kg

Title Slide – starting next year you will see major discoveries in HEP

I am an experimentalist on CMS detector

First a quick look at the physics

And then a detailed look at the detectors which make this possible

Monte Carlo typical collision at 14 TeV

Slide 2 - quantum electrodynamics g-2 measured to 10 decimal places

GF 5 places

MZ, MW 5 places 0.1% in cross section

Alpha_s 4 decimal places

Fundamental theories don’t have 26 parameters

Why does nature repeat itself three times at different mass scales

Why do fundamental particles have mass

Slide 3 - intertwined in the standard model is the higgs particle

Theory doesn’t converge without it

W,Z get mass through interaction with Higgs Field

Beautiful mathematics idea from Solid State Physics 1965

Field Theory – spin 0 particle +Turn on new force (gauge interactions)

New objects with mass appear. Number of spin states increase.

Eats complex amplitude

Mechanism can explain fundamental particle masses

Slide 4 - Steal Wilczeks’ book title

Finally a way to get rid of fundamental mass

new view of fundamental particles

energy/mass is in the fields

Explain layman’s view

Very Pretty but where’s the higgs

Slide 5 – Higgs is not enough

Very difficult to have a low mass spin 0 object (distasteful)

Natural explaination comes from new symmetry SUSY

Slide 6 - LEP shutdown Nov 2000

Build new accelerator to find higgs

Remove all magnets put in 5000 new ones

Rebuild all experimental halls

Worlds largest accelerator

Talk about Atlas and CMS. Alice is designed for heavy ion. LHC B for b physics

Magnets have reached CMS detector

Slide 7 – acclerator will provide 14 TeV cm energy

Proton complex objects 3 valence quarks + sea of qq pairs and gluons

Know probability of each type of constituent carrying a fraction of beam momentum

Glue-Glue dominates

Higgs Production modes

More important – decay modes

There are others but these are the cleanest

Slide 8 – These are international experiments. CMS as an example

More US than any other country

Your government put in 0.5 billion dollars

Three major subdetectors dominated by Americans

Slide 9 - Detectors are hugh. Basics physics as energy/momentum increases

bend decreases.

In a 4 T field a 300 GeV particle bends in 250m radius

Deviation from straight line is 2mm! Need to measure

To ~200um over these large detectors

Slide 10 –

The two major detectors on LHC to scale

Both share very similar subsystems

Major difference is choice of magnetic field


relatively small central solenoid (2t)

Calorimetry outside solenoid.

Precision muon measurement in large toroidal field (40% cost)

CMS: Eiffel tower 7300 tons

Large central solenoid (4t) (25% cost)

Calorimetry inside solenoid.

Muon system measurements in return yoke.

Slide 11 –

Photons no track + electromagnetic shower

Electrons track +electromagnetic shower

Hadron track+strong interation shower

Neutral hadron no track + electromagnetic show

Muon to heavy to brehmstralung photon passes thru anything

Slide 12 –

Schedule of CMS run by LHC Civil engineering

Atlas hall habitable for over 1.5 years

CMS hall ready for occupancy Oct 1, 2007

Atlas being in final resting place

CMS being build above ground. Need to cable starting now.

Slide 13 –

CMS build around world’s largest solenoid

4T central field

2.7 GigaJoules stored energy (load 747 going 400 mph)

Cool down successful

Reached B=4.003T 2 weeks ago

Test dumping of 2.7 Gigajoules. Superconducting coils go normal.

Helium changes phase. $10000 done three times

Exciting times at CERN.

Magnet ready.

Slide 14 -

Atlas build around toroids

4-8 Tm bending power

Cooled down. Testing measuring magnet field right now.

Will obviously be ready.

Slide 15 –

Give status of detector from interaction outward

CMS tracking in 4 T magnetic field.

Thousands of tracks to reconstruct.

80 million tracking elements (200x LEP detectors)

pixels near center (good virtex position resolution)

Slide 16 –

Silicon detectors in hand

Integration in device done.

Installation early next year.

In good shape. Pixels installed after Nov 08 pilot run.

Meantion radiation

Slide 17 –

Atlas system similar. Pixels, Silicon strips.

Straw tube (TRD) electron identification

Completely finished.

OSU atlas group designed and built chips for optical communications

(data path to outside)

Slide 18-

Monte carlo of muon momentum resolution for two detectors

CMS mult scattering in iron return yoke limits muon system

Resolution central detector (B=4T dominates)

Atlas resolution in Toroids Dominate.

CMS combined sightly better, Time will tell

Slide 19-

Inside magnet

CMS opted for crystals to measure e’s, and gamma’s

80,0000 crystals in system

Presample 3x rejection pi0/gamma

Slide 20 –

Crystals need to be grown, Russia, China

Barrel Complete April 2007

Famous plot within collaboration

Endcaps get crystals starting now.

Production schedule tight.

Won’t be ready for commissioning run (shown in red)

Ready for physics

Slide 21 -

Outside solenoid

Atlas uses liquid argon/Pb ECAL

CMS almost factor of 2 better resolution

Further consequences later

Slide 22 –

Inside solenoid

CMS endcap and barrel calorimeter stacked

Scintillator brass tiles, WLS fiber readout

15,000 channels (3 radial segmens)

Good position

Picture of being stacked


Slide 23 –

Barrel to be inserted in magnet

Endcap known as the Nose

Both detectors and electronics done/operational

Swords to plowshares

Slide 24 –

Outside magnet

Barrel Fe-Scint, endcap Cu-argon


Slide 25 –

Measured HCAL resolution

Atlas factor of 2 better

CMS crystals -> non compensating HCAL

Pay for good gamma, e resolution

Slide 26 –

CMS Muon System made of 2 major subsystems

Drift Chambers 200k channels 200um resolution

Complete Dec 6

Slide 27 –

CMS Endcap Muon CSC

Self advertisement, OSU build Cathode FE electronics,

Data Aquistion electronics (4 boards) 5/8 main electronics

Boards in system

Active area size of football field. With good resolution

90% installed and commissioned

Slide 28 – advertise

Slide 29 – advertise

Slide 30 – advertise

Slide 31- Atlas MDT cover most area. CSC most forward (rate)

Trigger chambers. Done by Summer 2006

Slide 32-

Atlas short. Slides given to me. Understanding of detector.

Toroids inspired us all with awe.

Impossible to do justice with pictures

Slide 33-

Favorite slide

Trigger systems quite complex both AtlasCMS

Reduce input by 7 orders of magnitude.

Rate off chamber matches www world bandwidth

First Level Trigger reduces this to 100kHz

Farm Reduces this to 100 Hz

Slide 34- Whole talk required for trigger, Most system present. Extra

Capability summer 07. Second level trigger is large farm.

First 600 PC’s just purchased and will be installed at

Point 5 december.

Slide 35-Even at 100Hz data storage is incredible. Unthinkable 5 years ago.

CMS Atlas each produce on order of 20TB/day

Castor easily writes to tape 5x this amount

Distribution: Tier 1 and 2 centers

30 TB/day, with delay ok

Slide 36 - All components on CMS and Atlas have undergone extensive

Tests. Every amplifier. Test beam. Radiation tests. Rate tests.

Continuity tests. One has to make them work together

Slide 37 - elephant hunters (gone)

Slide 38 - first closing took 4 days instead of 4 hours

Lookouts posted

Airpads to grease pads

Camera survey 50,000 pictures from different positions

Increadible accuracy for a chamber this size

Slide 39 - pins hit electronics for 3 chambers, landed between CFEBs.

No damage, incredible

Slide 40 - Beautiful cosmic ray events passing though all detectors. Large

Trigger rate 200 Hz. Analysing and fitting data as we speak.

Slide 41 - Atlas well toward being fully installed

CMS moves to new come. A lot to do.

In 8-9 months

Slide 42 - Lowering 10cm per side

Takes hours. All work stops as we watch webcams

Slide 43 – Movie

Slide 44 – Movie

Slide 45 - LHC schedule.

Delivery of magnets on schedual.

Impossible to fully commission all magnets for 7TeV running.

Will commission ¼ other ¾ in Nov to May break

Will run at 900 GeV CM

Three stages

Random bunches, 75 nsec bx interval, 25 nsec bx interval


Slide 46 - A commissioning run. Luminosity probably on the low side.

Few W’s and Z’s . Lots of min bias events with single muons

p>100 Gev.

We have lots to understand

Slide 47 - When LHC turns on, it is expected to have reasonable luminosity

Higgs at 200GeV, Susy at 1TeV 1st year

Super LHC installed 2013.

Slide 48 - Atlas and CMS will be ready for physics run May 2008